SFoL 58 — Dead Chat

Does snipe reveal the user :thinking:

Wheres my Private Matters smh

I would say take call to arms, but no bd classes allowed

i think snipe is supposed to reveal the user since you die if you miss and leave if you hit

but in arbiters case it probably wouldnt

Time to dayvig the duke in virtuous III

snipe would be kinda obvious but it doesnt exactly state it’d say who shot the shot

but it still might :eyes:

you really are obsessed with the headhunter lmfao

giving the arbiter 2 dayvigs does seem a bit silly tho

also less reading dead chat more writing flavor :newspaper2:

Gib headhunter

Can i just take bomb placement for the luls? I cant detonate it. It just exists

honestly doing some brainstorming

arbiter can do some crazy shit with some day abilities

I want an NK with this same passive

petition to remove all NKs, but keep their abilities in a pool

so when you roll NK you pick 2 passives, 2 day abilities, and 2 night abilities

im sure theres some dummy overpowered combinations but it sounds fun

Dude can we make this a thing

Lets host randomizer nuzlocke fol


i mean…

What’s that even mean.

im pretty sure nuzlocke just doesnt apply to FoL but honestly a randomizer FoL could be mildly hilarious

Its pokemon terms. Randomizer randomizes type, moves, etc.
nuzlocke just means if the pokemon dies you get rid of it basically

Because who cares about balance :eyes: