SFoL 55 - Dead Chat

Yeah this post from Shurian basically locks him as BD. He did a good job clearing the slot on D3.

Donā€™t give up, stay strong, donā€™t blame yourself too much, just look forward.

- from someone who really knows what it means to be mislynched cough (exed as prince twice in the same game, lul)

Iā€™m just more used to playing around high-tier players where they do pull brilliant strategy that you have to counter with even more brilliant strategy.
Like, not trying to put anyone down but Iā€™d say itā€™s other peopleā€™s inexperience that is killing me.
Iā€™m more used to playing around hugely toxic people (albeit good) btw.

Astand is a person that pinged me. Theyā€™d be considered mid-tier on EM.

Any idea which tier I would be :thinking:

Yeah sorry, weā€™re the forum of ToL, which is probably one of the best moderated games in the whole branche. :eyes: Weā€™re more friendly and less competitive than other forums.

To be fair, I was scumreading you, Kyo, only your claim was making you locktown in my eyes. Iā€™ll try to iso you and give you feedback.

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Holy. Why. Why claiming PR in your first post.

:thinking: yeah please read your class first before making such comments

Interesting question, does reveal tho that you didnā€™t read.

OUCH reeeee

:thinking: jumping on a weird conclusion without any reason?

WTF, you canā€™t just answer a ā€œKyo is being weirdā€ with a ā€œstop throwing shadeā€

Sigh. Why softing at all then.

Yay more claimingā€¦

Iā€™m scumreading you so hard for this.


Finally a somehow reasonable question.

LUL what. Everyone could be evil. Thatā€™s no reason.

More ā€œyeah Iā€™m not readingā€

Great question :wink:


ā€¦ fake solving as town? Why would you do that?

You really have to start writing stuff down and actually read everything.

Woahā€¦ please why??? This would be the right moment for a push on Datbird. Not for wasting a day.

Donā€™t give up. Please.

Here. The main reasons why I scumread you even as ā€œICā€.

tl;dr softing/claiming without reason, fake solving, repeatedly not reading thread, distracting the discussion again and again, giving up

I thought I was a regular sheriff up until the post of me realising scouts.
I was bluffing the entire time before that.
Thought I was up to date and pretty much useless than some other classes that had a high chance to roll.

Yeah, I noticed already that ā€œnot reading classcardā€ is town meta here :eyes:
Uh I stop, donā€™t want to rant on you for real ^^ hope a bit feedback is helpful for you

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@Geyde @Wazza
Day ends soonish, pls take care

Yeah, thanks Priestess.
Iā€™m annoyed I baited people to attack me because I thought I was a trashy Sheriff.
I saw the same two abilities and thought I was new or nerfed due to surveillance (Thought I was useless either way)

The ā€˜ICā€™ was supposed to be me finding Unseen mechanically btw

What do you mean by fake solving?

Iā€™m not sure what this post was. A pure meme, in a delicate situation where you would have needed to defend yourself? Since the post before was a fake Mastermind claim from Teleo.
ā€¦ I guess you were just annoyed that people are scumclaiming as non-scum, but yeah. Memes have their time, but this was 100% not the right time.
ā€¦ On the other side, it could be that you were not memeing, and just took her ā€œIā€™m Mastermindā€ as real confession. In this case it would be actually fake solving; you try to seem solvey, but in real you arenā€™t helping.

Teleology and Arete (I think) went on some sort of reaction test calling me mechanically confirmed mastermind and Teleology was claiming mastermind.
Zero clue why they did it.

And then apparently Teleology was the NK and then they reclaimed Mastermind?

Makes sense. Teleo and Arete are soulmates. They can talk with each other almost without any words.


@Wazza I updated OP, you only need a new title for the night.

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So Any does not include NK. Ok.