[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - (16/16) - Backups accepted!

Chad Valakhad

Neutral Offensive

“The name’s Chaaaad Valakhaaaad and I know what you’re thinking. How the hell did the divines bless one man with such beauty? Well, I couldn’t tell you. But what I can do is allow you to bask in my glorious presence. Go ahead! It’s all free for you, my adoring fans.”

Asshole (Passive) - All heals and protections on you from other players will fail.

Perfume of Bewitching (Day) - Spray copious amounts of perfume on yourself, guaranteeing that people will visit you tonight. [2 uses]

Charm Person (Night) - Redirect a target to yourself. [∞ uses]
Dissonant Whispers (Night) - Target a player, if they attack you tonight, it will fail. [1 use]
Be visited by 5 different players over the course of the game.

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I will assume this means it bypasses redirection immunity.

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My friend’s response to how long my relationship will last:

Aight imma seriously stop now lol

Utterly unbeatable even by prince exe or something


Neutral “Good”/Support

Passive - by the skin of your teeth - you are night immune the first time you are attacked* and are not otherwise protected. you will be told when this activates, and it can activate only once.

day 1 - make your [night 1’s name] night ability swap from protecting against occupy to being against redirection, or vice versa - inf
day 2 - Only for this SFoL! - give yourself night immunity tonight. you will not be told if this blocks an attack. will trigger before your passive if both are active - 2 uses****

night 1 - [name tbd] - target player will have redirection occupy immunity tonight - inf
night 2 - Scarlet Potion - Heal a player, protecting them from dying tonight, and curing any poison and bleeding they were suffering from. can only be used while your passive has not triggered*****- 3 uses :crown:

Survive or see the unseen/cult fail


*i just mean a one-time death immunity like i think mm has. i just forget how thats worded.
****the purpose of this ability is to give them some survivability. normally their survivability would come from scum thinking they’re an alch they can work with.
*****to go along with that, i dont want to make them too strong with town, as that would make them an easy target for scum, so i made the fake-claim heal work only before they’re found out, or for not long after. if timed right, they can use their day ability to extend the time frame for which it works

1000 posts in signups btw.

Me whenever I’m trying to find a partner

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That’s post number 1000.


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That’s post number 1002.


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these two are for the Tailor

That’s all for today.

See you soon in the game folks.

when game start

When I rand this. Somehow.

Alright, going to bed now. Hopefully no nightmares about some of these classes.

My girlfriend’s last text to me:

great job

Can anyone guess what classes I made?

its intentional

will it be today?