SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2


Plot Twist
Neutral Special

I’m on your side! (Passive) - Immune to death from any ability of “evil” or “neutral” players.

Surprise (Passive) - As long as you are alive, gaining the most votes for getting lynched, gives the player the power to lynch someone instead.

Got’cha! (Night ability) - Toggle your Surprise Passive on or off. It starts on.
Ensure the “good” faction loses.


The Crybaby
Neutral Special

Everyone loves babies! (Passive) - Immune to anything except lynching.
Babies Cry all the Time (Passive) - Must ostensibly whine and imitate a 5-year old baby in each post or will get modkilled. Must have 5 posts each day or will get modkilled.

Pacifier (Day Ability) - For the next 30 minutes, you may talk normally ignoring “Babies Cry all the Time”
Grow up (Day Ability) - Grow up and become “The Edgy Teen”. Only usable after 2 days have passed.

Diaper Change Time! (Night ability) - Occupy Target Player bypassing immunities and preventing visits to target player. (unlimited uses)

Die of Old Age after growing up as the Elderly Impolitically Correct.


The Edgy Teen
Neutral Special

"Noone understands me" (Passive) - Immune to anything except lynching.
Edgelord (Passive) - Must ostensibly imitate an edgy teen in each post or will get modkilled. Must have 5 posts each day or will get modkilled.

Reality Check (Day Ability) - For the next 30 minutes, you may talk normally ignoring “Edgelord”
Grow the fuck up (Day Ability) - Grow up and become “The Overworked Adult”. Only usable after 2 days have passed.

"I’m so deep" (Night ability) - Occupy up to 2 target players bypassing immunities and preventing visits to target player. (unlimited uses)

Die of Old Age after growing up as the Elderly Impolitically Correct.

This means that the Edgy Teen can roll separately from The Crybaby.



Weird Hair Guy

There is a 1/30 chance you are Town, otherwise you are Mafia. Always Offensive.
At gamestart, you are publicly mod confirmed as the Weird Hair Guy. Nobody likes your hair.
You also cry every night, making anyone who visits you visit someone else that you select during the night.


The Overworked Adult
Neutral Special

"I want to speak to a manager!" (Passive) - Immune to anything except lynching.
Know-it-all (Passive) - Must ostensibly point out how pro town he is playing in each post and each post must contain a criticism of another player or will get modkilled. Must have 5 posts each day or will get modkilled.

Chill Pill (Day Ability) - For the next 30 minutes, you may talk normally ignoring Know-it-all.
Grow up (Day Ability) - Grow up and become “Elderly Impolitically Correct”. Only usable after 2 days have passed.

Existential Crisis (Night ability) - Occupy up to 2 target players bypassing immunities and preventing visits to target player for 2 nights. (unlimited uses)

Die of Old Age after growing up as the Elderly Impolitically Correct.

This is me right now.



The Elderly Impolitically Correct
Neutral Special

Uncomfortable (Passive) - Immune to anything except lynching.
Times Sure Change (Passive) - Must ostensibly be impolitically correct in each post or will be modkilled. At any point a player that might be offended can contact the host after which the host will publicly declare that “Times sure have changed” and this post restriction will change to being ostensibly politically correct in each post. (The host will assist in players attempting to fakeclaim The Elderly Impolitically Correct) Must have 5 posts each day or will get modkilled.

Spouse is Watching (Day Ability) - For the next 30 minutes, you may talk normally ignoring Times Sure Change.
It’s Time (Day Ability) - Grow up and die of old age. Only usable after 2 days have passed.

Intolerance (Night ability) - Attack Target Player (1 use)

Use It’s Time to die of old age.

If deemed inappropriate by the host, swap out the political correctness angle with nostalgia for the old days.

Made sure to make this class fakeclaimable.

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Neutral Killer
Goes rotten after 4 days of being alive, creating a 50% chance that any player in the game will die from the smell with each day.
Once per game during the day, you may activate ITAs for the day. Everyone gets 1 15% shot and 1 player of your choice gets 2 20% shots.
choose someone each night. If they’re a citizen, they die.
you win when no more citizens are alive

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The Couturier

Town Social
New Suit (Passive) - On death shows up as a random Role from https://forum.imperium42.com/t/sfol-grand-idea-class-thread-v2/78691
Peasant (Passive) - This players believes they are a just a Vanilla Townie. Give them a fake rolecard!
Defeat the Mafia and all neutrals that mean you harm.


Last Hope

Town Special
You permanently gain the abilities of Town members that die. They will all have one use, if there were uses remaining.
You can only use up to one ability per phase.
Defeat the Mafia and all neutrals that mean you harm.

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Moral SK

Neutral Killer
Morality Standard (Passive) - You are able to kill anyone who isn’t a member of the Town, but all Town members will be immune to your kills.
Exquisite Compulsion (Night) - Attack a player. - Infinite uses.
Defeat all main factions and neutrals that mean you harm.

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Vanilla Townie

Town Social
You have no abilities.
Defeat the Mafia and all neutrals that mean you harm.



Purgatory Evil
Purgatory Demon (Passive) - If you are Attacked, it will be redirected to another member of Purgatory, if any are alive.
Demonic Ritual (Day) - Send a message to the Court anonymously via the Host. They will be alerted that it was sent by the Demon or the Angel - 2 uses
Accursed Sword (Day) - Bleed a player. This cannot be cured except from the Angel’s Blessing. They will die in two nights if not healed - 2 uses
B R O K E N (Night) - Attack a Player. If they are not aligned with Heaven, they will die, no matter what - Infinite Uses
Red Whip (Night) - Attack a Player. If they are aligned with Heaven, they will die, no matter what, unless they are the Angel - Infinite Uses
Kill everyone not aligned with Purgatory.


