[SFM] The Bloodmoon Conclave - Rolemadness 12'er (6/12)! - Conclave win!

What was the modifier attached to my doc? 5 points that contribute to nothing says Quack


what was ita chance


@Solic I am very unhappy

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Should we have a fun review for setups

For example a balancer can put a fun review next to the setup so people know how fun the reviewer thinks it is

Couldnā€™t you just ask the reviewer how fun they think the setup is?
That information isnā€™t hidden.

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This is meant for the players joining the game rather then the actual person, Mercenary made this game for the fun of them watching players not have fun

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But the game was intended to be fun as well :frowning:
Aside from the 0.01% chance.

You said the chance wasnā€™t 0%.

Mercenary Iā€™m revoking your fun license

You donā€™t know how to even use it in the first place so not a big loss imo

Player expectation is that the ITA chance would be incredibly low
Well it should be

This was a 12ā€™er


ITA hitchance would have been 3% to be fair in a 12er
but thanks for the support

btw geyde-san do you want me to send the setup I sent as a draft to fk to see what you would do with it

That was actually offensive.
Less on the offensive side and more on the gaslighty side, though.


  • Town doc backup, knows who the doc is
  • Town bodyguard
  • Town compulsive random fake poisoner
  • Town cop switch
  • Town miller
  • Town rolecop
  • Town
  • Town
  • Town
  • WW unknown sanity (vanilla) day doctor/poisoner
  • WW cop/dunno + omnimiller
  • LW Medium/1-shot claim vigilante (in this case they will never be informed as joining the chat or not to the town, but going into claimvig mode wonā€™t allow them to talk with the dead for this night) with the shot revealing them as the shooter
  • maybe a neut
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But with knowledge that you treat BG as Elite BG, I would say townsided

Or at least incredibly dependent on night actions
I take back previous statement

okay Iā€™ll give you your fun license back if you can look me straight in the eyes and tell me that this setup would be fun for players to play

I didnā€™t even know the bodyguard was elite