SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2


The Possessor :shield: :fire:

Neutral Killer
Driven (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and target changing.
Blackened Shield (Passive) - You are immune to death at night. In addition you are immune to bleeding and will be informed upon being bled.
Mind Control (Day) - Cancel target player’s vote for the rest of the day. Additionally, your second target requires one less vote for execution this day. - 2 uses :crown:
Puppet Strings (Night) - Control a player and force them to kill someone. Can be forced to target themselves. :crown:
Possess (Night) - Kill the target player. Their class will appear as one of your choice, and they will have information in their logbook of your choosing (or no logbook if nothing is specified). You will know what class they truly were, and what their logbook said. - 3 uses :crown:
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.


The @Reaper :shield: :fire:

Neutral Killer
Consume Soul (Passive) - If you die at night with at least one soul, you will consume it and come back to life. (Does not work if executed by The Prince) You start with two souls. You will gain one soul on a successful reap. You are aware of the number of souls you hold.
Icy Touch (Day) - Choose to do a number of the following actions to target player. You will consume a soul for each action chosen. Occupy target player this day. Occupy target player this night. Cancel target player’s vote for the rest of the day. - Infinite uses :crown:
Reap (Night) - Reap the soul of a player, killing them bypassing healing and occupying them. - Infinite uses :crown:
Gather Darkness (Night) - Use Reap on target player. In addition, choose to do a number of the following modifications. You will consume a soul for each modification chosen. Bypass death immunity or you are occupy/redirection immune for this night. - Infinite uses :crown:
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.


The Sorcerer :shield: :fire:

Neutral Killer
Mage Armor (Passive) - You are immune to death at night. In addition you are immune to bleeding and will be informed upon being bled.
Walking Bomb (Day) - Place a bomb on target player. - Infinite uses :crown:
Bomb Swap (Day) - Move a bomb from one player to another one. - Infinite uses :crown:
Magic Missile (Night) - Fire a magic missile at a player, killing them. - Infinite uses :crown:
Detonate (Night) - All players with a bomb active will explode bypassing death immunity. This does not count as a visit. - 2 uses :crown:
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.


The Psychopathic King (Unofficial Class) :shield: :fire:

Neutral Special
@Insanity (Passive) - You are immune to death at night. In addition you are immune to bleeding and will be informed upon being bled. You are immune to occupation and redirection. Your abilities do not count as visits. Additionally, your vote counts as two if there are more than 5 players alive except during a Grand Trial. Finally, the game ends with you victorious, if you are among the last 3 players alive.
Pass the Torch (Passive) - If you die, a vote to determine the next king will be held at start of the next day.
Grand Trial (Day) - Instantly put a player on trial for treason lasting up to 24 hours possibly extending day. They may provide a defense within 12 hours, and then the players alive may either vote to execute or pardon. If a majority of players vote to execute, the day will end and the player on trial will be lynched. Otherwise, the day will continue as normal. - 1 use
Guard! (Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 3 uses :crown:
Personal Execution (Night) - Send a guard to kill a player. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

193 @solic

The Jolly Reaper :shield: :fire:

Neutral Killer
Jolly Consume Soul (Passive) - If you die at night with at least one soul, you will consume it and come back to life. (Does not work if executed by The Prince) You start with two souls. You will gain one soul on a successful reap. You are aware of the number of souls you hold. If you reap @Solic , you will die from guilt.
Jolly Icy Touch (Day) - Choose to do a number of the following actions to target player. You will consume a soul for each action chosen. Occupy target player this day. Occupy target player this night. Cancel target player’s vote for the rest of the day. Force everyone to speak in a jolly manner until EoD. - Infinite uses :crown:
Reap Jolly (Night) - Reap the soul of a player, killing them bypassing healing and occupying them. - Infinite uses :crown:
Gather Jolly Darkness (Night) - Use Reap on target player. In addition, choose to do a number of the following modifications. You will consume a soul for each modification chosen. Bypass death immunity or you are occupy/redirection immune for this night. - Infinite uses :crown:
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.


(Scum fac with most members) Support
Ez scum caught (Passive) - Before the game starts, choose one:

  • You will be revealed to be a member of (scumfac) at the middle of D1
  • A random member of (scumfac) will be revealed when you die.

