SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

Here I’ll answer your question

Yes there is another person in that PoE, you.

To be fair, I think that Alice is the towniest player alive. So, it’s not unwarranted to sheep her.


Because… mafia want to push town? It’s what they do to win the game?
You don’t avoid voting anyone just because you could possibly be voting a town PR. That’s not how this works.

/vote Helen_Harte

She has been floating like a balloon. Her only push today was on the Prince, and even then it was mostly sheeping.

Ivo has become more towny after claiming, so I’m quite certain he is just the Prince and not a fakeclaimer. That said, some of his actions still confuse me, so I would still like to hear an explanation when he’s present.


It is a fairly easy claim, but I don’t find it very suspicious on its own.

My first priority right now is to read Gilbert, because Thomas 2 sees something there and I really don’t. I don’t necessarily think Thomas 2 is town, but it’s still worth looking at Gilbert again, just because Thomas 2 seems really convinced. I did notice one scummy thing from Gilbert - the only thing he did in response to Thomas 2’s push on him was write a couple of defensive posts, without much analysis of other players. The best way to defend yourself is to make yourself look townier, which isn’t what Gilbert was doing.

I’m not sure why Alan has this consistent, strange focus on tying people together into potential groupings with mafia in them… whether there is concrete evidence for it or not.

I suddenly feel uneasy about voting on this wagon. Isabel, why do you think Lucy was killed for her reads (specifically her townreads), and not just because she was a town captain?

Say it with me. #NotMyKing.

Didn’t know scum always had night kills.

If you read what I said earlier, Lucy was killed for being obvious town and I’m pretty sure one of the slots they scum read either killed them directly, or if group scum got their partner to do the deed.
Scum usually prefer to keep people who town read them for later and kill anyone who suspects them.

Something I could likely agree with honestly.

Emma does this answer your question?

I’m going to do other stuff/Sleep for a bit hopefully I come on a more active zone.





Mafia lean:




I need to put more people in my town circle. Going to read Gilbert again.
My read on Thomas 2 is still pending. Obviously, it’s a better slot now than back when Thomas 1 was running rampant, at least.

What’s been confusing you the Geoffrey push?
Generally speaking I want Geoffrey to be a bit more motivated and confident in themselves, I wanted them to change from their day 1 in a way that doesn’t seem robotic or forced.

Anyways I don’t think people understand that I want to push someone just because they are purely scummy…

I also rather not waste Jail on someone who I jailed n1 unless they are confirmed scum

The Mary townlean is slowly moving toward the edge of a cliff because of her lacking presence today.

I forgot to put Geoffrey in mafia leans.




Mary (dissipating)

Mafia lean:





Edmond really hasn’t done much for someone who has a high post count imo.

I so get town vibes from them though.

Once I finish reading a couple of players Isos I should give my honest reads list.

I do want to hear others first though I feel like it’s easy for scum to sheep with me

I see.

It’s sufficient.

Helen has fewer posts than both hosts combined. It’s worse than I first thought.

In all fairness, the same thing applies to Mary.

What happened to that?

I remember agreeing with this. I still do. But it’s just an objective principle, not necessarily an alignment indicative statement.

This sounds fairly patronizing about Thomas. Hm.
I recall someone else doing something similar this game.


The fact Gilbert’s treatment of Thomas bears some similarities to Geoffrey’s treatment of Thomas is setting off my mafia radar.

I remember really liking this take, though. My overall opinion about Gilbert’s treatment of Thomas 1 is that I dislike the patronizing attitude in their direct interactions, but I like the justifications Gilbert is using for the townread.

There is one more problem, and that is the lack of alignment reads in Gilbert’s ISO. Most of the time, he is either defending himself or talking about how forum mafia should be played.

This post in particular is the perfect example of the latter.
I can’t shake off the feeling Gilbert is just wasting time in the thread instead of doing anything productive, and that is something mafia do much more than town. Town are generally pressured to find the mafia, but mafia are not necessarily pressured to push anyone, even town.

Conclusion: I am no longer townreading Gilbert nearly as strongly as I was before. That said, I’m not entirely confident in Gilbert being mafia yet. I need to see more from him.

There’s also the fact I have several other mafia reads on people I would rather have killed first. I would like to focus on pushing them, for the time being.

