SFoL 54: Ultimate Pick 2 (16/18) D2 | CANNED

No nothing sufficient info on my part

Ok. I assume you haven’t see anything wrong so far either?

You’ve completely misunderstood the entirety of the conversation.
Even Blizer would say that.

and you misunderstand me
i wasnt replying to “the etirety of the conversation”
i was replying to each post. individually.
and i dont mean this as some kind of attempt to cover that or something. i just didnt have an agenda on the conversation as a whole. i was replying as i read it. for the first time i read it.

I’m saying that you’re wrong on every single post made towards me that is a counter-argument.
To put it forward.

i mean that depends on what you mean by me being wrong.
if you just disagree with it, thats a matter of opinion on some of them thats really hard to be incorrect on
if you mean that i miss the point then for some of them yeah i missed what you were going for, but i was addressing my input on the matter, which doesnt always have to do with the meat of what you posted. some of them i could have misunderstood, sure, but i dont think i did that for all of them

The roles are semi-balanced because he’s turned my OP version from Clown Fiesta into a balanced town version.
I believe Geyde has the intent of not making this game full on bastard and actually winnable for both sides.
If he was going to make it bastard he’d throw in my third party version of Prosecutor.

I’ve found that out.

No, he’s saying that the reason I should not overturn him is that there is no day one lynch, and therefore I cannot overturn him rather than the fact (from his eyes) he’d be town and try to argue why he is town.

No, I meant tomorrow. I was just a bit tired and forgot to include tomorrow after rewriting the drafted post.
I remember this vividly.

This is geyde bastard.
It’s also less bastard than Clown Fiesta. I hardly consider Clown Fiesta bastard.
Geyde did not even lie to us in that game.
There is no world in which Geyde gives scum a one for one.

That’s correct. However, if you look at the sentence context, he stated that I was either scum doing X Y and Z or being reachy and something else I forgot. He implied I was town being misinformed.

Because he said this. It was in reply to that.

I disagree. I don’t believe they are worth anything and will just show people ‘shocked’.
We’ve already pretty much deduced that scum wouldn’t know anything about Derp’s ability than town would considering that he claimed that he didn’t know himself, and he is most likely town.
There would be nothing differentiating from town >< scum in a reaction of this specific event.

This is an ultimate pick?
Do you expect scum to be able to find specific town power roles from reactions?
Anybody could be anything.

Disagree for point stated above.

They’re wrong for the fact that I read the first quote you agreed with me and thought ‘Good’ and then the rest of every single reply you made to me I thought ‘Wrong or No’

Day ends in ~10 minutes.

Day has ended. N1 begins.


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/backup @Geyde

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Yes logs

you didnt get the thread locked so im just going to do this real quick and test for night talking



The Alternate Universe has faded away. In the same breath, bizarre magic fuckery awoke a terrible curse. The curse strongmanned all actions in the multiverse, but enables any players that died during the last night to talk today.

KyoDaz has died…

Rainbow Dash

They targeted gamers Support
20% Cooler (Passive) - You take an additional vote to be lynched. If you hammer an evil, you will regain a use in your first day ability.
Speedy Save (Day) - You can target an additional player with Protect tonight. – 1 Use

Protect (Night) - Heal a player, both protecting them from night kills and healing any bleeding they may be suffering from. – Infinite Uses

Defeat Kai_5 and any harmful Obama.

KyoDaz - Rainbow Dash

N1 - Protect PoisonedSquid

Boss110 has died…

Todd Howard :fire:

They targeted gamers Special
BUY SKYRIM (Passive) - You cannot be occupied or redirected. Anyone who visits you will be unable to act the following night. You are macho. If you hammer an evil, you will be bulletproof for the night.

Hey you, you’re awake (Day) - All players visiting you tonight will be healed. – 3 Uses
FUS ROH DAH (Day) - Send a player to the shadow realm, removing them from the game for the rest of the day. They will start to bleed and will die at the end of this night. – 1 Use

Offer Skyrim (Night) - Offer a player to buy skyrim. They can respond with any action of their choice (not abilities), and you will gain a corresponding effect. – Infinite Uses

Defeat Kai_5 and any harmful Obama.

N1 - Offer Luxy hidden gem called Skyrim.

:fire: = Conversion Immunity

D2 has started and will end in 48 hours or when majority is reached. With 16 players alive, majority is 9

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We love being stabbed to death.

Also yes, I may have completely and utterly lied about my class.
All for good purpose.
I mean, my role wasn’t powerful anyway. It just had anti-town utility.
I’ll take that as a win for me.

how did it have anti-town utility? you could just heal people.
i dont see how that either helps scum or hurts town

This only really benefits scum.