SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

Ah, but even I have spotted several inconsistencies in his postings.

For example, he states that most of d1 postings are NAI. He then proceeds to highlight some of these things that he considers “strange” but in no way does he state that they are AI. It does look like he is laying the foundation for doubt on some people however, and for this reason I slightly scumread him because it is vague and non-committal.

@Luxy how much time do we have?

Er, just saw we have 2 days and a bit. Solic is usually on in a couple of hours so I will press him then if I can, I recommend to those that are on do the same.

The fuck? You asked for defense

Is that defense?

Because to me it seemed like an OMGUS

Unless your defence was the “I was offline”

Iirc all you did was naked vote. What exactly is Frost supposed to defend?

Approximately 56 hours are left in the day.

Yeah what do you expect while I was asleep during the time? I can’t seem to bother your vote unless you want to open discussion why you voted me in the first place, I think you were going to pressure me with just one vote and believes I got your attention…not.

Mathblade can you give me an update on who is on your heiree’s list?

I am thinking Fire you Sarun and Ici in no particular order.

Not too much has changed it. Sarun did a weird soft claim of sorts about Ici so may be best to find out more.

You come off as really genuine and I would love to talk with you more. Fire I liked how they are trying to explain things but some I don’t get and maybe night chats would help.

Sarun has offered mechanical infomation to likely defend Ici from an accusation that he is anything apart from an non-NK neut/GD.

ISO Sarun again, tell me was this mechanical info acquired during the day or during the night?

@MathBlade you can just skimread to find the answer IMO

This is the first imho hard defense

So Sarun used a day action to clear Ici, it seems?

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What exactly was the point of that question? I don’t see how this relates to my Heir list?

Grrrrrrrrrrr maybe it doesn’t at all :rage: but its bugging me

But I don’t see a single GD/Neut day ability that would clear Icis range to being Non neut NK/ GD from a single day action. That’s what bothers me.

In other words, I think Sarun’s lead is a lie.

I have been working all day and am getting ready for bed. Tomorrow during lunch I can look too. I have been so busy I kinda took it for a grain of salt and was gonna look more in depth when I had time

I think I figured out and furthers confirm my suspicions especially on Sarun as non-nk

This is from The Count. Which is the only NK Sarun could be here if your assumptions are correct?