Fluff (Passive) - Half your posts at any given time have to be fluff.
(Scumfac wincon)



Neutral Special
Remember (day ∪ night) - Pick a class from a deceased player in the graveyard. You will become that class, if it wasn’t unique. If you pick an unique class, this action will fail. If you hit a cleaned or tailored person, you will become their true role. This ability can add a member above the limit for a scumteam based on conversions. If you choose to become an Amnesiac, the host should announce you have gained an achviement. Infinite uses.
Your objective is to become another class. If you are killed before it happens, you lose.


Faux Spiritualist

Neutral Killer
Ritual (Passive) - You will die Night 1 and will rest in pretty pieces, not becoming a revenant. The revenant message will still be show every day until the game ends for giggles.
Deceive (Passive) - You will flip as a Spiritualist (131). Additionally, all abilities which targeted you N1 will receive information as if you were a Spiritualist (131).
Dead chat has more than 1000 posts until the end of the game.


The Brigadier

Town Killer
Full-functioning Clock (Passive) - Whilst you are alive, the day phase is at a different time for each player. It is day phase for them from 6 AM to 6 PM of their local time, and night phase when it is 6 PM to 6 AM.
MEDIC! (Passive) - When this slot is rolled, all other town members become Town Doctors at the start of the game.
Battlefire (Any) - You can perform one kill every 7 days in realtime, regardless of whether the game is in a day phase or night phase (or even twilight). - Infinite uses.
General March (Day) - You will begin a stampede in your target’s direction. In the game thread it will be notified in the night “a stampede has begun charging toward _______, would you like to join?” If three or more players agree to join your stampede before the end of the night phase deadline, you kill that player. Otherwise, you visit that player with no effect. - Infinite uses.
Know Your Soldiers (Day) - Can check the currently active wagons (this just requires one vote to be in a person) and determine how many people are on scum. - Infinite uses.
Wilderness Regimen (Night) - Investigate your target. You’ll be given a list of everyone who visited him or who they visited, but you won’t know which. - Infinite uses.
Clean work (Night) - Kill someone, they will be cleaned. - One use.
Defeat the Mafia and all neutrals that mean you harm.


Good At Mafia Ruleset

Town Social
Exemplar Citizen (Passive) - If you ever require replacement for ANY reason (including non-activity-based reasons), you will instead be modkilled.
Metagame (Passive) - Whilst you are alive, the game is nightless. All scum know your identity.
Nothing for Weakness (Day) - Target a player. They will be force replaced. - 1 use.
Good Citizenship (Day) - Target a player. If that player is due for replacement due to inactivity, exacerbated toxicity, angleshooting, or leaking, you will kill them. - Infinite uses.
Taking Reads (Night) - Invite a player to your neighborhood. - Infinite uses.
If at any point your neighbourhood consists of all living players, you win. Alternatively, you also win if the town wins.


Public Enemy

Neutral Social
Flimsy Organization (Passive) - The Mafia do not know you exist and you do not know who they are. If the Mafia is entirely wiped out, you inherit the factional nightkill.
I Ii II I_ (Passive) - When a player is to be replaced in the game, the moderator will post in the game thread that the player is being replaced, and then will contact you privately via PM and give you the option to terminate the slot. If you choose to terminate, the mod will post in the game thread that a replacement player was aborted before entering the game. If you do not choose to terminate, the moderator will seek a replacement.
None to Fill the Slots (Day) - Once during the game, you may neighborize a player. This action cannot be blocked by any means. The player you have neighborized is not informed of the nature of the neighborhood, but you win if this person loses. If it becomes impossible for them to win, you exit the game in a win. If you die before you can neighborize anyone, you exit the game in a loss.
Traffic Analyst (Night) - See if a player has some sort of private communication. - Infinite uses.
Defeat your Rival

A random role posted by the same person as the previously rolled role

201 - A duplicate of a random role existing elsewhere in the setup, but with alignment reversed. They will be named “Mirage”. It also cannot be affected by night actions which were deflected, redirected, or otherwise not intentionally aimed at them by their user. Once they have died, they can make a Cop investigations every night, and may communicate the result to the dead thread if you like. They will also die should they receive at least ONE vote at day.



