SFoL 28 - Grand...ish Idea! - Blue Dragon (except Memesky), Dreaming God and Foolsochist Victory!

And i didn’t use stoneskin so nice try with confirming yourself kitten

I mean, if FK is scum then you will live through this since you will be death immune. Which is why we need to do this.

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Your only shot at living is to stoneskin.

this is also why we need an observer to make sure tech is the one that attacks captain and not FK in case FK is a NK that kills through immunity or something

But you aren’t stone skinning cause you think I’m telling the truth.

Which I am but that just shows you he believes me.

Although it will affect even stoneskin.

I mean if you use stoneskin and you don’t die then you will be confirmed as alch (or at least as a death immune role) and that would mean that either FK is scum or Tech isn’t knight.

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There are trials but eod lynch is a thing too

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So you can exe/pardon now


but who is on trial right now? marcus or captain?

We do still have to wait?

Marcus surely?

We aren’t on trial. No one is on trial

Well everyone else is putting in executes already.

Memesky made a joke and idk why Techwolves believed it

Maybe tech is nk who bypasses death immune or he is scum who wil bypass death immune with kitten so no


/unexecute Until trial starts or not.

But one use? How exactly is that scum ability?