[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

If anyone who has thoroughly read Ozz’s posts reads him as BD, please convince me he’s BD because I don’t see it.

i lynch every scum claimer

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image https://media3.giphy.com/media/a1QLZUUtCcgyA/giphy.gif?cid=19f5b51a9d039e7c933688dc103d979fc70aad5ffeb6035a&rid=giphy.gif

i claim scoot

/vote Sulit

/vote scootlit

Also I misspelled your name but I swear I respect you, mobile sucks ass especially when I try to quote and find stuff and aaa.

Wait what I didn’t even notice


The answer was right above your posts. I’ve stated I’m refusing to give reason as the information is beneficial towards scum, unless you want to fish that out?

That’s what I figured however I thought you’d have read my posts instead of accusing me without reading them.

It’s more of accusing Sulit of pulling on straws to try and have a town mislynched than defending Ozz.

Why are you sorry? Are you trying to bring attention to this before someone else brings attention to it? If you’re BD, I wouldn’t be so worried about it. I also don’t believe finding two scum reads first in itself is inherently scummy.

So here are the town reads you promised. Whether I agree on your reads or not is a different topic. Honestly, I’m not sure what to think of this. This feels NAI to me.

Sorry Arete. You’re my first mini-ISO as you are the person who I spent all day trying to analyze while I was watching you play.

Also Ozz, what have you learned from your reactions that you were hunting so far?

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I don’t really like this post, speculation on scum kills is a fruitless effort day 1, and just appears to me as an attempt to appear solvey while not actually solving anything. Furthermore, we know scum are going to convert N1, and any kills they make will be on town because of the sheer numbers we have at the start.

image https://media0.giphy.com/media/h4Z6RfuQycdiM/giphy.gif?cid=19f5b51a9b7787d5ede5a4c1589ab635619c87ec7a18f7b4&rid=giphy.gif

I like this response overall, I’m just stuck reading this part over and over again, wondering if I’m supposed to take it as a scumslip because there’s no d1 lynch

Makes me wonder if you defaulted to using ‘preventing a mislynch’ as an excuse despite the fact you’re not preventing anything as of rn.

Unless you’re preventing a mislynch that might happen d2 but that’s reaching way too far. I bet d2 will be cluttered enough with the first invest results etc. so Ozz probably won’t even be the biggest issue.

@ the rest of the town what do you think about this

I should probably stop shoving schoolwork to the side and actually do it so like chao

I find Kyo’s logic weird overall and I can’t put my finger on it, but since I don’t wanna thunderdome him (yet), somebody yank me outside of the tunnel

That whole thing pings me

Hits the nail on the head about Kyo.

It makes complete sense.

Scum will be giving geniune reads. Which means

If they decide to try and go for scum then we can just look at people who’ve scumread the dead scum. And vice versa.

Kyo’s opening feels unnatural to me, I have never played with him before but it feels like an attempt to appear solvey A, or B he’s a VI telling scum what not to do.