[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

Same tbh

again me not protecting Italy `s slot actually cost us the game.

Apart from Ami and Arete. I solved everyone this whole game :sunglasses:
See I told you I was filling in for Alice when she isn’t here.

nah man I solved the game

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I feel bad for arete

called out the wolves

then got put in a scumteam with a redchecked person and a guilty child n2

at least the n2: /convert arete meme lives on


Please elect a king so we can vote

angry noises

and make it modeshifter

actually i’m like… 1/3 tempted just to make blizer king for the lols


Actually would be memey as fuck

i wanna go out as king

Making blizer king guarantees that Prince doesn’t fail at jail

you know what

I got you to search up posts by you that just go “AAAAAAAA”

I win

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Why in the hell were me and frost on the chopping block in the first place? Didn’t I say that I was taking a break because I couldn’t do much rational thinking, as I was tired?

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At least Arete was converted into a win in SFoL 61.5 :sunglasses: .

that is

one way to express what happened in SFoL 61.5

i will say though

all 3 people who pushed you had actual garbage reasons tbh

If i was town, i still would have defended you there

that’s true

but the difference was that
a] arete was part of the superior faction and
b] they had ans and the power of aretestreim is too much


There was a reason I got frost wolf to speak about something other than the accusation


yes, Look at FoL 21 Poss and Look at Poss this game

his scum is actual identical (Granted d2, we did do a wolf theater, that actually was good tbh)

I mean yeah

italy/poss is funny because it’s 2 slots that have night and day wolf/village metas

I know

i was actually shocked when Alice read Poss as town tbh

that caught me off guard

it made me think she was NK for a hot second.

Poss was a wolf in my eyes, but I just didn’t push that lead hard enough