SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2


The Medic

Blue Dragon Support
Certified (Passive) – You cannot be framed. When you die, your corpse will always appear as the Medic regardless of tampering effects.
Self-Treatment (Passive) – You are bleeding immune. When you start bleeding, you will be informed and automatically heal yourself.
Treatment (Night) – Heal a player.
Open Chambers (Night) – Heal all your visitors. (2 uses)
Your objective is to defeat the evil factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Quack or The Ritualist.

The Quack

Unseen Support
Forged Certificate (Passive) – You appear to investigators as the Medic.
Self-Aid (Passive) – You are bleeding immune. When you start bleeding, you will be informed and automatically heal yourself.
Secret Treatment (Night) – Heal a player. If your target is a member of the Unseen, you will not be seen visiting them.
Selective Care (Night) – Heal all your visitors. You will learn which ones required healing. The players who visited you, but did not require healing will be unhealable on the next night. (2 uses)
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, all factions aligned with them, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Thanks Jgoes for the converted version’s name suggestion.

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The Monk

Blue Dragon Support
Meditation (Passive) – At the end of each night, if you did not use a night ability, you will gain a charge of Meditation. All charges disappear on class change and when you die.
Spiritual Focus (Day) – Make yourself occupation and redirection immune tonight. (2 uses)
Healing Energy (Day) – If target player is bleeding, you will cure the bleeding at the end of the night. The player will not be informed. (3 uses)
Stave Off (Night) – Make a player immune to negative effects tonight. Does not prevent attacks, conversion, and abilities that bypass immunity. You may spend any amount of Meditation charges as you use this ability – for each charge spent, you may target an additional player. You will only be seen visiting the first target.
Shield of Spirit (Night) – Make a player night immune tonight. (2 uses)
Your objective is to defeat the evil factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Cenobite or The Ritualist.

The Cenobite

Unseen Support
Mantra (Passive) – At the end of each night, if you did not use a night ability, you will gain a charge of Mantra. All charges disappear on class change and when you die.
Mental Preparation (Day) – Make yourself occupation and redirection immune tonight. (2 uses)
Manipulation of Hope (Day) – If target player is bleeding, you may delay the bleeding by one night or make it kill them tonight. (3 uses)
Embolden (Night) – Make a player immune to negative effects. Does not prevent attacks, conversion, abilities that bypass immunity and abilities of Unseen members. You may spend any amount of Mantra charges as you use this ability – for each charge spent, you may target an additional player.
Spirit of Evil (Night) – Make all members of the Unseen night immune tonight. (1 use)
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, all factions aligned with them, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Righteous King :shield:

Blue Dragon Special
Pass the Torch (Passive) – When you die, a vote to determine the next King will be held at the beginning of the next day. If you were lynched, all members of the Blue Dragon will lose Royal Blood.
Blue Dragon’s Crown (Passive) – Your vote counts as two if there are more than five players alive, except during Grand Trial. You are occupation and redirection immune. You may use both day abilities on the same day and both night abilities on the same night. Your abilities do not count as visits. When you hint at your class or reveal it, all future protective effects will stop working on you.
Grand Trial (Day) – Instantly put a player on trial for treason. They may provide a defense, and then the other living players will vote to execute or pardon. If the majority votes to execute, the player on trial will be lynched and the day will end. Otherwise, the day will continue as normal. (1 use)
Imprison (Day) – Choose a player to imprison at night, bypassing occupation immunity. All visits to them will be prevented tonight. You will be able to send each other a single message through the host (up to 1000 characters each).
Guards! (Night) – Make a player night immune. (3 uses)
Execute (Night) – Kill the player you have imprisoned, bypassing night immunity and healing. If they were a member of the Blue Dragon, this ability becomes disabled until the end of the match. (3 uses)
Your objective is to defeat the evil factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Credit to Alice. I like a lot of Alice’s classes ok. Very small changes.



