SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

to be fair, I think my initial suspicion on them is entirely sheeping alice.

I just did a bit of homework before I voted (literally and metaphorically)

Did alice ever explain this?

just from looking at this now, i don’t like it. why call ivo a power wolf if they had been hedging so much, goading thomas on, and talking at people rather than to them?
not to mention the fact that looking for deepwolves D2 is far from the best move and will likely end up lynching a towny this early.

Yes I was town leaning you D1.
I re read your ISO earlier D2 and I thought it seemed incoherent and reachy with your reads.
I reevaluted you to a null read because I thought something about your ISO didn’t add up.
It’s on me for not trusting my town lean on you as much as I should have.
I owe you an apology for this misunderstanding.

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Catch up stuff that I probably should’ve posted a while ago, but I got distracted with other stuff. I thought there would be more for me to comment on, but most of it I didn’t feel the need to comment on.


I must have missed the part where you admitted what you did was bad then. I found it pointless because it was just random arguing with someone else over Thomas.

I actually really like this post.
It’s direct, explained and very well phrased.
Definitely give Emma a lot of town points.

This is probably true. Or well, that’s what I believe. Except for Susan, not very sure about why Susan was killed.

You can’t really deny it though that Thomas reeked of NE. Also reading your previous slot as town… was kinda… hard to see really.

Maybe I’m being a little biased (since the redcheck was on me), but I think this is pretty good towny post. Scum I think here would take the opportunity to vote out other scum not part of their alignment.

This is a little ehh… it contradicts. But I guess in my case, there was mech info.

Half of the NKs have occupy immunity, so this doesn’t really work.

Also I see that the Prince has claimed… which is definitely not good for us.

Like, “deep wolf” and “power wolf” are buzz words that people use, but they aren’t at all what we were thinking pushing Ivo.

My inner tinfoil hat is telling me that jane was tmi’ing ivo’s actions as towny, since deepwolf and powerwolf both refer to townread players

Doesn’t jail bypass occ immunity?

Nah it’s my fault for being pushed early if I was literally one vote less I’d likely rather defend myself socially but when you wake up to check your phone and you’re still half asleep and see 5 votes on you as prince it’s like “Oh shit wtf is going on”

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Why are you asking this?

Most people here have no idea how to deepwolf or powerwolf and just go UTR, so shrug.

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this is what i was thinking but you went more into depth on why exactly i didn’t like the phrase deepwolf being used there.
yeah, i’m most definitely slapping a solid townread on you.

Actually would have been better outing later then I did for better reads now

…also is anyone else SR’ing Gilbert?

it would’ve been better for you to not out at all imo.
sadly, nothing we can do now but bitch about it (of which i’ve done my fair share).

Like his posts have been fairly wolfy and it’s not just because of the low volume of content, there’s no mechanics on his side unlike Geoff, and while I was pushing him the thread flow went to Ivo and is now going to Jane.

Read the last part why would town try to care too much about solving much based on themselves instead of focusing on contributing to the town and having a better awareness about the game

Can you actually say you went through my Isos with honestly with actual honesty and just say I was talking only really about Tomas and that was my only interaction.

Lastly whats wrong with me making reads on players when I go through their Isos it’s not just to lightly take a small peak and make a gut read it’s to give my actual thoughts and start a dialog with players.

Imma go look at some ISOs now or something.
My reads aren’t very that good so far and they’re mostly very sheepy.
Plus these default names are messing up my perception on things

If someone was jailed, then it would work the way isabel described

i had seen it as a talking point, though now i’m going to iso him again and see if i can point these things out as well.