SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2


Possibly Psychotic, we don’t know Cop

Blue Dragon Town
No (Passive) - You think you are a Sheriff, but all of your results are reversed.
Please (Passive) - You think you are a Sheriff, but all of your results will be redchecks.
Stop (Passive) - You think you are a Sheriff, but all of your results will be greenchecks.
Why (Passive) - You think you are a Sheriff, but your scout will have reversed results.
Fuck (Passive) - You think you are a Sheriff, but your scout will always return a visit.
Wait this is the host after reviewing class 1010? (Passive) - You think you are a Sheriff, but your scout will never return a visit. Also you always spawn with A Host’s Nightmare.

Town wincon



Not gonna lie, this thread has gone to shit ever since luxy left

Town Social
Opinion (Passive) - Post this in thread:

I’m not gonna lie, the GI thread has gone to shit since luxy left. Like yeah it’s crazy and all cuz it’s GI, but people aren’t even following the rules of the thread and it’s making the classes so much worse. There are so many fucking “named x” or classtypes that don’t follow the 6 classtypes. What are we supposed to do about classes that check for classtype or use it like mind flayer? it throws that off entirely. It’s like haha funny and all but in the end just makes it harder for hosts to interperet. Luxy used to crack down on this but now that he’s gone this thread just feels like a repeat of everything wrong with the first.

If it gets 5 likes, you may choose to hammer anybody who has liked that post at any time for the rest of the day.

Your objective is to defeat the scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm*




Neutral Support
Neutrals Inside (Passive): You can only spawn if at least one other neutral class spawns.
Finally Roll Neut (Night): Target a dead player who flipped as a neutral class. You will become that class, inheriting their abilities and win condition. If their flip was accurate and they would otherwise not achieve their win condition at the end of the game, they will win if and only if you win. This ability is guaranteed to succeed (1 use)
Become another neutral class and achieve its win condition.



Janye west

Neutral Support
Kanye (Passive) - You are only allowed to post in kanye west lyrics. If you fail this restriction, you get modkilled and cannot win. You lose this passive when becoming a new class.
Neutrals Inside (Passive): You can only spawn if at least one other neutral class spawns.
Finally Roll Neut (Night): Target a dead player who flipped as a neutral class. You will become that class, inheriting their abilities and win condition. If their flip was accurate and they would otherwise not achieve their win condition at the end of the game, they will win if and only if you win. This ability is guaranteed to succeed (1 use)
Become another neutral class and achieve its win condition.



Memesky Killer
Neutrals Outside (Passive) - You can only spawn if at least one other neutral does. Memesky does not count for this.
Delete the Neut (Night) - Investigate a player to see if they are Neutral. If they are, you will kill them bypassing everything whilst also converting a random Town player to the Memesky. Infinite uses

Ensure no neutrals win and the Memesky achieves parity.



Town Special
BUTTER (Passive): You must make a shit pun in one of your posts each day or you will die.
ON A ROLL (Night): If someone not in the uninformed majority is lynched the day before, you may pick one of the following abilities to use on any player: Alignment Cop, Vigilante, and Jailkeep. This will bypass all protection or preventions. You cannot use the same ability before using all the other ones.

generic town wincon




Town Special
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (Night): Fucking destroy someone with your sheer insanity and need to be given constant attention. They will just die, right on the spot, not preventable. They will die. If your target is a member of the uninformed majority you can’t obliterate anymore people.

generic town wincon



  • All factions in this post have the win condition “Eliminate all opposing factions and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.”
  • All roles which reference ITAs automatically enable ITAs starting D2.
  • All roles with reference events automatically enable events starting D1, with events determined by host discretion.
  • Mod elections occur when half or fewer of the players remain at the start or end of the day.




Town Roleblocker [Offensive]

Wolf Guard (Day)-Your night ability tonight will also prevent the target from dying during the night. However the next night you will be unable to use your night ability-2 uses

Ice Cage (Night)-Roleblock target person-Infinite Uses




Town blamed for everything dreaming god [Special]

Blame Nerbins (Passive) - Blame him for this passive as well, since if he wasn’t blamed so much, you wouldn’t have it. You will appear as mafia to all checks.

Setup theme (Night) - Chose name of one game which was hosted on this site. At the end of the night you will receive a one shot day ability that is themed after this game… theme.




Town not forum mod, who does mod work regardless [Social]

Processing appeals (Passive) - You can talk to banned people at night.