The Peacemaker

Town Special
Be Nice! (Passive): You must give someone a compliment in each of your posts. You can’t say anything negative about a player, not including I scumread ____. Example: You cannot say “Player is ugly!!!” Failure to follow this will result in a modkill
BE NICEEEEE (Day): Provided someone has directly personally attacked a player, that is not or very loosely related to the game, you may day kill them. You must quote the post in your PM when submitting the kill. The mod will decide if the post fits the criteria
You better be nice (night): Give someone your Be Nice! Modifier - 3 Uses
Generic uninformed minority wincon

Are you guys ready…
For the first my little pony class?!?!


Twilight Sparkle!

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Special
Unicorn Magic (Day): Cast a spell on someone! They will be roleblocked and protected the next night!
Read a book (Night): Read a book. You will gain a 1-shot cop, night vig, occupy, redirect, or heal. You can use these at night. The ability you get is random.
Your objective is to defeat the scum faction(s) and any neutrals that seek to do you harm. Also rainbows!!



Totally Legitimate Medium

Blue Dragon Social
Crescat Scientia; Vita Excolatur (Passive): For every player you hammer aligned with a scum faction, not including neutrals, you will gain an additional use of Tree of Knowledge.
Veil Between Worlds (Night): Send target dead player a message (maximum 1000 characters) through the host. They will be able to send a reply (maximum 1000 characters), which you will receive upon the action being processed. This ability cannot be prevented and its target cannot be changed. (Infinite uses)
Tree of Knowledge (Night): Ask the host a single yes-or-no question, which they will answer. The answer is guaranteed to be accurate. (1 use)
Defeat all scum factions and any neutrals who seek to do you harm.



“Town” Double Voter

Mafia social

"self-resolve"(day): make target player’s vote count for two for all votes today(including king elections, etc) (3 use)

pocket(night): Share a night chat with your next target of give double vote that night.




Stranger Things Killer
Reality Shift (Passive) - At the start of every day, everyone will be split into two realities, Upside-Down and Here. They will know which one they are in. Abilities can only target players in the same reality. You can bypass this. If you die, this passive is undone.
Element of Surprise (Passive) - You have an ITA accuracy of 33% chance. You can ITA even when not in the Upside-Down.
Upside Down (Day ability) - Travel to the Upside-Down tonight. Players in the Upside Down have ITAs with a default 10% chance. This can only target other players in the Upside-Down. They cannot participate in trials. This affects majority - Infinite Uses
Here (Day ability) - Travel to Here tonight. Players here have a 0% chance of hitting ITAs. They can participate in trials - Infinite Uses.
Savage (Night ability) - Attack a player. If in the Upside-Down, this is empowered - Infinite Uses
Flee (Night ability) - Prevent all abilities from targeting you tonight. This can only be used if you are Here - Infinite Uses

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The Mechanizer

Blue Dragon Investigative
Mechanical Talk (Passive) - You are not allowed to make a single read during the game unless it relies on mechanical information. If the host determines you have broken this rule, you will be modkilled immediately. You retain this passive upon conversion.
Mechanical Clear (Day) - Learn a player’s alignment. (1 use)
Mechanical Info (Night) - Learn a player’s alignment. Neutrals will appear as Blue Dragon.
Your objective is to defeat the evil factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Mechanizer or The Seeker. No ability changes upon conversion.


The Gladiator

Neutral Social
Master of the Thunderdome (Passive) - Whenever the target of your Gladiate is lynched, you gain an immunity of your choice at the start of the night. Available immunities are: night immunity, occupation immunity, bleeding immunity, investigation immunity (you will appear as a member of the Blue Dragon to investigators). If you do not select an immunity until the end of the night, it will be chosen at random.
Sated (Passive) - After you fulfill your victory condition, you will leave the match immediately.
Gladiate (Day) - Choose a player. All votes are immediately reset. You and that player become the only available lynch targets today.
Win the Crowd (Night) - If you Gladiate a player tomorrow, they will secretly require one fewer vote to be lynched and you will require one more vote to be lynched. Whenever you successfully lynch your Gladiate target, the amount of votes/vote negation granted by this ability is increased by one.
Bury the Fallen (Night) - If you Gladiate a player tomorrow and they are lynched, they will also be cleaned. (2 uses)
Successfully lynch at least three Gladiate targets.

Might change the victory condition to ‘two Gladiate targets’ later.



