[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!


Because I think it’s less likely that both of you would simultaneously do a reaction test like this, but not that much less likely because you make a lot of weird plays.

Don’t forget the sf’ed dude

So you are to 65% accusing us of wasting day

Eh, reaction tests aren’t totally a waste, I just feel like this one has probably run its course and I’d like to get back to actual gamesolving.

So you are doing 65% omgus

Interesting. If Hja is claiming paladin too then I would love to see their N1 logs. Can you share?

That’s not what OMGUS is

It is accusing accuser since you accused both of us to 65% it means you did 130% omgus wich Is even worse than just omgus

Obviously datbird as green

‘X is doing a reaction test’ is not OMGUS, for fuck’s sake. The part that’s OMGUS is the 3% ‘Ozz might just be evil faking a check on me to get me killed.’

And that’s not how math works

But you are saying that it’s waste of time wich is also a accusation

Math works however you chose



sorry for the screaming but every time someone tries to use math in FoL it’s wrong and I Don’t Like It

If you add 65% omgus to 65% omgus it results in 130% omgus my math here is very right

If I had some way of proving to you right now that I was 100 percent BD (to be clear, I’m not very mechanically confirmable, I don’t in fact have such a way), what would you think had happened?

I would unvote you

What would you think had happened last night, I mean.