Town Special
Surrealist (Passive) - As long as this role is alive, all night action results are replaced with random animal names. Each night action result will consistently be one animal name each time that result occurs in game, so players may eventually figure out that, for example, “elephant” means “no result”.
All Defense (Passive) - A random town role with an active action will be informed that you are a Paranoid Gun Owner. (You know that this has happened, but not which player was informed). When a player uses an active night action on you, you reflexively kill them.
Cop JOAT (Day) - You can only use each action once. All actions return a positive or negative and not the actual role that returned the positive or negative.

  1. Alphabetic Cop - Check is a player does not have numbers in their role card or not. (If there are no numbers on the role card anywhere the role is positive, otherwise if there is one it is genitive. Must be a number not a word like “one”.)
  2. Bomber Cop - Check if a player is a Bomber or not.
  3. Communications Cop - Check if a player can talk in private with another person at night. (Neighbors/Masons/Mafia/Medium/etc.)
  4. Cop Cop - Check if a player is a cop or not.
  5. Cult Cop - Check if a player is a member of a cult or not.
  6. Even Cop - Check if a player’s role is an even number or not. (GIM thread)
  7. Gun Cop - Check if a player has a gun or not. (Just a gunsmith)
  8. Hidden Cop - Check if a player is a Ninja/Hider/Commuter/Ascetic or not. Ignores effects of Ascetic/Commuting.
  9. Immunity Cop - Check if a player is night immune or not.
  10. Jester Cop - Check if a player is a vengeful role/needs to die to win or not. (Jester/Phantom/Vengeful Townie/etc.)
  11. JOAT Cop - Check if a player is a JOAT or not.
  12. Killer Cop - Check if a player has killed someone this game or not. (Hammer counts as killing as does Gladiating)
  13. Liar Cop - Check if a statement someone has made is telling the truth or not.
  14. Linked Cop - Check if a player is linked to another or not. (Lover/Executioner/Neighbor/Mason/etc.)
  15. Magic Cop - Check if a player is a magical/supernatural role or not. (Witch/Sorcerer/Warlock/Retributionist/Medium/etc.)
  16. Manipulative Cop - Check if a player can manipulate votes/roleblock/redirect or not. (Roleblocker/Rolestopper/Witch/Marshal/Gladiator/No Voter/Double Voter/Silent Voter/etc.)
  17. Neutral Cop - Check if a player is Neutral or not.
  18. Odd Cop - Check if a player’s role is an odd number or not. (GIM thread)
  19. Parity Cop - Check if a player is of the same result as the last player you check or not. Cannot be used night 1. (It will assume you are just reusing the last check.)
  20. Player Cop - Check if a player is a role created by [player] or not. You can chose the player you are comparing them too in the GIM thread.
  21. Power Cop - Check if a player is a Town Power/Mafia Head or not.
  22. Serial Cop - Check if a player is a Neutral Killing or not.
  23. True Cop - Check if a player is Mafia or not.
  24. Vanilla Cop - Check if a player is a non-power role or not. (note Serial Killer will only show up as positive if their only ability is to kill once a night. Power role also does not mean Town-Power just a role that is not Citizen/Goon/Vanilla Serial Killer)
  25. VigCop - Check if a player can vig a player or not. (Mafia dayvig/Vigilante/etc.) (Is not Mafia/Serial Killer kills specifically Vigilante)
  26. Visit Cop - Check if a player can visit others at night or not.
  27. Zebra Cop - Check if a player is an even/odd night role or not.

Visitor (Night) - Each night, you may target a player. You will learn that your action succeeded (unless it failed, in which case you will learn that your action failed). - Infinite uses.
Vanillarizer Vanillarizer (Night) - You may target a person at Night to remove any abilities that remove abilities. - Infinite uses.
Defeat the mafia and all neutrals that mean you harm. Additionally, if a member of the Mafia (specifically) is lynched on Day 3, you automatically win and leave the game, regardless of whether town ends up winning or not.


The Pyromaniac

Neutral Killer
Hidden Button (Passive) - When you die by any means, all doused targets die with you.
Got it (Day) - Make a player immune to attacks or ITAs of any kind until EoD. - Infinite uses.
Gasoline Affiliate (Night) - Douse three targets of your choice. - Infinite Uses.
Everyone is dead at the end of the game.