College Student

Neutral Investigative

Slacking Off (Passive) - Your action fails if you attempt to study a player you have already studied. Repeating to Memorize (Passive) - You only lose charges of your abilities if they were sucessful.

Study (Day) - You will integrate your target into part of your future career. - 3 uses, shared with Study (night).
Study (Night) - You will integrate your target into part of your future career. - 3 uses, shared with Study (night).

Going Somewhere (Passive) - After you have studied 3 different players, you will be given your new rolecard, you will take a RNGed ability/passive from each of the players you studied. Your alignment/wincon will also be determined by who you studied under. Factional passive/abilities are not received by the RNGed gains, instead by your alignment changing.

  • If 2/3 of the players you studied have the same alignment, that will be your new alignment.
  • If 2/3 or 3/3 of the players you study belong to scum factions, but all different factions, you will randomly be assigned one of the factions.
  • If 2/3 or 3/3 of the players you study belong to good factions, but all different factions, you will randomly be assigned one of the factions.
  • If you study under a neutral killing/s, and you become a neutral killing, you will be able to win with that neutral killing and any other roles that win with that nk.
  • If you become an nk, you will have a reliable killing ability (not limited in #of uses)
  • If the players you study under all have different alignments and differing wincons, you will become a neutral with a survivor wincon.
  • If you studied under a player who belongs to a conversion faction, your alignment will be part of that faction, regardless of the other 2 players you studied under. If more than 1 of the players you studied belong to different conversion factions, it will be RNGed which you join.

Your goal is to become another class. If you die before fulfulling your goal, you lose.



Neutral Offensive
Daynying (Passive) - When you are lynched, the next day is “skipped” and all roles with night actions are allowed to perform their actions twice in the same night, this includes factional kills. Roles with charges will use 2 charges if they use both actions.
Your win condition is to get executed by treason.


If this slot is rolled, ITAs are activated. Base ITA% is 15%

The Ancestor

Darkest Dungeon Special

Reality Check (Passive) - Your presence will be announced immediately at the start of the game. You are ascetic, and all Blue Dragon players who fail their actions, are redirected, lynch a member of the Blue Dragon, or kill a member of the Blue Dragon will receive 20 ‘stress’. Players who reach 200 stress will be automatically killed. Conversely, killing or lynching a player not aligned with the Blue Dragon will restore 20 stress.
Futility (Passive) - Your ITA% chance is equal to the average stress level of all Blue Dragon + 5. If this value is over 100, you will have a silent ITA alongside your normal shot with the hit% being the spillover value.
Insidious (Passive) - If you perform the factional kill, all players visiting your target will be redirected to themselves, bypassing immunities.

Reshape Flesh (Day) - Force a player to change their class to a random one with the same faction. If this would not change their class, they will not be notified. - Infinite Uses
Haunting Ode (Day) - Disable all day and night abilities for the cycle, excluding factional effects. - 1 Use

Awaken (Night) - █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ - 0 Uses
Perfect Replication (Night) - Mimic a night ability from Blue Dragon class that cannot kill or convert, and use it on a player of your choice. - Infinite Uses

Your objective is to defeat the main factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Darkest Dungeon faction is a bunch of evildoers who work parallel to each other. They don’t have a mastermind or a scum chat, but know their identities. Whoever makes the better drawing of who they want to be factional killed at night performs the kill. They shouldn’t out the identity of whom they want to be factional killed — the game host should interpret the drawing to see the intended target.

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Ghost in the Shelf. Neither Elf, neither Shell.

Blue Dragon Special
Ghostly Appearance (Passive) - You suicide Night 1.
Neither Elf! (Passive) - You can silently cast votes even if you are dead, and will count for majority.
Neither Shell! (Passive) - If there is no convertable players left, it will be announced to all converters that you may be converted. If someone tries to convert you before that, they also suceed. If you are converted, it’s announced in the topic that you have been ressurected.
Defeat the scumfactions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Nitro Jailkeeper

Blue Dragon Support
Hardened Piety (Passive) - Your death is delayed by 1 cycle, should you die for whatever reason.
Jail (Night) - Prevent your target from being attacked at night and using their night action. No one can visit the jailed player. - Infinite Uses.
Defeat the scumfactions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Ascetic Virus

Blue Dragon Support
Ascetic (Passive) - You are immune to all abilities, except kills.
Flesh to Flesh (Night) - Give someone the “Ascetic” passive and this ability. - 1 use, compulsive.
Defeat the scum factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


For the purposes of rolling, this counts as Prince

Magus :shield: :crossed_swords: :fire:

Blue Dragon Investigative
“Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement.”

Arcane Mastery (Passive) - Every day, you may put a shield on a player. This will protect them from the first negative effect that befalls them. Does not prevent night kills.
Insight (Passive) - You will know every non-BD role that exists at the start of the game.

Fortitude (Day) - Put a ward on a player. If the target ever attempts to use a day ability, you will know. Only one ward may exist at any time, and may be changed once per day - 4 Uses
Pyroblast (Day) - Kill a player in broad daylight. - Infinite Uses

True Sight (Night) - Determine a player’s faction. - 5 Uses
Mage Armor (Night) - Heal yourself. - 1 Use

Defeat the scum factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Safety Procedures

Town Support
Heal (Night) - Heal a player tonight. If you target someone with killing power, they will lose one use of their killing abilities. If all their killing abilities are infinite uses, they will lose one at random. If they have an ITA, their ITA hitrate is now set to 0. If they have a group or factional kill, they will no longer be elligible to perform this kill. Those steps should be taken in this specific order.
Defeat the Mafia and all neutrals that mean you harm.

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