SFoL 58: Last Stand of the Righteous -- Discussion and Balance Thread

If so i can keep it the way it is

Removed “Audience” from all Kings


The Corrupted King :crossed_swords: :shield:

Unseen Special
Pass The Torch (Passive) - If you die, there will be a vote held to crown the next King. If you are executed for treason, all players will lose their Royal Blood passive.
Head of State (Passive) - Your vote counts as two.
Royal Pardon (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Decide Fate (Day) - You may choose the whether the player on trial will be executed or pardoned. - 1 use
Guard! (Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 3 uses
Permanent Scheme (Night) - Target player will be immune to conversion for the rest of the game - 1 use (Starting King Only)
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Crowned from:

  • Any member of the Unseen.

The Righteous King :crossed_swords: :shield:

Blue Dragon Special
Pass The Torch (Passive) - If you die, there will be a vote held to crown the next King.
Head of State (Passive) - Your vote counts as two.
Royal Pardon (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Decide Fate (Day) - You may choose the whether the player on trial will be executed or pardoned. - 1 use
Guard! (Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 3 uses
Swear Fealty (Night) - All Blue Dragon players will appear to be a member of the Unseen tonight. - 1 use
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Crowned From:

  • Any member of the Blue Dragon.

The Purified King :crossed_swords: :shield:

Hand of Byzantium Special
Dynastic Cycle (Passive) - If you die, there will be a vote held to crown the next King.
Head of State (Passive) - Your vote for treason counts as two.
Sword of Damocles (Day) - If nobody hits majority by the end of the day, then the player with the most votes will be executed. - One use
Champion’s Council (Night) - Sends a champion (An assistant champion, different than the real champion, does not affect the current champion’s actions) to a player. This attack does not count as a visit and cannot be stopped. Can only be used on the second night or after that you are crowned. - One use
Hero’s Immunity (Night) - Permanently makes a player be seen as a member of the Unseen to faction checks. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Crowned from:

  • Any member of the Hand of Byzantum.

The Begrudged King :shield:

Neutral Special
Pass The Torch (Passive) - If you die, there will be a vote held to crown the next King.
Head of State (Passive) - Your vote counts as two.
Royal Pardon (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Decide Fate (Day) - You may choose the whether the player on trial will be executed or pardoned. - 1 use
Guard! (Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 3 uses
Contraband (Night) - Send a guard to frame your target. They will appear as a member of the Blue Dragon tonight. - Infinite uses
You retain the objective you had before you became King.

Crowned from:

  • The Scorned
  • The Devil

The Liberal King :shield:

Neutral Special
Pass The Torch (Passive) - If you die, there will be a vote held to crown the next King.
Head of State (Passive) - Your vote counts as two.
Royal Pardon (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Decide Fate (Day) - You may choose the whether the player on trial will be executed or pardoned. - 1 use
Guard! (Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 3 uses
Mark (Night) - The target player temporarily loses death immunity if they have it, and can not be healed tonight. - 2 uses
See the Unseen defeated at any cost.

Crowned from:

  • The Mage
  • The Soldier
  • The Alchemist (The Evils)

The Cowardly King :shield:

Neutral Special
Pass The Torch Sometimes (Passive) - If you die at night, there will be a vote held to crown the next King.
Spiteful (Passive) - Spiteful of your enemies, if you are executed there will be no more Kings this game. Additionally, your vote counts as two.
Royal Pardon (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Decide Fate (Day) - You may choose the whether the player on trial will be executed or pardoned. - 1 use
Guard! (Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 3 uses
Cower (Night) - You will be death immune tonight. - 2 uses
Your objective is to survive.

Crowned from:

  • The Alchemist (The Town)
  • The Alchemist (Neutrality)

The Inquisitive King :shield:

Neutral Special
Pass The Torch (Passive) - If you die, there will be a vote held to crown the next King.
Head of State (Passive) - Your vote counts as two when putting people on trial.
Royal Pardon (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Decide Fate (Day) - You may choose the whether the player on trial will be executed or pardoned. - 1 use
Guard! (Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 3 uses
Ruthless Guards (Night) - Check if target player is a Heathen and kill them if they are. The attack will bypass healing. - 2 uses
Your objective is to live to see all Heathens die.

Crowned from:

  • The Inquisitor

The Mad King

Neutral Special
Trickery (Passive) - Immune to being occupied at night.
Madman’s Will (Passive) - If you are executed, the regret of killing a madman will weigh on everyone. Your initial accuser will die at the end of the night tonight. You also choose an heir to succeed you as King. The player you choose will immediately become The King. Additionally, your vote counts as two.
Royal Pardon (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Decide Fate (Day) - You may choose the whether the player on trial will be executed or pardoned. - 1 use
Guard! (Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 3 uses
Hide (Night) - No-one will be able to visit you tonight. - 2 uses
Your objective is to be executed for treason.

