SFoL 33: The Golden Dragon 2 - Golden Dragon, Diseased and Neutral Queen win!

/vote Solic

I’d rather vote Frost here, but Solic is my second choice alongside M.

Vote Count!

Accused Voters Count
Frostwolf Mthejoker, Mathblade 2/9
Margaret Solic 1/9
MathBlade Memesky 1/9
Memesky Marluxion 1/9
MtheJoker htm,bazingaboy 2/9
Solic Icibalus, Margaret, Marcus, Sarun, PoisonedSquid, Lightsin, GamerPoke 7/9

@Frostwolf103 you too


Someone used the vote-stopping ability on FK. He can’t vote today.

Oh nvm then

Which is stupid to ever be on a town class, as it’s usually too late for BD if you need to use it and or they are confirmed scum so what does it matter.


Vote manipulation in general is somewhat dumb to exist on a pro-town class, at least Psycho didn’t add any gladiators to this setup.

Yeah. Voting is key for Uninformed-Majority type classes

Should be for reptiles tbh

Least he didn’t add machosist

Fun class idea here. A gladiating Jester.

1 Like

Ici’s nightmare

Glad survivor. Forced to use it every day.

Gladiatinf Jester Survivor


Macho is also a bad class as it punishes evils for doing their job.


And Non-Scums from properly Scum Reading

It’s funny that there’s really about 4/5 people active right now

In about 2 hours everyone is gonna be awake, and then stuff is gonna happen.

Forenote: plz don’t ask my claim during then. I’ll be asleep(it’s 1 hour till midnight here).

At this point, if Solic is on a scum team, then his buddy would not want to vote him since we are reaching EOD and we still need some votes in order to put him on trial

I am out with friends. I am debating this and have been reading as I can

/Unvote Frost

Will respond why when I get a chance