Unban (Night) - eevee has banned someone without good reasoning again. Unban them, making them rejoin the game. - 1 use

Make friends (Day) - Target person in the User Union, making them join the Judge Alliance instead.

Mod candidate (Passive) - If you are elected as new mod, you will get ability to ban people, as well as refill on “urban”.


Town Imperial Physician [Support]
Imperial Guard :shield: (Night)- Each night you may target someone preventing them from dying that night. You cannot target the same person twice in a row (Infinite uses)


Town Cthulhu’s mortal enemy [Killer]

Almost Polish (Passive) - Do to your undoubtedly legitimate connections to Poland, you are bound to do slightly better in some events… possibly.

Summon Exodia the Forbidden One (Day) - Summon an NPC, which can ITA shot. You can order them from your rolecard and they stay alive till killed. (They are slightly easier to be killed by ITAs)




Town “Pokèmon” [Social]
Apparently a Pokèmon (Passive): Though you appear to be an ordinary mole, you are actually a Pokèmon.
Dig (Night): Target a player. If they are a Pokèmon, you and that player will both be added to the Pokèmon neighborhood.
Earthquake (Night): Target a player in the Pokèmon neighborhood. You will know if they visited anyone or were visited by anyone (you will not know which happened) (1 use)




Town Soul Collector [Support]
Consume Soul (Passive): -You start off with zero souls. If you were to ever die, due to anything other then the lynch, you will survive by consuming a soul.

Gather Soul (Night): Each night you may visit someone, collecting their soul if they would die (Infinite uses)



Town Roboticist [Special]

Build Robot (Day): Build a chosen robot during the day. You must build each robot once before building any robot again.
Your choices are Infinite Recharge, Destination: Deep Space, and Power Up (Infinite uses)

Drive Robot (Night): Drive the robot you have created. This will have a different effect depending on which robot you drive (Infinite uses)

Infinite Recharge: Tomorrow night, target player will be able to use their action twice, while only consuming a single use if they use a limited use ability. Fails if used on a moderator candidate. You will be seen as performing the second ability.
Destination: Deep Space: Redirect your first target to your second target.
Power Up: All actions by members of the town on target player will silently fail tonight.



DatBird [Killer]

Town not forum mod, who does mod work regardless

Blacklist (Night) - Target chosen person and ban them. - 3 shot

Make friends (Day) - Target person in the Judge Alliance, making them join the User Alliance instead.

Mod candidate (Passive) - If you are elected as new mod, you will get ability to unban people, as well as refill on “blacklist”.




Town evolving “Firekitten made this rolecard and forgot to add the typing” [Support]

Shy Noises (Night) - Each night you can target a person to hide behind them.
This will prevent all visits to you for that night, however everyone targeting your target will also target you.
If this ability prevents a death on you, you will lose this ability and unlock a new one.




Town claiming is bad, don’t do it in home. [Killer]

Annalyzing data (Passive) - Each night you may gain data to analyze.

"You can solve this by adding in anticlaim mechanics, like claimvig, in order to create a more healthy experience" (Night) - Guess the targets flavor. If you are correct you will kill them.




Town adorable “This votecount is scummy” [Investigative]

Bounce (Passive) - Since you are so adorable, no one wants to insult you. ITAs targeting you will have their chance to hit reduced by 10 percent.

Write wallpost (Night) - Target a player. They will be immune to occupation and redirection tonight (usable only on odd nights)

Vote Count Analysis (Night): Target a player. Learn whether they have any abilities that affect voting (usable only on even nights)




Town mechanics nerd [Investigative]

Setup Solving (Passive) - Due to your habit of solving setups, each night you will receive mechanical information about the setup.

Gathering Data (Night) - Each night you may target two people, comparing theirs amount of likes. You won’t receive results, as they will be sent to other person.




Town conditional doublevoter [Social]
“See if you’re going to read me as scum, that’s up to you. Perhaps I need to remind everyone that every game I’ve had so far I’ve been town. So you have no knowledge how I behave as a wolf to base your scum reads on me on.”

OMGUS (Passive) - Your vote will silently count as two votes if the player you are voting is also voting you. This is disabled when five or fewer players remain.




Town not-paranoid gun owner [Killer]

Gun (Passive): Like always, you have a gun. Unfortunately, everyone else also has a gun.
However, after some of your previous shots, your friends have staged an intervention and modified it. Each time you kill a member of the Mafia in ITAs, you gain an additional ITA shot for that day. This shot is submitted in your rolecard. Furthermore, whenever you kill a member of the Mafia, your ITA hit rate increases by 5 percent permanently.