The Inuit

Town Investigative
Orange Termometer (Day) - Each player starts out at 100 degrees. Every time a players performs an ability/action (including day actions), their temperature will go down by 10 degrees. You can ask the mod for a temperature list, and the mod will give you everybody’s temperatures after the day has ended. If it is a factional nightkill, only the player who did the nightkill will have his/her temperature dropped. Voting and talking are NOT counted as abilities or actions in this case. - Infinite Uses.
Whiteout (Day) - Each day choose 4 people to attempt to shoot. They will be randomly assigned A, B, C and D. Each have a different percentage of being shot as follows A=40% B=30% C=20%
D=10% - Infinite Uses.
Hunting Traps (Night) - Choose three players. The moderator will randomly choose two players out of the three you chose. If their alignments differ from each other, they both die. Otherwise, nothing happens. You won’t learn which two out of the three players were chosen. - Infinite uses.
Chain Tracking (Night) - Target a player. You are returned a list of the players they targeted. Then, for each player they targeted, you are returned a list of the players their targets targeted, and so on. - Infinite uses.
Defeat the mafia and all neutrals that mean you harm.

Neutral Investigative
Elitist (Passive) - If you, for any reason, are converted, you immediately kill your converter and inherit their role. You can be converted, bypassing the usual neutral immunity to converts.
Tripplice Alliance (Passive) - You start the game with 2 extra votes. Any time you would die before only having 1 vote, you lose 1 vote instead.
Forensic Scientist (Night) - Each night, you may target a player who died during a previous night. You will learn that player’s true role and alignment, if the flip was tampered with, as well as who they visited the night they died and any messages they would have received (result PM’s, neighborizer/friendly neighbor notifications, etc) the night they died. - Infinite Uses.

Your goal is to survive. If you make it to night 4, you will instantly die, but you will kill anyone who were on your wagon during day.



Blue Dragon Social
Grand Idea Helper (Passive) - When you roll this card, you must post a role in the Grand Idea thread before eod1 or you will die N1.
no u (Passive) - Anything targetting you instead targets the person who took the action. Whenever anyone targets you at night, you will reflexively Neighbourize them.
Defeat the Unseen, Cult, and any neutral that mean you harm.


Chess Grandmaster

Neutral Killer
You must challenge another player to a game of chess in thread before the game starts.
If this player declines, they are modkilled instantly. (They are informed of this being the case)

If the Grandmaster wins, their opponent dies, and they must challenge another player.
If the Grandmaster loses, they die, their opponent inherits this role, and must challenge a player to a game of chess.

If one of the players posts when it is their turn to move, and does not include a move, they are instantly modkilled, and their opponent is declared the winner.

Wins if they win a chess game at least once (or previous win-con if another player inherited this role)


4-in-a-row Grandmaster

Neutral Killer
You must challenge another player to a game of 4-in-a-row in thread before the game starts.
If this player declines, they are modkilled instantly. (They are informed of this being the case)

If the Grandmaster wins, their opponent dies, and they must challenge another player.
If the Grandmaster loses, they die, their opponent inherits this role, and must challenge a player to a game of chess.

If one of the players posts when it is their turn to move, and does not include a move, they are instantly modkilled, and their opponent is declared the winner.

Wins if they win a 4-in-a-row game at least once (or previous win-con if another player inherited this role)


Emo Sonic

Town Social
You have to whisper each 12 hours or you’re too slow and you auto die.
You may not speak in thread and can only speak via whispers.
You have a limit of 60 300-word limit whispers per day
Whispering will be shown in thread

Votes are to be sent via pm to a mod and do not count towards your whisper limit

Each night you may sacrifice a set amount of whispers permanently to do one of the following actions
5 whispers - roleblock a player
10 whispers - heal a player (can self heal)
15 whispers - protect a player and kill their attacker at the cost of your life (cannot protect yourself)
20 whispers - alignment check
25 whispers - modpeek
30 whispers - kill a player
35 whispers - strongman kill a player

At any point during the game you may turn yourself into a treestump

Defeat the mafia and all neutrals that mean you harm.

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