[SFoL] SFoL 00: The Alternative Universe - (16/16) - Backups accepted!

Also it’s kinda hard to prove that you did put hidden text into a message while also making it look like a message

No Regerts


The Cartographer

Blue Dragon Investigative
Incomplete Atlas (Passive) - You will be informed upon circumnavigating the court. Any players who visit a player with a trading post established or have a trading post established will be added to the Atlas. You are automatically added to the Atlas. Visiting a player adds them to the Atlas. You are informed of how many players have been added to the Atlas however you are not informed of who.
Complete Atlas (Gained Passive) - Your abilities are guaranteed to be successful. You no longer need to visit yourself to gain the information of trading posts. You may still use your abilities while imprisoned.
Trace (Day) - Trace the last day ability used on your target back to a player. - 2 uses
Trade Post (Night) - Setup a trading post on the target monitoring all players visiting them. This will collect how many night actions have been used on that player in total and determine whether they are positive, negative or neutral. Visiting yourself will give you the information the trading post has gathered. This ability persists forever. - Infinite uses
Plan Route (Night) - Learn a player’s class type if they visit a player on the Atlas. - 3 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Trading Post Indications
Positive - Supportive and social abilities. (Ice ward, heal, bounty ect.)
Negative - Killer and offensive abilities. (2 for 1, emerald potion, timesnatch ect.)
Neutral - Special and investigative abilities. (Conversion, surveillance, test faith ect.)

The Topographer

Unseen Investigative
Assisted Atlas (Passive) - You will be informed upon circumnavigating the court. Any players who visit a player with a boundary established or have a boundary established will be added to the Atlas. Unseen members are automatically added to the Atlas. Any member of the Unseen that visits a player will add them to the Atlas. You are informed of who needs to be added to the Atlas.
Complete Atlas (Gained Passive) - Your abilities are guaranteed to be successful. You no longer need to visit yourself to gain the information of trading posts. You may still use your abilities while imprisoned.
Footprint (Day) - Follow the last day ability used on a player. You will learn who they used it on. - 2 uses
Boundary Tax (Night) - Setup a boundary on the target monitoring all players visiting them. This will collect how many night actions have been used on that player in total and determine whether they are positive, negative or neutral and who used them. Visiting yourself will give you the information the boundary has gathered. This ability persists forever. - Infinite uses
Divert Route (Night) - Learn a player’s exact class if they visit a player on the Atlas. - 3 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Trading Post Indications
Positive - Supportive and social abilities. (Ice ward, heal, bounty ect.)
Negative - Killer and offensive abilities. (2 for 1, emerald potion, timesnatch ect.)
Neutral - Special and investigative abilities. (Conversion, surveillance, test faith ect.)

Whoever tells me what this actually does gets 0.00001% higher chance to rolle favorite class.

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I want to know who made this. :smiley:

tell you what does what



i think this means establishing a trading post, and visiting every trading post, on every living player except yourself

I did it. I figured it out.

As I said

Kyo did.

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im sorry but you will now be banned

Set up trade post. This adds players to your atlas
Sees all visitors to them, night actions on them and types of actions on them when you self-target.

Players who visit anyone with a trade post get added to a ‘Atlas’ if everyone is in the Atlas, they gain Completed Atlas passive.

Basically plaguebearer but if it was a BD investigative who snowballs information.


That is unfortunate, but I accept my fate.