SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

For me, Ans sounds converted, not starting scum, so maybe Gaja not evil?

Compat is not a green check as the Missionary isnā€™t a Godfather.

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I think it happens before convert

It does? Oh well nevermind then, Gaja could be evil

I mean

our results are compatible if Ans is scum

ā€¦Iā€™m going to feel really bad if he actually is scum, and he got outed because I wanted to match my null against someone townieā€¦

i am cult
and i am " ritualist"
so this makes me believe all you who accuse me as sus

So letā€™s take this into consideration

Iā€™m pretty sure Arete is legitimate here

So itā€™s Alice vs Gaja & Anstreim

And even Alice somewhat acknowledges Aretes legitimacy

See Gaja, youā€™ve been red checked so either youā€™re framed or youā€™re evil at this point.

Ok, Iā€™m starting to think Gaja sounds a little scumā€¦ he kinda acts like this when he is evil.

I have a red on you that indicates youā€™re BD. If youā€™re Cult I should have gotten a NS result.

what did you do last night?

Alice are you claiming itā€™s a BD game?

Duh, what else would I be implying?


Also, isnā€™t there a scorned class in this? I donā€™t want to defend Gaja, but Iā€™m just saying, Alice might be scorned

Alice is not scorned

Yes thatā€™s what Alice is saying she found Gaja as. Group scum is BD according to Alice.

ok i will prove i am good by using Frozen Blood (Night) - ( Prevent anyone besides yourself from visiting a player tonight)

Why are do you seem very assure about that? Does scorned not exist in this game?


is there anywhere in allies chat you mightā€™ve mentioned this?

if the redcheck on gaja is real we should probably keep talk about it to a minimum here
redchecks kill discussion and theyā€™re basically confirmed scum already
once you have them cornered itā€™ll be nothing but lolcatting and fake spew