Town Quiet Mechanics Oracle [Investigative]
Information on the Clocktower (Passive): Your experience with Blood on the Clocktower has taught you about mechanical deduction. At the end of each night, you will receive a piece of mechanical information about the set-up.
Does this game have whispers? (Day): Send a message of 100 characters or less to a player above or below you on the player list.
Mechanically solve (Night): Submit a word of your choice to the host. Information gained from your passive tonight will be guaranteed to relate to the topic you submit (1 use)




Town Masonizer [Social]

Create “Hydra” (Night) - Target a player, checking if they are a member of the informed minority. If they are, you will die, bypassing all protections. If they are not, you will create the chat with them. (1 use)




Town ““Doctor”” [Support]
Play Offsite (Night) - Each night you may target someone, preventing them from dying the next day (besides the lynch). You cannot target the same person twice in a row.




Town idrc what’s going on, but it’s funny [Killer]

Roasted (Passive) - You may fire an additional, silent ita shot (does not reveal shooter).
The public shot however will always be an automatic miss.
You may target anyone with this silent shot, regardless of other restrictions.

Epic comeback (Passive) - You always have like advantage in ITAs, regardless of who you shoot / who shoots you.

Elections? What elections? (Day) - Switch the faction you belong to (User Union / Judge Alliance).




Town association cop [Investigative]

Associative Reads (Day) - Target a banned person to compare their alignment with your night ability target. You cannot target the same banned person more then once.

Process Of Elimination (Night) - Target a person to compare their alignment with the person you last used your day ability on.




Town Pokemon Trainer [Social]
Youngster Joey (Passive): You register as a Pokèmon to all abilities.
Pokèball (Night): Target a player. If they are a Pokèmon, you and that player will both be added to the Pokèmon neighborhood.
PKR and Wolfy (Night): If you are in the Pokèmon neighborhood, you may spend the night with your boyfriend, causing all actions performed on you by other members of the Pokèmon neighborhood to fail (1 use)



Town Pokemon [Social]
Leafeon (Passive): You are a Pokèmon.

Leaf Guard (Night): Target a player. If they are a Pokèmon, you and that player will both be added to the Pokèmon neighborhood. (Infinite uses)

Magical Leaf (Night): If you are in the Pokèmon neighborhood, roleblock a player in the neighborhood (1 use)




Town desperadic shakespeare [Killer]

Where Art Thou, O Romeo (Day) - Target a player, checking if they are a member of the informed minority. If they are, you will automatically ban them. Otherwise, you will commit suicide, bypassing all protections (this also counts as ban) (2 uses)




Mafia Unkillable Feline [Support]

9 Lives (Passive) - You will survive the first 8 attacks on you (besides being lynched). ITAs will be seen as misses, even if they hit as long as you have a life left.

Weebs out reeee (Day) - Chose one player from User Union and one from Judge Alliance. Swap theirs allegiance.

Pet me now, mortal (Night) - Redirect all attacks from targeted player to yourself for a cycle. It will not be noted that ITAs were redirected to you (Will show up as attacks on originally intended target).

Mod candidate (Passive) - If both DatBird and Chloe roles are dead when mod elections happen, you will get abilities to blacklits and appeal.


Bez nazwy


Mafia Weird Fuckery [Special]

Villagery hat (Passive) - You appear as town to investigative.

S o u l r e a d (Passive) - You share neighborhood with owner of SirDerpsALot rolecard.

No Life (Day) - Spend all your time on the forum, making you immune to occupation tonight. - 1 use

Haha, reaction test (Night) - Chose a player. Watch a player over them on playerlist, track the player below them on playerlist, check the flavor of last banned person, send a short haiku to be posted by host at the day start, occupy yourself and your target on the next night.




Mafia more and more annoyed JOAT [Special]

S o u l r e a d (Passive) - You are in a neighborhood with owner of Marshal rolecard.

Bussing (Passive) - The powers of your fallen allies empower you. Your abilities become stronger the more members of the Mafia have died.

Gutread (Night) - Target a player. You will rolecop them. (2 uses, usable only when at least one member of the Mafia is dead)

Tunnel (Day) - Gladiate a player. Only usable if at least six hours remain in the day (1 use, usable only when at least two members of the Mafia are dead)

Forget Night Action (Night) - Target a player. They will be occupied for the night and their ITA hitrate tomorrow will silently be reduced to zero (2 uses, usable only when at least three members of the Mafia are dead)

Hero Shot (Day) - Dayvig a player, bypassing protections. (1 use, usable only when at least four members of the Mafia are dead)



Mafia “Firekitten made this rolecard and it makes no sense to me, so have eggplant instead :eggplant:” [Investigative]

Not gonna sleep (Passive) - If anyone visits you they will be pricked. You will know if someone gets pricked (their name), but not where they were pricked.

