Town Special
Surrealist (Passive) - As long as this role is alive, all night action results are replaced with random animal names. Each night action result will consistently be one animal name each time that result occurs in game, so players may eventually figure out that, for example, “elephant” means “no result”.
All Defense (Passive) - A random town role with an active action will be informed that you are a Paranoid Gun Owner. (You know that this has happened, but not which player was informed). When a player uses an active night action on you, you reflexively kill them.
Cop JOAT (Day) - You can only use each action once. All actions return a positive or negative and not the actual role that returned the positive or negative.
- Alphabetic Cop - Check is a player does not have numbers in their role card or not. (If there are no numbers on the role card anywhere the role is positive, otherwise if there is one it is genitive. Must be a number not a word like “one”.)
- Bomber Cop - Check if a player is a Bomber or not.
- Communications Cop - Check if a player can talk in private with another person at night. (Neighbors/Masons/Mafia/Medium/etc.)
- Cop Cop - Check if a player is a cop or not.
- Cult Cop - Check if a player is a member of a cult or not.
- Even Cop - Check if a player’s role is an even number or not. (GIM thread)
- Gun Cop - Check if a player has a gun or not. (Just a gunsmith)
- Hidden Cop - Check if a player is a Ninja/Hider/Commuter/Ascetic or not. Ignores effects of Ascetic/Commuting.
- Immunity Cop - Check if a player is night immune or not.
- Jester Cop - Check if a player is a vengeful role/needs to die to win or not. (Jester/Phantom/Vengeful Townie/etc.)
- JOAT Cop - Check if a player is a JOAT or not.
- Killer Cop - Check if a player has killed someone this game or not. (Hammer counts as killing as does Gladiating)
- Liar Cop - Check if a statement someone has made is telling the truth or not.
- Linked Cop - Check if a player is linked to another or not. (Lover/Executioner/Neighbor/Mason/etc.)
- Magic Cop - Check if a player is a magical/supernatural role or not. (Witch/Sorcerer/Warlock/Retributionist/Medium/etc.)
- Manipulative Cop - Check if a player can manipulate votes/roleblock/redirect or not. (Roleblocker/Rolestopper/Witch/Marshal/Gladiator/No Voter/Double Voter/Silent Voter/etc.)
- Neutral Cop - Check if a player is Neutral or not.
- Odd Cop - Check if a player’s role is an odd number or not. (GIM thread)
- Parity Cop - Check if a player is of the same result as the last player you check or not. Cannot be used night 1. (It will assume you are just reusing the last check.)
- Player Cop - Check if a player is a role created by [player] or not. You can chose the player you are comparing them too in the GIM thread.
- Power Cop - Check if a player is a Town Power/Mafia Head or not.
- Serial Cop - Check if a player is a Neutral Killing or not.
- True Cop - Check if a player is Mafia or not.
- Vanilla Cop - Check if a player is a non-power role or not. (note Serial Killer will only show up as positive if their only ability is to kill once a night. Power role also does not mean Town-Power just a role that is not Citizen/Goon/Vanilla Serial Killer)
- VigCop - Check if a player can vig a player or not. (Mafia dayvig/Vigilante/etc.) (Is not Mafia/Serial Killer kills specifically Vigilante)
- Visit Cop - Check if a player can visit others at night or not.
- Zebra Cop - Check if a player is an even/odd night role or not.
Visitor (Night) - Each night, you may target a player. You will learn that your action succeeded (unless it failed, in which case you will learn that your action failed). - Infinite uses.
Vanillarizer Vanillarizer (Night) - You may target a person at Night to remove any abilities that remove abilities. - Infinite uses.
Defeat the mafia and all neutrals that mean you harm. Additionally, if a member of the Mafia (specifically) is lynched on Day 3, you automatically win and leave the game, regardless of whether town ends up winning or not.