The Italy :shield:

Neutral Investigative
Zealous Pursuit (Passive) - You hunt heathens. Their starting class is always The Knight or its variation. The amount of heathens depends on the amount of Knights and their variations that have been rolled. They are ignorant of their own heresy. You will commit suicide after completing your righteous mission.
Holy Blessing (Passive) - You are death and bleed immune only once.
Interrogate (Night) - Learn whether target player is a Knight or its variation. Bypasses tailors.
Ruthless Efficiency (Night) - Guess target player’s exact starting class. You can only guess if a player’s starting class was The Knight. If incorrect, disable Holy Blessing and Ruthless Efficiency. If correct (the target is The Knight or its variation), kill target player bypassing everything. You cannot be prevented, occupied or redirected. This does not count as a visit.
Live to see all Knights and their variations die.



Alley Cat

Blue Dragon Offensive

Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you.

Nap Time (Day) - Sleep in front of someone’s door. Tonight, your target cannot enter any night chat or receive any feedback. 3 uses.
Meow (Day) - Meow. You will receive tonight’s Night Prowl’s result as well. 3 uses.

Night Prowl (Night) - Wander into another person’s house. If the person is visited, he will be notified of who visit him. Infinite uses.

Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Convert into Stray Cat or The Sacrifice


Stray Cat

Unseen Offensive

Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you.

Nap Time (Day) - Sleep in front of someone’s door. Tonight, your target cannot enter any night chat or receive any feedback. 3 uses.
Hiss (Day) - Ends the day early. 1 use.

Night Rest (Night) - Wander into another person’s house. If the person is visited, you and the Unseen will know who visited them. 3 uses.

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converted from Alley Cat


The Sacrifice


Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you.
Sacrifice (Passive) - If you are killed in the night, grant the cult a factional Dark Gods Crown night action.

Nap Time (Day) - Sleep in front of someone’s door. Tonight, your target cannot enter any night chat or receive any feedback. 3 uses.

Blood Saucer (Night) - Pick a Cult member. Tonight, all actions toward the member will fail. 3 uses.

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converted from Alley Cat


The Logical

Blue Dragon Killer
Reasonable (Passive) - All of your posts must contain proper capitalization and spelling. You can never write an emotional post. If the host determines you have broken any of these rules, you will be modkilled immediately.
Stop Discussing Mechanics (Day) - Quote a player’s post discussing mechanics and write “Stop discussing mechanics.” below the quote, in the same post. After you submit the post, you immediately dayvig the player you quoted. (1 use)
Stop the AtE (Day) - Quote a player’s post where the player appeals to emotion and write “Stop the AtE.” below the quote, in the same post. After you submit the post, you immediately dayvig the player you quoted. (1 use)
Trim the PoE (Night) - Attack a player. If they were a member of the Blue Dragon, this ability becomes disabled until the end of the game.
Your objective is to defeat the evil factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Logical or The Acolyte.

The Logical

Unseen Killer
Reasonable (Passive) - All of your posts must contain proper capitalization and spelling. You can never write an emotional post. If the host determines you have broken any of these rules, you will be modkilled immediately.
Stop Discussing Mechanics (Day) - Quote a player’s post discussing mechanics and write “Stop discussing mechanics.” below the quote, in the same post. After you submit the post, you immediately dayvig the player you quoted. (1 use)
Stop the AtE (Day) - Quote a player’s post where the player appeals to emotion and write “Stop the AtE.” below the quote, in the same post. After you submit the post, you immediately dayvig the player you quoted. (1 use)
Factional Kill (Night) - Attack a player. No other member of the Unseen may attack tonight.
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, all factions aligned with them, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.



God of Door

Neutral Support

Open and Closed (Passive) - For every person that visit you, open or close the door alternately. The door starts closed. At the start of every night, you know if you are open or closed.
Door (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection. If you are investigated, the others will instead receive the following feedback.

The room had four walls. The room was a square. The room was 10x10 meters wide.

The room had one door. The room had one window. The room had one chair. The room had one table. The room had an empty glass. The room had a tap.

The door was located on the South wall. The window was located on the East wall. The tap was located on the West wall.

The glass was located near the North wall. The table was located at the Centre. The chair was located against the West wall.

