SFoL 58 Balance Talk V3

Does this involve some old mechanics? This makes no sense to me.

Want a misfire with Ravenshot to make the Arbalest suicide along with the unseen member he killed as CS does? I can do that

im going to remove that oldest bd killer thing
it makes no sense
no one can be the oldest bd killer besides the heroine

If you remove it it’s just busted. BD get +1 KP just by converting an Enforcer or Fanatic.

nah I dislike cs suicide, I’m sure others are better balancing and coming up with ideas in that area ;p

Then i’ll make it like eagle shot
He’ll take the kill in place of the heroine if he wants

“hey guys why does SFOL end so quick?”

You know people can cs and kill 2 bd n1 (ok this is only one reason why but still)

Both Enforcer and Fanatic are fine. Their converted versions, however… Crusader doesn’t really need many changes. The Knight needs a rework.

The Knight

Blue Dragon Killer
Ultimate Sacrifice (Day) - If a player is lynched today, you will be lynched instead and make that player’s first accuser start bleeding. They will die in two nights if not healed. (1 use)
Defend (Night) - Guard a member of the Blue Dragon. All other visits to that player tonight will be prevented. (3 uses)
Dragon’s Blade (Night) - Attack a player. (1 use)
Stalwart Defense (Call to Arms | Night) - Guard all other members of the Blue Dragon. All visits to them tonight will be prevented. (1 use)
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Crusader

Hand of Byzantium Killer
Providence (Day) - You will appear to investigators as a member of the Unseen tonight. (3 uses)
Heavenly Devotion (Day) - If a player is lynched today, you will be lynched instead and make that player’s first accuser start bleeding. They will die in two nights if not healed. (1 use)
Hand of God (Night) - Guard a player. If they are visited tonight, you will make all of their visitors start bleeding without preventing their actions. The bleeding players will die in two nights if not healed. (3 uses)
Deus Vult (Night) - Sacrifice your life to attack the King, bypassing all forms of healing and immunities. (1 use)
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Added the sacrifice ability to spice things up a little. ‘Would a scum member sacrifice themselves for an Unseen or neut?’
Knight might be a bit too strong but at least it only adds KP once.

I’ve just realized this ability on a basic class is a hardcounter to Arbiter and Visionary. Like, super hard counter. You should write a clause that the Arbiter and the Visionary are both immune to this effect.

Arbiter and Visionary are definitely immune to that; thanks for pointing that out.

Looks like you prefer Kyo’s version of Handmaiden, huh. Well I prefer mine but I guess it’s fine :joy:

You already have a list of things to change, don’t you?

I think Arbalest is fine as-is and doesn’t need changing.

I didn’t look over either that closely lol
Probably would be best to let the people decide

Mine has more abilities, so it’s automatically better. :upside_down_face:

I don’t mind the one you put in there, I think it’s good too. I just feel like the ‘common occurrences’ are going to be hard to fake for converted Handmaidens in some instances, but I can’t think of any.

If there’s anything you’d like to debate hmu, I don’t think there’s anything I see right now that absolutely needs changing. I skimmed the Unseen classes again and outside of that passive removal thing potentially working on the Arbiter/Visionary I didn’t find anything wrong.

If anything we could buff a few Unseen classes here and there maybe.

Accepting pre-ins now btw if anyone else wants to
Real signups probably won’t open for 2-3 weeks though


And also seeking an experienced host to be my co-host badly

6/16 before Sing-Ups.
This game must fill before Sing-Ups.
