SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

@Marluxion What do you think about Squid?

Youā€™d have to read the posts to know why man.

No, you can tell me why you think itā€™s unnatural.

I already told you why itā€™s unnatural! There would have been more resistance to his posts before he decided to give up on accusing Sarun. Now answer my question and donā€™t deflect

And I told you that there was plenty of resistance before it. Youā€™re taking that post out of its context. You are the one deflecting with not answering all my points and instead trying to get me to talk about Frost.

htm, if you want to sheep, sheep someone who you truly think is Town and donā€™t blindly go off sheep because someone told you to

First of all, quote this ā€œresistanceā€ you speak of. Second of all, name the points that I didnā€™t answer instead of blindly saying that I just ignored them

From all this you literally only addressed this.

While I think Solic is likely Scumlic due to his contradiction (I will go read it again though)

But he could have a good reason for accusing you.

Literally, almost all his posts consist of him pushing Sarun. You canā€™t just say he backtracks after catching some heat, because he kept on pushing for ages, but multiple people pointed out how bad his tinfoil was, so he changed his mind after that. Backtracking is just the word you want to use to point out scum, when it can just as easily be seen as changing your mind or being convinced of a different view.


Please quote this apparent contradiction or stop spreading false information.

I am becoming despondent at our possibilities of becoming unified enough to accuse someone todayā€¦

Pretty sure this is scum

We have two days

I would also like to adjust my claim of Marl being honourable and instead put him towards the treacherous side. I believe he may be the Count wishing to reclaim his homeland.

Marl does not seem to care who gets the axe today

What do you think about Squid?

They accused Joker so I think they are Golden Dragon

He normally does tbh


How is that a fucking contradiction? Nowhere did I specifically refer to Ici vs Marcus being NAI in that post. Hence why I asked right in that quote, where I said that. I also said this right before that post. I didnā€™t remember much of day 1.

Let me ask you this, what is my scum motivation behind that ā€œcontradictionā€? What would I hope to achieve?