Spiky DoorKnob (Day) - Place a Spiky Doorknob at someone’s house. Anyone who visits them at any time in the future will get pricked.

Oh, I have a grand idea! (Night) - Choose a player who you targeted with Spiky DoorKnob, you will learn all of the abilities that targeted that person that night - 2 uses




Mafia Night Arsonist and Day Also Arsonist [Killer]

Planning A Roast (Day) - Plan to insult someone

Roast Feast (Night) - Insult everyone you have planned to, making them leave the community (die).

Flagging Posts (Night) - Flag a persons post

Moderator Call Out (Day) - Call our the moderators, forcing them to ban the people you have flagged



Mafia Deathtunneler [Support]
“Deepwolf” Killer (Passive): You have a 10% higher chance to ITA someone if they would appear as town to cop checks.

There Can Be Only One (Night): Perform the factional kill tonight, causing the kill to be strongmanned, strong willed, and invisible to trackers/watchers - (2 uses)




Mafia improvising framer [Social]
I always wing it and do whatever the hell I want

Do what you want (Night) - Do what you want, this does nothing.

I don’t ever have a plan (Day) - Frame someone for a cycle. They will appear as member of the informed minority and visiting the factional kill target. That’s very good effect for no plan anyway.




Neutral NPC Commander [Killer]

Ban avoidance (Passive) - Due to past experiences you know how to avoid bans, and sure as hell you will not leave this forum. (Death immune, show as miss in ITAs)

That sound… logic (Day) - Summon an NPC, which can vote and ITA shot. You can order them from your rolecard and they stay alive till killed. (They are slightly easier to be killed by ITAs)

The ultimate power (Passive) - If all moderator candidates / moderator die, you will inherit moderator abilities.

Goal: Eliminate everyone. EVERYONE.



I just put the cap on antiperspirant, went to drink something, accidentally touched my tongue with my finger and got the powder in my mouth

Mafia Offensive
Powdery Mouth (Day) Dehydrate a player, causing them to die in two days if they don’t find water (water is randomised on 20% of the alive players’ slots at the time of their ‘bleed’. - 2 uses
COUGH COUGH (Night): Occupy a player by spraying antiperspirant in their face. - Infinite uses

generic mafia wincon

1 Like


Renumbering someone else’s class card because you’re lazy

Mafia Social
Renumber someone else’s class card because you’re lazy (Night): Target a player and provide a number. They will appear as that numbered class in the Grand Idea thread for all abilities that interact specifically with class number, for the rest of the game (Infinite uses)

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Versus Debater

Blue Dragon Investigative

Strawman (Night) - Learn one fact about the target player. - Infinite Uses

BD wincon.


Hey guys we can basically make this the cookie thread but we put effort into the posts

Town Killer

Not a good idea (passive) -You think you are funny. But you aren’t. Whoever is deemed to have the most off-topic posts in the game thread will be poisoned and die at the end of the day unless healed

Abort mission (day) - Heal a player of poison

Defeat all who oppose the town

1 Like



Mafia Special

Deep in the ocean, off the cliff Ravenswood Bluff is named for, an ancient evil awakes, drawn to you by profane ritual. Five days seems so short.

Ancient Evil (Passive): If you are in the game, if you die you lose instantly and scum has no KP for the whole game, but you win instantly at EoD5 if the game has not otherwise ended yet, and you also win instantly if there is ever more than one mis-jettison during the game.

win teh gaem


Lady Gaga, except ‘balanced’ for GI

Follows WoW:BfA v2 Mechanics


Divine (Passive) - You are immune to tailoring + framing effects.
Sine From Above (Day) - Call upon the Host to make a player other than yourself silently immune to the jettison today. - 1 use
Ensure all players that emit informed minority presence are eliminated.

