SFoL 64: Duel of the Juggernauts discussion and balance thread

please ping me before you submit
thank you
i’d like to look things over one more time after you do

also someone should edit all the updated rolecards into the op if they’re not already
i wikified the op for a reason

i’m perfectly fine with hosting this as long as i don’t have to host during a time when i don’t have… time

21 hob, 6 syndicate

1x Arbiter
1x Priestess
19x Random Hand of Byzantium (no more than 3x per non-unique class)

6 wolves:

Templar (Killer)
Confessor (Investigative)
Harbinger (Support)
Zealot (Offensive)
Archon (Social)
Elder (Special, Lost Wolf, does not know its allies and the main pack does not know who they are, but they can find their pack members at night if they target correctly)

syndicate has:

You have a singular factional kill per night, which is compulsory and assigned . One must sacrifice their night action in order to perform the kill.
You have a singular assigned anti-claim shot per day. To use it, quote a post a player made which appears to be a hardclaim or a softclaim and describe the class you believe they are claiming. If you are correct, you will fire an unstoppable shot at them, killing them unconditionally, unless they are protected by the Priestess . The shot is assigned , meaning that the member of the Syndicate taking it must sacrifice their day action to do so. Note that the post you quote does not have to be written in the primary game thread; posts in neighborhood chats are eligible as well.
When there are only two or fewer Syndicate members left alive, the factional kill and anti-claim shot are no longer assigned, meaning day and night actions no longer have to be sacrificed to use them, and they do not count as actions or visits.
If the Elder ever becomes the only Syndicate member left alive, they automatically join the factional chat.
Every night, you may activate a Reshape Reality action from a list. You may only activate each action once. The selection is not assigned by any means, and it is made as a collective decision in the factional chat. The Elder will not be able to choose the action until they join the factional chat, but they will be informed which Reshape Reality action is in place at the start of each day.

i’ll edit the classcards into the op

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Oh, they haven’t been updated yet.

I was about to say town having conversion is “probably unbalanced”.

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Y’know, this would be way too strong in FoL.

You’ll have at least 3 or more people claiming a day, so this is in practice another KPN.

it doesn’t see through fakeclaims and you have to sacrifice a day action to use it
that’s how i tried to balance it

Randomly opened this.
Isn’t this difference a dead giveaway of which is real?

nah that’s not how it works
both get the same notification but only one dies
there should be a comma there, one sec

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also i think i edited everything into the op

Syntax is ambigous.

I think the structure here is

will inform a player that they were bled -and- they will die in two nights

As in do both inform and die. While the fake will only inform.

the wording in the op (my version) is different

and i think more accurate

also i added setup info to the OP
now i think it contains everything

there are two things i’m considering

  1. adding a new social class for hob, but it doesn’t seem necessary
  2. removing the class cap, creating more room for claims

Are you going to use WotM on the roll if you do?

i’m not sure i should answer this question
last time i hosted a game was 2 years ago so obviously my philosophy has changed since then
i didn’t use wotm back then which resulted in the most garbage cult of the century

The class cap is dumb, tbh.

It’s basically a leftover from ToL as games are machine randed there.

Here there really isn’t a need as if something dumb like 5 Nobles roll then the mod can reroll via WotM.

if i co-host, im partial to avoiding WoTM at all costs fyi

I mean like, it’d probably be bad if like 8 HoB killers spawned.

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