[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - (16/16) - Backups accepted!

Welcome to hell, ladies and gentlemen.

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I thought BD would be unbalanced, but after seeing this…

You ain’t seen nothing yet

Imo Hitman is basically assassin. Mitochondrion’s fault that it fucks up the promotion

hey if it helps, my thing should get some established bd up quickly

The Insane Brawler

Blue Dragon Killer
“Killing is fun! Being accurate… That’s not my speciality”
Throwing the gauntlet (Passive) - If you die, your killer will gain a 1-shot silent dayvig. This must be used in their classcard and it will not be announced who used it when it is used.
Fight to the death (Day) - Target player will be attacked. If they are a Killing class you will die instead. This does not bypass immunities. If you kill a Blue Dragon player you will be unable to use ‘Baile de la muerte’ again. - 1 use
Baile de la muerte (Night) - Target 2 players. If they are from the same faction, attack them both. Neutral Killers count as a separate faction for the sake of this. This does not bypass immunities. - Infinite use, 1 night cooldown upon successful use.
Last Stand Saloon (Night) - Gladiate a player, only one of you two may be lynched the following day. If you are lynched, the other player gets your ‘Throwing the gauntlet’ trigger for defeating you in combat. - 1 use
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm

Converts into The Combattant or Cult Killer

The Combattant

Unseen Killer
“I fight for what is right. As the Hitman’s friend and Mastermind’s right hand.”
Seasoned Fighter (Passive) - You will not become The Hitman upon the Hitman’s death. Instead you will gain 4 uses of ‘dastardly dagger’.
Dealing in Death (Passive) - If you die, your killer will gain a bonus dependent on their class type (As listed under ‘Class buffs’). If you die to a lynch, this will be given to the first person to vote to you on the current wagon.
Dastardly Dagger (Day) - Attack someone. Does not bypass immunities. - 0 use.
Gifted with Death (Day) - Give someone a gift, they may choose to open it or leave it. If they open the gift and they are a killer this gives them a 1-shot dayvig, if they are not a killer they die. If they choose to leave it, they will bleed causing them to die in 2 days if not healed. - Infinite uses, 1 day cooldown.
Champion of the Arena (Night) - Choose 2 people. If they are from the same faction attack both. Bypasses immunities, Neutral Killers count as Neutral for this ability. - Infinite Uses (Only usable after Hitman dies)
Underhanded Blow (Night) - Gladiate a player, only one of you two may be lynched the following day. If you are lynched, the other player gets your ‘Throwing the gauntlet’ trigger for defeating you in combat. - 1 use
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Class Buffs:
Killer - Gains a 1-shot dayvig. This kills anyone who hits a member of the Unseen.
Offensive - Gain a 1-shot immunity bypassing redictor.
Social - Gain a 1-shot matchmake, this is usable alongside any other night abilities.
Support - Gain a 1-shot heal, this heal succeeds even against any heal-bypassing abilities.
Investigative - Gain a 1-shot class check usable during night.
Special - Gain a day ability which instantly reduces cooldowns on your abilities to 0 and gain a use of any limited use abilities you have. (Has a 1 day cooldown for use).

Arsonist but it can act twice per night and is actually just a normal vig

The best class quote.


Large deletions in the mitochondrial genome have been hypothesized to lead to high levels of oxidative stress and neuronal death in Parkinson’s disease.

Hey, that’s my NK.

Do y’all peasants like my dog as a killer?

Thanks ;3

My class quote would literally be:
Why tf didn’t I win?

I posted this before seeing the classcard
Why tf did I have to be right

oh, oh.


Kai as NK had silent dayvig claimvig too :’)

“im the mastermind’s right hand man”
mitochondrion: “new phone who dis?”

Best parity cop.

Checks 2 BD… ups.

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target conf bd and unknown.
easy info

I feel bad for BD now

Reread the ability again

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i did.
twas a meme