Crowned from:

  • The Fool

The Plutocratic King :shield:

Neutral Special
Pass The Torch (Passive) - If you die, there will be a vote held to crown the next King.
Failure (Passive) - If your target dies, you will become the Cowardly King. Additionally, your vote counts as two.
Royal Pardon (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Decide Fate (Day) - You may choose the whether the player on trial will be executed or pardoned. - 1 use
Guard! (Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 3 uses
Protect (Night) - Your target will be death immune tonight. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to ensure that your target remains alive until the end of the game.

Crowned from:

  • The Mercenary

The Psychopathic King (Unofficial Class) :shield:

Neutral Special
Insanity (Passive) - You are immune to death at night. Additionally, your vote counts as two.
Pass The Torch (Passive) - If you die, there will be a vote held to crown the next King.
Royal Pardon (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Decide Fate (Day) - You may choose the whether the player on trial will be executed or pardoned. - 1 use
Guard! (Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 3 uses
Personal Execution (Night) - Send a guard to kill a player. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen, Blue Dragon, Hand of Byzantum, and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

Crowned from:

  • The Demon
  • The Electrocutioner
  • The Possessor
  • The Reaper
  • The Sorcerer

The Usurper King :shield:

Neutral Special
Pass The Torch (Passive) - If you die, there will be a vote held to crown the next King.
Head of State (Passive) - Your vote counts as two when putting people on trial.
Royal Pardon (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Decide Fate (Day) - You may choose the whether the player on trial will be executed or pardoned. - 1 use
Guard? (Night) - Prevent all visits to you tonight - 1 use
Disinherit (Night) - Permanently remove a player’s royal blood. If this is successful, you will gain two uses of Guard?. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to survive until the end of the Game.

Crowned from:

  • The Pretender

The Decadent King :shield:

Neutral Special
End of a Dynasty (Passive) - Your vote for treason counts as two. If the Decadent King dies after the day he was crowned ended, then there will not be any King elections to replace him.
Inept Government (Passive) - In the night after the Viscount is crowned, if not executed, all faction checks will always return Hand of Byzantium and healing will always fail. After winning, the Decadent Emperor cannot accuse anyone of treason, loses his King abilities, vote in trials, and will not be factored in for the voting count required to put a player on trial.
Sword of Damocles (Day) - If nobody hits majority by the end of the day, then the player with the most votes will be executed. - One use
Live to become Emperor for at least a day.

Crowned from:

  • The Viscount

The Faithful King :shield:

Neutral Special
Dynastic Cycle (Passive) - If you die, there will be a vote held to crown the next Emperor.
Head of State (Passive) - Your vote for treason counts as two. You may use both your day abilities at once.
Sword of Damocles (Day) - If nobody hits majority by the end of the day, then the player with the most votes will be executed. - One use
Faithful Guard (Night) - Sends a guard to a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 3 uses
Faithful Advisers (Night) - Sends an adviser to a player. They will be immune to conversions for the night. - 3 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon or the Hand of Byzantum.

Crowned from:

  • The Insurgent, providing the starting King was a Righteous King or a Purified King.

The Hunting King :shield:

Neutral Special
Dynastic Cycle (Passive) - If you die or leave the match, there will be a vote held to crown the next Emperor.
Head of State (Passive) - Your vote for treason counts as two. You may use both your day abilities at once. You are immune to death at night. If all players of your target class die at night or you miss using Imperial Ballista’s both shots, then you will commit suicide.
Imperial Ballista (Day) - Kills a player in broad daylight. - 2 uses
Royal Detectives (Night) - Learns your target’s class type and faction. You may use this on two players the same night. - Infinite uses
Royal Lookouts (Night) - Learns who visited your target and who they visited. You may use this on two players the same night. - Infinite uses
Use Imperial Ballista to kill a player whose class started out as your target.

Crowned from:

  • The Headhunter

The Pacifist King :shield:

Neutral Special
Dynastic Cycle (Passive) - If you die, there will be a vote held to crown the next Emperor. You are immune to death at night for the first three nights.
Head of State (Passive) - Your vote for treason counts as two. You may use both your day abilities at once. If a second Hand of Byzantium member is executed, you will commit suicide the following night.
Devotion (Day) - If your target hits majority and they are a member of the Hand of Byzantium then you will die in their stead. - Two uses
Transparency (Night) - All investigations will net accurate results for the night. - 2 uses
Imperial Pardon (Night) - Prevents your target from being voted tomorrow. - 3 uses
Make sure no more than one Hand of Byzantium member is wrongfully executed.

Crowned from:

  • The Obedient.

