[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

This post is so scummy from a Derps is teamed with Kai perspective like ‘kill the other cult not us’ is what im reading here.

Why have you been-

I rest my case.

I mean, one just you know has a redcheck

Kai would get Lynched tomorrow either way, it’s not like I could save him if we were scum partners


come at me tonight

anyways i’m heading out.

have to be at school to take a Latin quiz i was supposed to take friday

If that’s the thinking, everyone on Aretes wagon is possibly teamed with kai and wants him alive longer

You say that, but:

You are literally trying to save him right now. And also, you seem to be ignoring my reads and reasons for lynching Kai entirely. You have just asked me why I want to lynch him, I provided you my neatly compiled response. And then you proceed to ignore it.

Why did you even ask? You’re not trying to gamesolve. You’re trying to push your lynches, which are probably mislynches or other Cult!lynches.

I’m not going to follow your agenda.

No you already shifted a wagon off of Kai once, you’re pretty obviously on his team unlike the other people on the Arete wagon.

Like what is your logic.

Accused Voters Votes
Kai_5 Jgoesgaming, Vulgard, Luxy, WazzaAzza 4/9
SirDerpsAlot Alice 1/9
Arete Ozzkozz, SirDerpsAlot, Marshal, Teleology, H_Hja, Kai_5 6/9
Vulgard Arete 1/9

I don’t know, maybe the fucking redcheck

Derps/Kai/Arete is today’s lynch.

Why are you so convinced the redcheck is true?

Seems like a pretty decent vote count as per how wagons go.
I definitely side more with the Arete train here, but I do also like Vul’s points on Kai.
My main problem with Kai’s lynch as I said before was I felt it could’ve been a TvT.

Arete voting Vul is very confusing though, I don’t see it’s purpose but it wasn’t for self-preservation, that much is clear.

this is why i think derps is scum.

it’s pretty obvious he’s scum and if i somehow live i’ll mark him and my highest townread.

Theirs one ability in each cult that can frame, and that’s IF they even have it, then IF they framed Arete, other than that unless ozz is blatantly showing he’s scum it’s real

(The most recent votecount is even better, even if I did get ninja’d by Priestess doing another one)

It’s because I hid the Mystic’s presence and identity. Which is a stupid-ass reason because I’m pretty sure I successfully prevented Luxy from being converted thanks to that. It was my objective from the beginning.

It feels like Arete is trying to find reasons for his votes but isn’t very successful, hence his voting patterns being objectively terrible. He’s fine with all of the wagons because they’re not his scumbuds, therefore he doesn’t mind anyone on these wagons getting lynched and isn’t very involved.

Ok, I’m going to go to bed.


sleep tight don’t let the bed bugs bite

Oh and yeah, I remember above someone was speaking about Marshal.
Pretty sure from how Marshall’s acted this game that they weren’t converted.

I’d say 99%

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