SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die

You’re not Poke

Are you sure?

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Me and GamerPoke are one in the fight against PKR

GamerPoke is the one true pokemon from the forums

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Also, just in case ahem

The king has made PoisonedSquid unable to be voted today.


Thank you Celeste, very cool!

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Can good king make players unable to vote aswell?
(I got up unusual early)

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will waste the other use tomorrow


all of that was removed so that Litten could have a better life

Yes, let’s totally vote up the prince d2 cause we would do that

oh btw Luxy is wolf because their tone is reaaallly obviously the same as when they were wolf in CIJTR2

/vote Luxy

Full case coming in ~1 hour.

Here we go the classic Scum!Icibalus death-tunnel on one person the whole game.

Same could be said about you, your tone is almost exactly the same as AAFM and your ‘reactiontests’ feel like forced town motivation which happens everytime icibalus rolls scum.

Luxy Case

So, as I mentioned, this read is mostly tone. We can skip the huge pile of less serious posts in both games here, however intrestingly I noticed a total difference in the first votes. THIS DOES NOT DISCOUNT THE META READ simply because meta reads don’t have to match exactly to work. Instead, let’s see how they interact with PoisonedSquid (in both games, ironically)

I’m pretty certain Squid is villa here and they WERE villa there so seeing how the same person reacts to simmilar questioning can be very useful:

Luxy's Interactions in their wolf game:

When asked about why they quick-edit to fix grammatical errors like FK, Luxy answers:

luxy responds to a simple question with an unbelievably gruff answer. I feel this is slightly out-of-character but can’t relaly prove it, but here’s the thing that happens next;

Does this seem inane? Well, the thing is that Squid goes back on on this, and Luxy instantly responds with a passive-agressive “Come on, it’s obvious”.

Look at this incredibly passive-agressive declaration. This is all going somewhere, I promise.
Luxy then shade-throws Squid. I can’t call it anything else;

They then go off with a simmilar dialogue with FK but I feel if we limit this to their interactions with Squid’s style of asking seemingly pointless questions we’ll find the greater simmilarities.

Luxy's Interactions in this game

Notice the brusque response once more? The hard and to-the-point answer already matches the wolf game.

Here’s where it gets intresting;

They then passively-agressively tell Squid to read the thread;

then shade-throws squid:

And then ends up in a simmilar conversation, only this time still with Squid.

Should it not be obvious that Luxy is doing the exact same thing in both games? But of course, he will scream at me for not including a village game to go up against, so here’s the final game;

Luxy's interactions in their village game (Ace Attorney):

Well, let’s take them interacting with the equivilant of Squid in this case, a lower wolfread who asks them questions leading to an interaction; Parfait.
(Yes, I know Parfait was wolf in this game but she was lost wolf so the argument still stands)

They begin with a question, in a quite polite way rather than a passive-agressive way

They don’t immediately get dragged into the iinteraction, they INSTEAD post more sophisticated reasoning than “something something TONE something”.

This is the only post where they’re actively rude to Parfait, by the way. Intresting, isn’t it, that luxy isn’t as rude to the people they treat as wolves in their village game.

Moving along, instead of staying short, shade-throwy and agressive, Luxy’s posts are longer and more sophisticated, which shows a totally different perspective to me.

Ergo, Luxy is wolf and should be our lynch for today.

So wait, we got evil king then?

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Accused Voters Count
Margaret MaximusPrime, 1/8
Insanity Bazingaboy 1/8
htm Alice 1/8
Icibalus Invoker, 1/8
Livicus Luxy, Alice 2/8
Luxy Icibalus 1/8

Literally its so easy to tell when you’re scum because you tunnel one person and completely disregard everyone else in the game.

Your wallpost just solidifies my scumread of you

Doesn’t this remind anyone of Icibalus’s deathtunnel of me in AAFM?