SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

1 investigative claim.

i can day flirt you if you want /s

The rest of my logs are already in the thread.

Anyway, back to thesis.

Not… Necessarily?
Could you present your case on why you think TBE is MM?

Will you flirt Ans/kat?

im fact imma do it right now

ans ur kinda cute :flushed:

flirting me does nothing

im never MM for obvious reasons

mechanically i can only be Puppeter, NK, or Assassin - all which are K/O

mirror me or flirt ans

If Jane wont, someone want to gimme logs

Also hold up, FoL games can roll with 0 investigatives to begin with – correct?


theres no guaranteed invests/healers

Please don’t speak to me ever again.

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I have literally 0 uses combined from all my abilities right now, so yes.

b-but ive never spoken to you UwU

Ask hosts I’m clueless

wait you… dont have a use of mirror?

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Dazzle and 4 night abils

N1 n2 n3 flirts and a dazzle

And the appel tag

That’s why i wanted your logs

That’s pretty messed up.

Oh so I’m not the only one in the potential suicide club – although I tagged Napoleon already.

@unseen tag nappy

oh wait :flushed: ans

So if I get lynched Jane dies if is town


Hold up, did Jane tag any of the previous lynches?

p sure jane tagged appel or italy

either way idk why he’d give up mirror over a flirt

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