SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

Like I said above, I think discussing this is pointless because there are too many possibilities.

Also, this is the point where I bid you all farewell and go to bed. Try to behave and not claim for no reason while I’m asleep.

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Anyway I’ll post my read list which includes Intensify and Gaja.

  1. CRichard564 (pre-in) = I’m Town, though I doubt everyone agrees here.
  2. katze = Town lean, posting analysis and made reads.
  3. TheBlueElixir = Null leaning slight town based on his meta from ToS 2.
  4. Anstreim = Town read based on his analysis of Appel’s interaction with Alice.
  5. Alice = Town lean. I read this as less towny than Appel, though her contrarian read on me makes me think she is town with Appel.
  6. Arete (pre-in) = Town read based on his posts and tone. Is known to be able to fake towniness as mafia.
  7. Intensify = Town lean as his questions about the game would have been answered in scum chat if he were starting scum.
  8. Italy = Null read as this is Italy after all. Wait until D2 if alive to read him.
  9. Napoleon = Town read because of his interaction with Katze and myself over Katze’s alchemist claim.
  10. an_gorta_pratai = Scum lean as he hasn’t done much so far.
  11. ModeShifter = Scum as he hasn’t been doing much. He isn’t pushing anyone and is taking a back seat this game, which isn’t what town Seth does.
  12. Appelsiini = Town read based on her interaction with Alice. Probably same alignment as Alice. Same as Alice with a contrarian read on me.
  13. Jane = Puppeteer.
  14. SirDerpsAlot = Scum as he has posted a lot, yet hasn’t helped the town analyse slots. Reads Italy as town, though I’m not sold on this until I see proof this is true D2.
  15. Gaja1234 = Null read as I don’t like his entrance at all. Yes it’s their first game yet this isn’t a good entrance.
  16. Clonedcheese = Town lean as he has been posting analysis which is different from his last scum game with me in ToS 2.
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I note that Appel and Alice both have information regarding Jane’s death and Appel visited Jane.
Somehow I don’t think Appel killed Jane here and may have caught someone visiting Jane the night of her death.

Has it ever occurred to you that I haven’t been doing much because I’m in multiple other games on other sites plus IRL stuff.

I admit I haven’t been hard pushing people.

However what I do want to say is Arete is a very difficult player to read and thus we need to take a different approach towards them.

/Vote Arete
Let’s start with Pressure.

If I can get a solid interaction with Arete here I might be able to figure out his alignment.

Votee Voters Votes Tags
Arete ModeShifter 1/8 x
I hope you all read the OP clearly
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Anstreim could have been attacked.
I protected them last night.

I’m back from homework!

(hi Mode)

Why did you guard him, rather than using Scepter of Clarity?

I don’t like to read Op.

He’s a Town Read and I thought he would be attacked last night and might have been.


you just tagged arete

were you aware?

he actually didn’t, Archdeacon doesn’t tag (unless I misread the voting mechanic again)

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I don’t read OP.
Tell me what tagging does like I’m 5.
I tried to read it but it hurt my brain.

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but why did you not use Scepter of Clarity in the first place

Admitted it Arete, you adore me.

Your like “Can’t not participate in a game ModeShifter is in”

use SF or whatever its called tonight

though i specifically mentioned in allies that you should use SF-equivalent last night

Arch deacon doesn’t tag anyone if I’m remembering correctly.

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