[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

The first day has begun and will last for 48 hours. Due to the death of the King during the conflict between the Blue Dragon against the Unseen and the Cult, a new sovereign must be elected in order to lead the court to victory.

You have until the end of the day to choose a new King. The player with most votes for the King today will step up to become the new King. For today, King votes must be public and passives such as Royal Blood will not count.

You all may begin.


The first one who posts gets to be king :^)

No me

No seperate topic for the game?

Guess we’re playing in the Sign-ups thread then.

Just needs a refurnishment of the title.

If I disappear then it’s that I felt asleep

Make me queen

Good morning.
Please don’t give me king.

Didn’t know you can feel sleep encroaching into the depths of your mind. Instant townread

/vote me

You have entered the twilight zone.

Agreed, don’t want King either.

I’m a terrible leader.

Wow, i fell asleep for like 2 minutes before this.

I almost myst thiss whole SoD

I, too, should be sleeping

The court’s trustworthy messager has arrived with a message from the Justiciar! They have give us the following warning from them!

The unknown threat that we are facing has an anti-claim mechanic in play.

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Jokes on these people
SoD is 1PM for me

whelp time to carry, be a leader, and scumhunt

Thank you kanye
Very cool