SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Hope you enjoyed meeting the dog.
As it’s my last charge and well, I’m out of abilities.

So Anstreim is legitimate…

Meaning that we wait for Jane


I’d recommend tagging nappy

still think this is the case

i MIGHT be misclearing jane but i think their attitude towards not being mechconfirmed via dazzle is much more likely to come from town

especially 'cause i felt the same way

I thought it wasn’t possible to tag the Archdeacon

What attitude

They were angry sure, but nothing seemed directed at the confirmation

Unless i missed something

or he puppeted the assassin to bleed me

you’re being way too trusting of his claim imo

Good suggestion because I don’t want to tag a potential lynch and end up suiciding but it’s not like I’m that trusted anyway – which is understandable, considering we probably have up to 3 Unseen and 1 NK in the court.
/accuse Napoleon

I thought archdeacon couldn’t tag but could be tagged

A Derps stonewall on Arete is possible considering how they were prompting me to SF Arete.

Though I never gave any sort of indication of who I was going to SF>

I don’t think puppetting works that way.

Puppeting as in asking assassin to go bleed


anstreim isnt mechconfirmed not MM


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Napoleon x 0/6 Anstreim

Oh noes

I think Kat meant that there’s a chance I’m converted and I just asked Assassin to bleed someone for me.
Which is why I’d like Jane to use Mirror on the Wall on me tonight to confirm me as not N2/N3 convert, but that’s probably too much and takes too long.

Thank you.

not going to lie I think it’s possible that the reason Derps wanted me fealtied is that he was (incorrectly) scumreading me

like he was harddefending me in the thread and based on what he’s said about how he wants to change his playstyle change I think it’s possible that he was trying to powerwolf and fucked it up because, well, I’m actually town :upside_down_face:

Why did Jane target Arete?

They were only potential NK right?