SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die

stares at Camelot v2

Camelot v3 when? :thinking:


Is the beast they’re trying to awake Corax? I could use some more followers right now

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(v3 was on a different forum)

No. The beast is a Heart Of Darkness.

Ok then Camelot v4 when?


*brings The Chronicle Of All Stories

Once again, the stars are right and the manor sits at the very epicenter of cosmic unrest. Cultists rally to their twisted idols and great gongs sound in anticipation of the coming sacrifices. Far below, life-laden shadows pulse to the unrelenting rhythm of a beating heart.

*closes the Book

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Y u bully me

I’m not bullying. It’s the truth, that is beyond your understanding.

I feel like there could be interesting neutrals that could be added to this

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when did telling the truth become bullying?

tried to meme but that mcfucked up

Eldritch Fool. Perfect.

i’d like to file a mccomplaint with your mcmanager

But on serious note, for some reason, I have feeling Crusader would much better fit to Theme. Kek

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I’d like to say


Why did you delete it? You can join.

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you aren’t late :slight_smile: please we need fresh meat we lost like 2 people maybe 3 in the last week or we are lonely


Join pls :smiley:

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