Also, I have just realized that I’ve made a silly mistake. I’ve been reading Thomas 2 as if they weren’t in the same slot as Thomas 1, for some reason. I considered Thomas 1 pretty much town, so naturally, the same should apply to Thomas 2.
Nobody would convert Thomas 1, either. He was just trolling. The only utility for the mafia would be to have him keep spamming, since he was essentially being ignored for that.

For that reason, Thomas 2 is almost certainly town as of right now, and I take back whatever I said about doubting Thomas 2.

The reason I keep bringing this up is twofold.

  1. I want Mary and Helen to start doing something meaningful.
  2. I want other people to start considering the alignment of these two, since I haven’t seen these two names appear in accusations too frequently.

Isabel might just be a townie, for the sole reason that her posts are much better than the posts of ~5 people I dislike.

Slight townlean for now.

@Gilbert_Lovell I want you to start making alignment reads on people instead of making sure your slot is sufficiently defended from Thomas 2’s push.

I might vote Gilbert at the end of the day (hopefully I will be around for that).

Time to read more people.

43 Notifications.

33 of them from Thomas. I can’t believe I managed to find a way to hate a person based on an anonymous game. Either way, I’m here now.


It was my first post and entering the thread to Thomas being annoying, I just spoke the first thing that came to my mind.

I didn’t want to. But I felt like I had to, eventually I did just stop entirely.

I was looking to see what you meant. But it more seems like a formation of sentences and then a slight slip-up.

Interesting. Well then. I haven’t seen Andy’s response yet but I believei t would be nice to put you in here.

Good good good.

Interesting Towncore, can you explain it further?

I believe everyone saw Thomas as a “Please, shut up and never speak again” Town.

Yeah, this would work and make sense. However you’re assuming they are Assassin when they can easily be NK which would have the same effect.

Terrible logic.

However we have lots of classes that can kill that don’t have to be NK/Assassin.

I’m glad you went straight to reading, that’s a good sign on you. However I would like to see why these reads exist (Along with your read on me :))

At least it was sorted as I saw none of the sort.

The anger that went through my veins when I read this was immaculate.

Putting this here, please put your In A Nutshell not in the other spoiler so I can click on that next time to get your read straight away.

Hm, why is Ivo your choice here (Especially since Thomas preferred a Gilbert lynch)

And then it strangely get’s wagoned. However when Thomas posts his vote, it doesn’t. I’m going to keep this in mind.

So you somehow didn’t note the ‘Thomas_The_Second’???

Should’ve claimed either way.

Currently right now, that’s how it’s going.


You’re Physician I’m assuming, if so why didn’t you save the guy that died?

Yeah, okay this is getting a bit too sus the amount of wagoning he got on him all of a sudden.

I see.

Please, be quiet. You’re giving Thomas 1 vibes.

Please don’t quote large posts and make it look like you’re doing a lot more than you actually are. Quote parts of it and especially the part you want to talk about, not the whole post.

Hm? That’s not what that post at all. You clearly ignored the context. We were literally talk about Thomas and my reads were just going to include Thomas (And the reads I already posted) into the post. You very visibly placed yourself in a “Mary is Scum, only find reasons to scumread them and don’t contradict myself” mentality. I wasn’t the only one who agreed on this at this point.

This was Day 1 so this is just a terrible read. D1 I wouldn’t know I was a Convert and I would have to be converted N1, and if I was Assassin, I wouldn’t let myself be killed off D3 because then I would lose my MM Apprentice thing. What would be the point in that? @Alan_Atlee I need an explanation as your read, to put it frankly, sucks.

That was the plan either way.

Weren’t you the one Townreading me? Not to mention as stated above, this is faulty logic and you know it is. Why would Unseen want a Convert Slot opened up instead of a backup MM?

Keep in mind his scumreads were based on faulty logic .

What are you on about? Please at least quote what you’re on about instead of changing the reason on why you’re scumreading me every two seconds.

That’s…That’s not rolefishing? He told the Prince to privately jail and execute Ivo (If he’s not real Prince), not out and tell us all. However it does contradict the ‘Jail Exe Alan Plan’

/vote Alan

This post took a long time but I’ve caught up now completely, my vote goes here, even if the plan was to Jail Exe Alan, if Ivo isn’t the Real Prince, the Real Prince would probably prefer to jail Ivo over Alan. Alan is thus my vote as his progression is absolutely horrible, his constant switching on why he scumreads a player is also horrible, not to mention the Observer find.