[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Kyo is backtracking here, he is now saying he meant ‘in future nights’ when he clearly said tonight.

Are you trying to not get BD to accomplish anything by saying all this stuff about d1 reads not being a good idea

It’s that attitude I see coming from scum and not BD. Early reads with no mechanical info should be very useful later

If they decide to kill N1 its still a useless post because it will be on town

In fact the very reason I’m asking for reads is because I want to see how they change

Not sure how your idea of playing the game is helping BD.

Exactly, and if they do go for an obvious townie then we can refer back to this

@KyoDaz can please also state your motivation behind telling scum what you’re looking for?

I’ve already explained this.

I haven’t read the whole thread because I’ve been arguing with you

Then you should probably go and do that before you accuse people without reading their previous lines.

This is setting up a mislynch, if anyone scumreads a scum and then the scum dies they’re instantly suspicious according to Kyodaz

No I’m accusing you now, why are you telling scum what not to do

If a scum is scumingreading the opposite faction they are not going to nightkill them when they can get them lynched. A lynch on the other cult is inherently beneficial for the second cult because that is a lynch not on them.

No, it means we can check back to see if their reads have a pattern in the kills. But you’re fishing all of this out and giving scum information which is exactly what I didn’t want to do.

Because it virtually doesn’t matter. We are able to discern whether their thinking based upon them now knowing this.


The only time someone’s scumread dies is if its a BD kill or were late game where town has already lost majority. Your logic doesn’t hold up.

This also allows patterns to emerge for someone only pushing on Mithras/Corax cult. Again with the geniune reads thing. And you’re fishing it out again.
Stop questioning me with pointless things that I can only defend myself with information I can’t reveal

This is fair, but not what you said before.

There are opposing factions.

Yes I fucking know that and the only time Cult kills another Cult at night instead of getting them lynched is when town has already lost majority!

BD killers are good this game.

Even if that was true WIFOM exists. They can claim Town Killing. They may accidentally kill Cult. There are so much possibillities you are disregarding.
The only reasoning you have against mine is what we think scum will do which is out of my hands.