[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

he’s just pulling stuff out of his ass at that point

Yeah I think Jake is a good lynch at this point.

If I have to I will swap to him but can we please consider the merits of a Kai lynch today?

go ahead and convince me


Keep in mind, both myself and Hjasik pointed out his posting style is exactly like two of his previous scum games.

Jake is so scummy he can comfortably be jailed/exe or killed by archer and occ’d (I prefer the latter) but we can’t do that to Kai because there is a chance he still flips town.

But his lynch really advances the gamestate and provides multiple associations regardless of flips.

We probably can’t jailexe Jake because the Prince probably lost exe’s on Kyo.

So I do think one of ozz or kyai is cult, youve convinced me it could be kai

So archer and occ then

We still don’t know if we have either of those though

It is statically likely we do.

Unless we get a confirmed at the very least occ class, I think he should be jailed and we exe him the next day (IF we exe someone else today)

Im not sure I wanna bet on it

And it doesn’t have to be archer, its just the safest BD class to kill with.

My issue is if we dont have someone to occ him he probably gets a kill or convert off depending on which cult he is. Im not sure about letting him go unless we can get him jailed

also like half of us have claimed so

2 paly claims, 2 hunter claims, that isn’t half.

3 people are dead, one is prince

…okay, I’ve re-checked and there’s no damn class that day-defiles in either Cults.

And prince can just jail him and try to exe, that way we see if Kyo was actually BD A, and B he’s occupied and can’t do anything.