SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

note: some people have requested that their alt identities not be revealed, so rather than outing all the alts I’ll let people choose if they wish to out themselves

second note: one of those people was Cult, so scumchat is staying private

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This was disappointing.

I said there was probably a 2nd neut and everyone just said no.

i am so so so so sorry everybody god i fucked that up

Alice deserved this more then anyone else

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I’m going to reveal myself but it’s so obvious.

Hi yall dat here :wave: had a lot of fun, for the limited time I was here. Rooting for Alice Alard the whole time, idc if they were possessor they played phenomenally . Was lucy

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I do not blame you one bit. You didn’t do anything there in the end, it’s not like you had a choice.

god fucking dammit i am sorry Ivo

fuckin neutpocalypse


now that game is over @Marshal how did u know it was me in spec chat from my first post

i apologize for calling you out though

Marshal I almost flipped Sarah as Marshal in your honor

also the logs said

marshal is cringe


Its ok I’m disappointed but you did great other then that xD

i was pocketed, i apologize on behalf of the entire BD

I may or may not have been an informed spectator

emma wins the award for my favorite player this game

I have guesses on most alts

gg alice
and gg alice


Be thankful an actual competent player got subbed into your only ally’s slot over the pepega spammer :smiley:



alice and alice take on the world

