SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

Anyway, I have now caught up and will proceed to read all of your responses.


:newspaper_roll: :newspaper_roll: :newspaper_roll:

Oh and hot take: Alice is probably town as well this time.
No matter how strong my Alice paranoia is.

You donā€™t seriously think I believed your archdeacon claim did you?

you believed i was really accusing you of being outrider

why specifically NK as opposed to groupscum?

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was there something that made you think you were really being accused of being outrider
like being the outrider?

Well I knew it was fake as there was no way you could possibly know everyoneā€™s slot D1.

you underestimate my mathematical genius

Because I feel like NK would worry more about not being too confrontational, and thus, attracting attention to themselves. And the me/Alice read doesnā€™t look like something that would come from a groupscum.

I wouldnā€™t know about your math skills Italy. Perhaps you can show me another time.

why not?

If you think Iā€™m being not as confrontational as I may have been in the past, take a good look at ToS 2 for context.

can i get your thoughts on crichā€™s reaction to the list
iā€™m bad at social things

Yeah I just saw that.
I was quite puzzled by the fact that you two seemed to contradict each other tbf.

Yesā„¢. Iā€™m not a filthy neut scum, Iā€™m a glorious member of the Cult, and my class card is delightfully crimson.

I meant that more like "youā€™d be an easier target to push because unlike a blatant newbie, you had some presence in the thread.
And like I mentioned in that post, I still think youā€™d be an awful target so.

This is what I inferred from his D1, and thatā€™s why I said I think his FPS had purpose.

Fair. Alice does have a tendency of being converted early, and the fact that she didnā€™t die N1 isā€¦ interesting.
Nonetheless, I think it is safe to let her be ā€“ for now.

Potentially Italy or SDA.

Also the tagging systemā€™s kind of bad in practice as it basically makes it impossible to actually push people, tbh.

Because unless they were planning to convert one of us later, it just wouldnā€™t seem good to make those kind of reads.

If you want to understand why Iā€™ve changed my playstyle from ToS 2 to this game, take a look at how I acted in ToS 2.


it looks fairly NAI to me given who CRich is as a person

I feel like tagging system is a bit too harsh on us because all of the Cult literally has limited charges.
To benefit from it, we have to be highly confident/accurate in our lynches. Itā€™s a double edged sword.

Hmm, will do~

we could use it to our advantage by forcing PoE to tag too
judgement never says that only cult suffer penalties to it