The Sociopathic King :shield:

Neutral Special
Dynastic Cycle (Passive) - If you die, there will be a vote held to crown the next King.
Insanity (Passive) - You are immune to death at night. Additionally, your vote counts as two.
Sword of Damocles (Day) - If nobody hits majority by the end of the day, then the player with the most votes will be executed. - One use
Personal Execution (Night) - Send a guard to kill a player. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen, Blue Dragon, Hand of Byzantum, and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

Crowned from:

  • The Basilisk
  • The Berserker
  • The Doppelgänger
  • The Occultist
  • The Ifrit
  • The Lich
  • The Succubus
  • The Werewolf

The Revolutionary King :shield:

Neutral Special
Dynastic Cycle (Passive) - If you die, there will be a vote held to crown the next Emperor.
Head of State (Passive) - Your vote for treason counts as two. You may use both your day abilities at once. You are immune to death at night.
Sword of Damocles (Day) - If nobody hits majority by the end of the day, then the player with the most votes will be executed. - One use
Embargo (Night) - Occupies a player and prevents all non-killing or conversion actions against them. - 2 uses
Stigmatize (Night) - Permanently frames the player, making them show up as Unseen or Cult to faction checks or Killer to class type checks. - One use
See the Unseen defeated at any cost.

Crowned from:

  • The Begrudged
  • The Resurrectionist
  • The Insurgent, providing the starting King was a Corrupted King.
  • The Senex, providing they are aligned against the Unseen.

The Tyrannous King :shield:

Neutral Special
Reign of Terror (Passive) - Your guards will bypass both night immunity and healing if your target did not vote for you during the election phase. If you die, there will be a vote held to crown the next Emperor.
L’etat, C’est Moi (Passive) - You are immune to death at night and bleeding. Additionally, your vote counts as two. For the first time you are executed for treason, you will instantly pardon yourself when on trial and kill your first accuser in broad daylight. You cannot use Sadistic Guards the night after this passive activates.
Sword of Damocles (Day) - If nobody hits majority by the end of the day, then the player with the most votes will be executed. - One use
Sadistic Guards (Night) - Allows the Tyrannous King to select two players who will then be attacked and killed by his guards. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen, Blue Dragon, Hand of Byzantum, and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

Crowned from:

  • The Archduke.

The Vengeful King :shield:

Neutral Special
Dynastic Cycle (Passive) - If you die or leave the match, there will be a vote held to crown the next Emperor. Upon fulfilling your win condition, you will leave the match.
Head of State (Passive) - Your vote for treason counts as two. You may use both your day abilities at once. You are immune to death at night.
Sword of Damocles (Day) - If nobody hits majority by the end of the day, then the player with the most votes will be executed. - One use
Karma (Night) - Marks a player as a target, permanently frames them, and learns their class type. Does not work if the target is not aligned with the Hand of Byzantium. - Infinite uses
Draconian Law (Night) - Marks a player as a target if they are aligned with the Hand of Byzantium. They will silently require two less votes to be executed for the coming day. - 2 uses
See two of your marked targets publicly executed.

Crowned from:

  • The Crone

The Vampiric King :shield:

Neutral Special
Dynastic Cycle (Passive) - If you die, there will be a vote held to crown the next Emperor.
Head of State (Passive) - Your vote for treason counts as two. You may use both your day abilities at once. If you are using Vampiric Envoy then you will heal yourself if you would be nightkilled. You will always be under the effect of Vampirism and you will know all living players who are Bitten.
Sword of Damocles (Day) - If nobody hits majority by the end of the day, then the player with the most votes will be executed. - One use
Vampiric Envoy (Night) - Bites a player, infecting them with Vampirism, preventing healing, and occupying them. Players infected with Vampirism will be shown as a Neutral and a Killer for investigative abilities and will have their visits hidden. - Infinite uses
Make sure at least half of the living remainder of the Court is infected with Vampirism by the end of the game.

Crowned from:

  • The Strigoi

@Vulgard thoughts now?

This game could work better with like 3 more slots, maybe. I’m not sure.
It could be run as an 18er maybe.

Yup, I think so… though I’m unsure. It’s possible that there’s too much conversion protection for that argument to hold water, I would need to re-check.

Also scum can have up to 4 members alive instead of the usual 3

yes pls help me

Yup, this is good, except SoD instead of Decide Fate in some cases.

want an 18’er?
i could add in a random convert class and another random non nk neut

ah got to remove those from the RotBD Neut Kings

Would that work? @astand
Scum starts with 3 instead of 2

Can convert a fourth night 1

Unseen will just lose then…

What if i move max back to 3

but they start with 3

any way to balance this IYO? @astand

I thought more in realm of 25’er to compensate a proportion of unique classes.

Also Duke is probs needed as a crutch anyway.

i could

I don’t know, why not keep it same as Unseen in FoL games if you want 16 players still?

yeah there are so many unique classes. perhaps it’s better suited for a 25’er

Ok 25’er it is if mods will approve

Marshal (kinda - doesn’t actually see if a player was converted or just visited), Duke, Minstrel (2-shot), Infiltrator (2-shot, kinda since you need to target the converter), Torturer, Sage, Timesnatcher.

That’s 4 classes that hardcounter conversion on a player and 2 classes that kinda hardcounter it in different ways.

I think that’s a lot.