SFoL 60 Dead Chat

two masterminds??
we will see about that

also what if iā€™m scum :thinking:

if youā€™re scum then iā€™d have to be scum too



also my friends donā€™t really want their souls to be taken away

ask arete if theyā€™re okay with losing their soul

they didnā€™t comment

technically thatā€™s not a no

if i asked nicely could i get you to channel me

do you even have channel

i donā€™t have channel
iā€™m a scouting medium whose main ability isnā€™t even priest-related

would you have channeled me if i asked nicely and you had it


i see absolutely zero downsides in bringing back the neutral killer

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(although to be fair it does actually seem like a valid strat to channel the neutral killer since theyā€™ve already lost and are generally are more informed)

what would it take to convince you to get whoever may have the ability to channel me
yes i understand that thereā€™s not a guarantee that people can channel

vulgard i promise if you get somebody to channel me i wonā€™t sabotage your faction i donā€™t want to die knowing i achieved literally nothing

i just realized
anime FM

so this is actually my 4th scumgame in a row

this is so sad


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follow italy as he slowly descends into complete insanity