Divine Warrior

Judgement, Penance or Templar

Smite (Night) - Smite a player. If they’re a member of the uninformed majority, you die. If they’re a member of the informed minority, kill them. If they’re neither, do nothing. - 2 uses
Divine Scales (Night) - Target two players. If either of them has hammered a player or killed anyone with an ability, kill them both. - 1 use

Smite (Night) - Smite a player. If they’re a member of the uninformed majority, you die. If they’re a member of the informed minority, kill them. If they’re neither, do nothing. - 2 uses
Divine Calling (Night) - Occupy all players tonight. - 1 use

Smite (Night) - Smite a player. If they’re a member of the uninformed majority, you die. If they’re a member of the informed minority, kill them. If they’re neither, do nothing. - 2 uses
Divine Protection (Night) - Jump in front of a player, preventing all visits to them. You may target yourself with this ability. - 2 use


Flow Hydra

Town Special

Multiple Accounts (Passive) - Your actions will be controlled by a player or players not in the game. Those players will be uninformed. You won’t know who you target or what abil you use. If you lose this passive, you will lose all abilities. At the start of Each day, there will be a (10 x day #)% chance that your classcard will be posted and you will be modkilled, losing you the game. You can choose to disable this passive at any time

JoaT^2 (Night) - Do one of the following actions to someone.

  • Alignment Cop (checks player’s alignment)
  • Vigilante (Kills player)
  • Friendly Neighbor (reveals yourself as town to target player)

Defeat all who oppose the town




Town Outsider
Midnight in the House of the Throwers (Passive) - If you were the main reason why your team lost, you will automatically convert to the winning faction and win, even if you are dead.

Town wincon



Mafia Universe

Town Special
ModBot (Passive): If you are in the other game, and a player quotes a post in the game thread with /request retrospective VC, you must provide a vote count as of the post they quoted, with flips colored in, by the end of the day, or you will die. This passive is disabled in the last hour of the day.
Conversion is bastard (Passive): You are immune to conversion.
Vote Count Analysis (Night): If you provided at least one retrospective VC in the previous day, you may target a player who was not voting as of the vote count you provided. You will learn their alignment, bypassing all effects that would alter investigative results (Infinite uses)
Shoot the Counterwagon (Night): Kill target player. May only be used on the player who had the second-most votes at the end of the previous day (1 use)
Eliminate all scum factions and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.


Mafia Colosseum

Town Offensive
Migrated from MAL (Passive): You must change your profile picture to an image from an anime for the duration of the game.
I couldn’t think of a funny joke for this one (Night): Occupy target player for this night (Infinite uses)
Eliminate all scum factions and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.



Town Investigative
Posting too much is toxic (Passive): You may post no more than 50 posts in a day.
Sheep Ellirabeth (Night): Target a player. You will learn if they can win with you. Cannot target players who have played fewer than two completed games on the site (Infinite uses)
Eliminate all scum factions and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.



Town Investigative
Their wiki is pretty cool I guess (Passive): You will receive mechanical information about the set-up every night.
Eliminate all scum factions and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.


Novel Updates Forum

Town Social
Execute By Experience (Passive): If you are voting a player who has been a member of this site for longer than you, your vote silently counts as triple.
Eliminate all scum factions and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.


Chief Delphi

Town Killing
No swearing (Passive): If you use any form of profanity in your posts, you will instantly die, bypassing everything.
Permanently ban Mafia on the site (Day): Die, bypassing everything (1 use)
#AllBlackEverything (Night): Change your forum theme, preventing all visits to yourself this night because no one can see anything (2 uses)
Eliminate all scum factions and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.


Forum of Lies

Mafia Killing
lolmassclaim (Day): Target a player. If they have claimed to be any other Mafia forum, or any class based on a member of this forum, and their claim was truthful, strongman day vig them (Infinite uses)
Eliminate all town factions and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.



I get that hero shots are exciting but seriously, just shoot the counterwagon

Town Killer
This is literally the optimal play in most circumstances (Passive): You must use a night ability every night unless you were the counterwagon to the day’s execution.
Shoot the counterwagon (Night): Shoot the player who received the second-most votes at the end of the day yesterday (Infinite uses)
Eliminate all scum factions and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.



Hero Shooter

Blue Dragon Killer
lolHeroShot (Passive) - You will compulsively shoot a random Blue Dragon every night.

BD wincon




Mafia Killing
EpicMafia (Passive): This site is full of infamous trolls such as @KyoDaz and @muki, it expands so ridiculous that EpicMafia made the UK news because a player from there trolled about leaving suicide notes and also doxxed people. You must FPS every day or you will be modkilled.
Policy Lynch the No Avi (Day): If a player doesn’t have a custom avatar or badly cropped avatar, day vig them. - Infinite uses
Eliminate all town factions and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.