SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

No, your case is literally the one with a faulty PoV.

Assuming that I vig myself here. I flip BD, then who is the NK/CL?

n3 wasn’t on an obv BD. n4 was dumb since I barely read d3 so I didn’t realize that Alice was SF’d.

Nice grammar :stuck_out_tongue:
Caught scum
Dybu dabu

My point is that it was dumb

i did my fair share of that this game but shhh

I literally posted only 20 times then.

Also my reads have been extremely congruent to my checks such as slotting Alice/Edmond as my top trs after I WoW’d them and whatnot.

  1. What rhe fuck does “vig myself” mean
  2. Thats exactly what we’re discussing here - you dont flip BD
    Why do you keep assuming you do? You dont.

As in, theoretical scenario where I get modpeeked somehow. I will be modpeeked BD.

Who would be the CL/NK here?


Are you sure you’re ok buddy

We’re debating whether or not you’re NK here
I say you are and that you dont flip NK
“Oh but what if i flip BD” is not a valid argument

Come prepared with better reasoning next time.


Then why tf did you bring up Alice as a potential NK candidate as deepwolf paranoia?

That was
15 hours ago
When my brain had yet to start working it seems
Also it was before i fully understood your claim - alice cannot be NK, because that would make you good and your results a contradiction


i need sleep

I’ll be back in the morning

Don’t kill eachother while I’m gone. Thanks.


Basically Thomas is coming into a murder trial and saying “suppose God comes down and says Im not the killer - what are you gonna do”

First, they arent really defending themselves, more of pressing their point continuously.

Secondly, the point is to debate whether God will come down to clear you - it’s not up to you to adamantly insist you will be modflipped BD

Thus I believe Thomas has just proven himself to be the guilty party trying to weasel out somehow ny shifting blame.

I rest my case.

time for kirby weee


For cult conversions we’re basically looking at.

Helen - Starting Rit
Sarah/Mary - Starting Cabalist
Emma - N1 Convert
Geof - N3 Convert.

Ideally we doink the Starting Cabalist first since tonight is a convert night, and hope that the NK doesn’t auto-win in the F3.

Sarah and Mary both have pretty much no interactions with Helen/Emma/Geof.

No, I was pointing out how you were putting Alice as a deepwolf candidate on the conditional that I flipped BD, which you know that I have a good chance of flipping since you’re hunting for only 1 of the NK/CL.

This is a textbook case of a wolf trying to expand the PoE.

Both time Emma puts Mary as a TL and forgets Sarah exists. Eh, Mary’s probably more likely the CL here as wolves don’t forget their partners so easily like this.


Yeah, I think Mary’s just the CL here. This has shades of a wolf tying their partner to another player so when one flips the they can use it as a basis to falsely TR their partner or push a ML on a villa.

Lack of commitment to a Mary read looks partnish as well.


Going NK>CL will basically let them convert me and then potentially kill either of Alice/Edmond overnight depending on night actions. Not sure how the interactions between King/Chrono would work.

Going CL>NK will basically depend on either the NK. If it’s a Demon/Mindflayer, we lose. If it’s a Sorc, odds are that we lose unless the bombs were played terribly. If it’s a Poss/Reaper, we just win.