[SFoL] 44: Hand of Byzantium - (7/16) - Game End - The Hand of Byzantium and the Vampiric Emperor won!

that would kind of suck

If he is Evil Emperor I die n2

ok lol

So I kind of want to read him right


don’t just like my comment : P


To answer your questions Geyde
No and no

Are you scum my son?


Have you read the thread?

That’s quite a firm no there Geyde…

I like it.

I’ve skimmed it, haven’t picked up anything of interest atm

If they are, someone else is Arbiter, which means this could be a cult game too as any information Geydee gave us could be false.
IF they are. Don’t get mad at me for stating a possibility in response to a question.


I think there is a lot of interesting stuff once you look closer.

Oh YES that’s where I’ve seen Rogues name before! I was scum with him in the very first Grand Idea!

Our whole scumteam was dead n1, that wasn’t very pretty

Rogue’s easy to read like a few people, you read him via his activity.

I’ll get round to it at some stage, not anytime soon though

Do you mean what I do, or how much I do? You’ve gotta remember I may have changed a lot since my last game was a few months ago.

C’mon Marcus, you don’t have to be this easy to read.

It’s how much you do, I’ll probably just assume not much has changed

Ah yeah. This game actually for once has had a lot of activity with me awake for it With it being in holidays for me.

What do you mean?

If you had read the thread, you would have noticed an interesting little tidbit.

I think you are shifting the goalposts unintentionally to help your scummate.