SFoL 46 - The Agency - [Canned]

I’m pointing out flaws in your arguments when they exist, because I want you to at least trash on the setup with good reasons and ways to fix them instead of just making it your sole mission to get this canned. :thinking:

I haven’t approved of this setup in my posts here anywhere, just dissaproved of badgering it.

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sigh Regardless, you will accept that the wolves can be completely screwed through absolutely no fault of their own and lose on Day 2 without any realistic way out of it?

Having a player with a distinctive wolf meta as your recruiter is a death sentence, clearly showing that the setup is very likely to end with the wolves getting screwed at rand.

Oh look, an Oracle that dosen’t need to sacrifice their life to out a wolf!

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No, because your scenario relied on 3 things.

  1. Failing to find a proper convert target.
  2. Being scumread as Recruiter
  3. Being scumread/nullread as Goon (in games with conversion, going for scumreads may actually be better as invest as opposed to nullreads)

All seem like mistakes to me.

“ah yes you see I couldn’t tell this guy was convert immune despite the obvious tells that people definitely make on Day 1 that indicate they’re convert immune”


Confirmation Phase d1 wolfreads are complete randomness and you know it.

Then why are people joining then? :thinking:

because nobody here has a concept of balance or fun that’s actually coherent, so it seems.

Neutrals can be read handily and you know as well as I do that some players are blatantly obvious with who they are as a class. There is probably too much convert immunity in the town classes, so hey that’s something you can constructively criticise. Think in solutions, not in problems.

No, Solic, I will think in problems, because they’re FUCKING EVERYWHERE.

Ah so you don’t play for fun. I see

Oh yes, but this isn’t fun, considering that your classes are all bland rehashes of ToL classes mixed with a few poorly-thought-out abilities of your own.

Then gimme your original ideas and fms will you?

Implying that isn’t like basically SFoL as a genre? :smile:

I’m desinging a 28-player game as we speak, which I’ve not put into review yet because I’m actually trying to see if it’s balanced. You could do the same.

Did my game through a review? Yes.
Did it get approved? Yes.

SHOULD it have? No.

Why are you here , though?

I love ya @Geyde but you really should’ve spent some time on this before passing it.

@NAOtheRitualist because I’m actively trying to stop the game from filling to save 20 people from a game I know is going to be terrible.