SFoL 12 The Return of The Unseen! {BD, Merc, Alch win}

The assassin would be immediately replaced and then the MM can convert again

One word to say to that suggestionā€¦


We donā€™t even know if there could be a Fool in play, and we donā€™t know as well if the Fool has been changed yet either, so unless there are slips or any contradictios or anything, best not to

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Depending if there was a convert. There are classes that can prevent them you knowā€¦

And the Lunatic can convert if accused or executed.

Think of it as a mini-MM.

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We already have a confirmed Alchemist/Plague Doctor. I doubt we have a Fool in play. And it would be nice to get them out early.

In addition to the lynch on Marl, he talked Daystart. Fool tends to stay quiet the whole day.

In the majority of cases, nolynching in a game is a bad thing.
As Iā€™m sure that youā€™ve probably heard yourself Wolf.
Executing someone gives us information.
So why would we miss out on that valuable info which would could stand to gain?
If we hit an Unseen, we can look for associations and work from there.

Theyā€™re support. We can have socials in game as well

Iā€™d rather Lynch a Fool than keep them alive and allow them to be a potential Lunatic too.

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I agree.

And here I was thinking that you actually had something good, until you said that which Polik just reminded usā€¦

But the chances of MM converting Fool and having a Fool in the game is very low. If a Fool is rolled itā€™d be in our best interest to execute them D2.

Not saying I donā€™t. Iā€™m disagreeing with the random lynch though, and until we have had a chance to hear form everyone, and there is one person Iā€™m currently trying to get a lock on

And can people guess who Iā€™m talking about right now. I did mention, they might be the best pl d3 or d4

The problem is that lynching someone. ANYONE will benefit Unseen

I mean, itā€™s not really random. Itā€™s a 2/5 chance of hitting Scum if you, PKR, Hippo, Nuclear and Eevee is not scum.

Iā€™m considering giving you a hint why I can;ā€™ be scum, but itā€™s not a good idea yet for me

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However the odds of executing someone and it also helping BD is very low

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Itā€™s a higher chance it will benefit the Unseen if you think about itā€¦

Thatā€™s why I suggested wait for everyone else to come up, give their results and then decided where to go from there. But at this moment, hard claiming and soft claiming really is not the best thing to do. What eevee did could be considered pro-BD yes, but he also could have given the Unseen what he becomes the first night, especially that everyone is essentially convertible

Executing anyone, benefits everyone:

  1. BD, executing BD. Confirms the presence of a class. Making it so we can slowly create an idea of what theyā€™d have done and make lists from there. Yes, thereā€™s doubt. However, thereā€™s always a chance weā€™d be right
  2. Unseen executing BD. Well -1 member against them.
  3. NK executing BD. -1 member against them
  4. Neutral executing BD. Speeds up the game making it so they win quicker
  5. BD, executing Unseen. No need to say.
  6. Unseen, executing Unseen. Weird, but allows for them to convert again maybe if they want that to happen
  7. NK executing Unseen. Catches BD off guard as theyā€™d be rushing to find final couple Unseen instead of NK
  8. Neutral executing Unseen. Speeds up game for them.
  9. BD executing NK. -1 KPN
  10. Unseen executing NK -1 KPN. Unlikely theyā€™d be killed at all except executions or lucky actions
  11. Neutral executing NK. -1 KPN. Less likely to be killed
  12. BD executing Neutral. Reduces what neuts we can have. Good for PoE
  13. Unseen executing Neutral. Good for PoE, gives them ideas of who to convert based on how much people are leading
  14. NK executing Neutral. Less people to die if not something which can directly win from the get go with NK
  15. Neut executing Neut. Maybe wincons are conflicting (Merc vs scorned)

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