SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

what’s eh with it?

Thomas: Kill it Night 2/3 If Knight/Archer or bleed it day 2 if hunter let it die.
Geoffy: Null, pretty agreeable and standard (POE)
Susan: Null (POE)
Isabel: Overall small poster but they seem like they want to push out early reads, I wanna see where this goes for now
Sarah: Don’t be demotivated and lets start progression, Null (POE)

Current notes, I’ve only done quick reads on low posters so far likely should have started from high first. I’m not Isos diving Thomas thanks.

I’ll get a couple more noted down I want at least more then half done by end of day then I can finish off high posters during night phase

also @Nicolas_Adams can you answer this

I’m pretty sure that’s not happening here.
Who wants spam?
I sure don’t.

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You are mostly just interacting with Thomas, though I do see that you somewhat have a progression read on him.

What I didn’t really like is your response toward the read on you though.

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definetly not especially since we can just mute them

and why is that

Should’ve explained better, but in my opinion, you just seems rather defensive with those response.

We can always policy execute D2 if there are no leads and there is no sign of improvement.
That’s on them.

I mean I definetly interacted a lot when I was hoping he would change but I have had a lot of interactions outside too

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Which slots do you read as town based on your interactions so far in D1?

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He put me into nullscum and then I did go over his reasoning with him

I don’t really see how that is wrong?

Any conclusions from that?
I’m looking forward to seeing them.

Thomas and ppl who were actively solving

I see then.

Not sure about Thomas here.
Which slots would you say are “actively solving”?

slight V for solving activity


Can we get some of your read over here?

Outside of Sarah/Gilbert/Andy.

Emma, andy, edmond and lucy

there were others but I do not really remember

Who is it you slight village read btw?
I find it unclear who you’re talking about.

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