…okay, where is this?

Slam! (Day) - Forcibly open or close your door. 1 use.

Knock on the Door (Night) - Put a door in front of someone’s room. If the door is closed, prevent everyone visiting from success. If the door is open, all actions toward the person tonight bypass all immunity. Infinite uses.

Your objective is to stop 5 people at the door and allow 5 people to pass through the door.



God of Window

Neutral Offensive

Open and Closed (Passive) - For every person that visit you, open or close the window alternately. The window starts closed. At the start of every night, you know if you are open or closed.
Window (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection. If you are investigated, the others will instead receive the following feedback.

The room had four walls. The room was a square. The room was 10x10 meters wide.

The room had one door. The room had one window. The room had one chair. The room had one table. The room had an empty glass. The room had a tap.

The door was located on the South wall. The window was located on the East wall. The tap was located on the West wall.

The glass was located near the North wall. The table was located at the Centre. The chair was located against the West wall.

…okay, where is this?

Slam! (Day) - Forcibly open or close your window. 1 use.

Knock on the Window (Night) - Put a window in front of someone’s room. If the window is closed, let the target player and everyone visiting knows everyone visiting said player. If the window is open, let the target player and everyone visiting knows the class of everyone visiting said player. Infinite uses.

Your objective is to stop 5 people at the window and allow 5 people to pass through the window.



God of Table

Neutral Social

Inanimate (Passive) - You are night immune. Your vote secretly has no value. The last person that visits you secretly have two votes.
Table (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection. If you are investigated, the others will instead receive the following feedback.

The room had four walls. The room was a square. The room was 10x10 meters wide.

The room had one door. The room had one window. The room had one chair. The room had one table. The room had an empty glass. The room had a tap.

The door was located on the South wall. The window was located on the East wall. The tap was located on the West wall.

The glass was located near the North wall. The table was located at the Centre. The chair was located against the West wall.

…okay, where is this?

Here! (Day) - Pick a player. Tonight, he is forced to visit your target room. 1 use.

Knock on the Table (Night) - Put a table inside someone’s room. Any players that visits said room tonight will be added to a Table Night Chat permanently. Infinite uses.

Your objective is to have all players alive joining Table Night Chat.



God of Chair

Neutral Investigative

Inanimate (Passive) - You are night immune. Your vote secretly has no value. The last person that visits you secretly have two votes.
Chair(Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection. If you are investigated, the others will instead receive the following feedback.

The room had four walls. The room was a square. The room was 10x10 meters wide.

The room had one door. The room had one window. The room had one chair. The room had one table. The room had an empty glass. The room had a tap.

The door was located on the South wall. The window was located on the East wall. The tap was located on the West wall.

The glass was located near the North wall. The table was located at the Centre. The chair was located against the West wall.

…okay, where is this?

Here! (Day) - Pick a player. Tonight, he is forced to visit your target room. 1 use.
Thinking Chair (Day) - Guess the class of a player you have visited. Infinite uses.

Knock on the Chair (Night) - Put a chair inside someone’s room. Any players that visits said room tonight will be told their target’s class type pairing. You will also know this. Infinite uses.

Your objective is to guess 3 player’s class.



God of Glass

Neutral Special

Hot and Cold (Passive) - You are night immune. For every person that die, change between hot and cold alternately. You start as hot.
Glass (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection. If you are investigated, the others will instead receive the following feedback.

The room had four walls. The room was a square. The room was 10x10 meters wide.

The room had one door. The room had one window. The room had one chair. The room had one table. The room had an empty glass. The room had a tap.

The door was located on the South wall. The window was located on the East wall. The tap was located on the West wall.

The glass was located near the North wall. The table was located at the Centre. The chair was located against the West wall.

…okay, where is this?

Water (Day) - Pick a player. Tonight, he is forced to visit your target room. 1 use.

Knock on the Glass (Night) - Put a glass in someone’s room. Any players that visits the room will instead drink some water. If the water is cold, replenish one of his limited use actions. If the water is hot, turn a limited action into an infinite action but make an infinite action unusable permanently. Infinite uses.

Your objective is to nullify all night killing ability.