SFoL 64: Duel of the Juggernauts discussion and balance thread

This is a 18p game, yes or yesn’t

that’s the current idea

yes that’s what i was trying to do

My personal take is if anyone ever wanted to put Syndicate in something it’d be a mash
It’s insanely volatile

Now, you could change it
But that’s not the vibe I get from what N.1 is saying

i agree that a mash could work better tbh

do i go find my syndicate classcards and post them here?

If you want to, sure

marchioness/handmaiden vs socialite
marshal vs agent
stalker/nightwatch vs watchman
duchess/archivist vs librarian

this was a bit of work

my personal opinion is that
socialite is probably better than its unseen counterparts
agent is way different but since arbiter is gonna become the rolecop its probably better to not have it be a rolecop
watchman is just better than its unseen counterparts and is super strong
librarian isnt even an invest but converts from duchess (but hey a neighborizer is fun i guess)

so i guess my “invests might need to be changed heavily” conclusion was inaccurate (except probably for agent upon second look)

To butcher Syndicate or to change the name then butcher it

That’s the question unless you want a clusterfuck
I’m all for clusterfuck personally, but people might not want to join that

i mean its syndicate vs HoB

its gonna be a clusterfuck

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I think the feeling was that clusterfuck was inevitable when I proposed bringing back the syndicate

Yes, but society

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If you want to go that route, I’ve got three recommendations:

  • focus on removing unfun mechanics (such as Infinite anti-claim that has no penalty and can be used on softs)
  • Don’t overcentralize power
  • Banana

Risk reward is hilarious and enjoyable

this is fine

this is not fine

Even if you remove all utterly unfair mechanics and even if you manage to somewhat balance it out, this game will be swingy as hell (which isn’t inherently bad, and I guess that’s kind of the goal if you want to create a high high power setup :wink: )

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I design many broken and swingy setups all the time
If people know that going in then there’s no reason not to go all the way

Note that I removed the Syndicate’s Omega Actions in these versions, but I gave them an assigned factional kill that replaces the killer’s night action if they are assigned the kill.

The Templar :shield:

Syndicate Killer
In Nomine Dei (Passive) - If you perform the factional kill then you will always bypass night immunity, healing, jailing, the Hunter’s Bear Companion, and the Knight’s Defend. You may also use both Purge the Sinners and Faith and Steel in the same day.
Purge the Sinners (Day) - Choose two players. You may make one of them start bleeding, and make another think they started bleeding. The true bleeding will kill the target in two nights if they are not healed. The fake bleeding will only inform the player that they were bled and do nothing else. (3 uses)
Faith and Steel (Day) - Kill yourself and target player in broad daylight. (1 use)
Divine Retribution (Night) - Only available on even nights. Attack a player who voted you at any point during the previous day. You do not receive bonuses from In Nomine Dei while using this ability.
Massacre (Night) - If you perform the factional kill tonight, you will also kill all of your target’s visitors. You do not receive bonuses from In Nomine Dei while using this ability. (1 use)
Defeat the Blue Dragon, all factions aligned with them, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Confessor :shield:

Syndicate Investigative
Syndicate’s Watchmen (Passive) - At the end of each night, you automatically learn the names of all classes that visited you.
Contrition (Passive) - If you perform the factional kill, it will not count as a visit.
Omniscience (Day) - Choose another member of the Syndicate. At the beginning of the night, you will learn if any other day abilities were used on them and who used them, but not what they were. (3 uses)
Eyes of the Syndicate (Day) - At the end of the night, you will learn who visited a member of the Syndicate during the night, but not which member was visited. (2 uses)
Confession (Night) - Learn a player’s class.
Watchful Vigil (Night) - Learn who a player visited tonight and who visited them. (3 uses)
Defeat the Blue Dragon, all factions aligned with them, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Harbinger :shield:

Syndicate Support
Omen of Remorse (Passive) - Whenever a player visits you, they become permanently framed (they will appear to investigators as members of the Syndicate).
Omen of Deceit (Passive) - You appear to investigators as a member of the Blue Dragon. You are also bleeding immune.
Dominance of Pestilence (Day) - All players who attempt to occupy or kill you tonight will start bleeding and their visit will be prevented. The bleeding will kill them in two nights if they are not healed. (2 uses)
Circle of War (Day) - Prevent another player from visiting and being visited tonight. (2 uses)
Grasp of Famine (Night) - Heal a player. They will also be immune to occupation and redirection tonight.
Banner of Death (Night) - Mark a player for death. All attacks that target a marked player are guaranteed to succeed. (1 use)
Defeat the Blue Dragon, all factions aligned with them, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Zealot :shield:

Syndicate Offensive
Fanatical Zeal (Passive) - You are occupation and redirection immune. If anyone attempts to occupy or redirect you, you will be immediately informed. If you manage to redirect a player onto killing another, you will be informed and you will a gain a stack of Zeal. You can spend Zeal stacks during the night to occupy a player as an additional, separate night action.
Overwhelming Aura (Passive) - At the end of each night, you automatically learn who was successfully occupied, redirected, or prevented from visiting.
Force of Conviction (Day) - Choose two players. If the first player uses a day ability today, it will be redirected to the second player. If you choose the same player twice, they will be occupied until the end of the day instead. (3 uses)
Mirror of Faith (Day) - Choose a player. All other day actions used on them today will be automatically redirected to their users. (3 uses)
Might of Conviction (Night) - Choose two players. The first player will be redirected to the second. If you choose the same player twice, you will occupy them instead. You are only seen visiting the first player.
Works of Zeal (Night) - Swap two players. Every other player targeting one of them tonight will be redirected to the other, bypassing redirection immunity. You cannot target yourself. (2 uses)
Defeat the Blue Dragon, all factions aligned with them, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Archon :shield:

Syndicate Social
Influence and Affluence (Passive) - During King elections, all votes for you count as three. As long as you are alive, if votes are tied between two or more players at the end of the day and one of those players is a member of the Syndicate, the random selection of who is lynched will never choose the Syndicate member.
Grand Archbishop (Passive) - As long as you are alive, all dead Syndicate members can still speak in the Syndicate chat. You may use both Mental Restructuring and Rapture during the same day.
Mental Restructuring (Day) - Link the minds of two players. Tonight, they will be able to talk to each other until the end of the night. At the end of the night, they will be removed from their chat and you will be added to it.
Rapture (Day) - Choose a player other than yourself. If they are lynched today, their class and logs will not be revealed. However, they will be revealed in the Syndicate chat. When you die, the class and logs of that player will be revealed alongside yours. (1 use)
Scales of the Syndicate (Night) - Choose two players other than yourself. Tomorrow, one fewer vote will be required to lynch the first player and one more vote will be required to lynch the second player. Both effects are silent.
Pearly Gates (Night) - Choose a dead Syndicate member. You may use any of their night abilities tonight. (1 use)
Defeat the Blue Dragon, all factions aligned with them, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Obviously, replace Blue Dragon with HoB. That was my rebalancing idea back then. Probably doesn’t really work 100% here.

I also removed the lost wolf.