SFoL 29 - Blender v. 2.0 - (3/23) - Game end

But what about Hippo king :thinking:


I know you were joking, Psycho. Iā€™m just rounding up the cattle and see where they lead me.

I like PKRs reactions. Anyone notice anything about this round of voting pattern?

Wait what?

@Pug wait a day plox.

Soā€¦ you reaction tested when thereā€™s 6 hours left in the day? :thinking: Not sure thatā€™s wise.

His entire reaction to being death-tunneled was justā€¦ odd.

D1 shitposting and fake-claiming is pretty normal, but psychoā€™s reaction to being wagonā€™d is red flag for me.

Tbh, I tried ISO diving but my mind just isnā€™t focusing enough.
As a result, Iā€™d go for a policy lynch tbh.
As thatā€™s best default when not reading.

PL you to stop PKR flowchart :thinking:

Nope. I already said I have knowledge of a mechanic.
So Iā€™mma reveal that at a certain point

25 hours left in the day :thinking:


It should be incredibly obvious what PKR is. I hope it proves useful.

:man_facepalming: did I seriously miss a whole day worth of time

@Sketch is correct


It was the damn timestamp having 2d on it making me think we nearly had EoD. My apologies

ā€¦ marcus is dead to me

Wait wut? This day feels long lul


omae iā€™m mou shindeiru




A shot in the dark here, but I feel as if at least one or two of the inactives or memers are scum. I am getting some, even a slight, town motivation from most of the active non-shitposting people here and much of the pushing seem to have a mostly town motivation behind them, even if they may be TvT in nature.

Also, Sam17zā€™s vote was just flat-out weird. He only had one post this entire day and it was only a weak accusation on me for sheeping on Marl. Heā€™s typically inactive, but Iā€™d have expected him to push harder on me unless this was some form of reaction test.

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/vote Psychoneirik

If you guys are really worried about htm getting healed, then I can just spike trap him for 2 nights and nothing will get through

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But then would someone else put visit prevention on Marl, or are we just gonna let Demwir convert him