[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

If they were actually bleeding, it can’t be from groupscum obviously and if I was NK as Demon I would be wasting my bleed

So, what do you suggest other than me, I can’t wait to hear ranting that I gamethrew but I will never allow myself to selfvote, I stay true to myself that I am no scum.


Both Italy and Napoleon ‘healed’ Arete N1 so there’s no way to get it from here.

Excuse me? Nobody is accusing you of gamethrowing, and most likely, nobody will. Please don’t misconstrue.

ISOing Chloe. The first couple of posts seem NAI, including her day 2 opener. I can see them all coming from both perspectives, villa and wolf.

Self-aware, but also NAI from my perspective.

+1 villager point for this take. It seems like an odd angle to consider as a wolf. I feel like wolves typically want their reads to be more solid than this, instead of weird “takes.”

At the same time, Chloe suspects Frost early. The key here is that it was before night 2, which means the wolves did not investigate Frost on that point. If Frost is a wolf, they didn’t know who he was and had no reason to push him specifically. I don’t think wolf!Chloe pushes him before investigating him, because it seems rather bold, especially since I was V-reading Frost. I think this is a villager pushing their wolfread. +0.5 village point.

…Wait a second. Didn’t she say that she protected Arete night 1? What is this post? From her PoV, Arete is almost never a convert, because somebody would be claiming bleeding – and if not, there is a wolf healer and healer claims are suspicious. She didn’t push that angle.

I’m starting to think her n1 might have been fake after all. The thing is, Chloe can be a wolf independently from Arete. I really don’t think Chloe says this about someone she converted. But it’s still highly suspect, considering her claimed n1 action.

@Chloe If you were FPSing for whatever reason, claim your real class now. Or explain that if you’re a villager. I don’t think you ever say that about Arete from the perspective of your claimed N1.

If Arete is a wolf, this post just makes no sense.

  1. It shades Arete who, in the world where Arete is a wolf, is currently getting a lynch for towncred. (Sulit is outed.) Why prevent them from getting towncred if they are your partner?
  2. It encourages people to look at Arete, who was getting decently village read by several people. Why convert a solid wolf like Arete, only to make people wolfread them later? This makes no sense. Not only that – Noble is a solid converted class as well. It’s -EV to do this.
  3. Why specify convert? It just makes her look like she has TMI, considering Arete could just as easily have been the starting wolf. Remember, we thought that it was a HoB game on day 2 (at least I thought so, and people went along with it). In a world where HoB is the wolf faction, Arete could be starting groupscum. But Chloe only thinks they are a convert, which is TMI in hindsight.

These are three reasons why they are never wolves together based on that post, and why Arete is still a villager. But the post still makes Chloe look really bad, considering her later claim and actions.

I’ll continue to read, but after finding that, I don’t feel so good about the slot anymore.

Unless some people messaged you accusing you of game throwing, I somehow doubt you’ve been accused of being a game thrower.

What is this thing again when you selfvote to prove you are town.

Really bold, honestly. Not sure if AI.

This feels like indirect shading, or a no-conclusion post. Either way, it feels slightly wolfy. -0.5 villager points. Brings me to -1, because the post that seems to contradict her claimed results is just that bad.

This vote feels overexplainy, and Chloe does not appear to care that she is voting a villager. I know I expressed a similar sentiment, but whatever applies to me does not necessarily apply to her.

At the same time, the emotions and excitement here are super villagery. So is the flip-flopping. Chloe is open to a CFD, and panicking close to EoD, even though the wagon is on a villager. That’s the opposite of wolfy. She could be faking it, since it does feel a little over the top, but I don’t think she is faking it.
Back to 0 points we go.

Feels like an unnecessary comment for a wolf to make? Super slight +0.5.

This post is a great followup to her feelings day 2 about not contributing enough. The thought process is consistent, and she evidently put a lot of effort into the post. The feelings read as really pure to me. If the process and emotions fabricated by a wolf, I will be genuinely impressed. +1.5.

Sitting at 2 now. The only thing that looks really bad is the mechanical inconsistency.

This got me thinking. Does Darth have convert equity at all? I still think that her thought process on Derps day 2 was nearly impossible to fake as a wolf. If anything, she’s a night 2 convert, just like me. And she has higher convert equity, because putting a scout on herself isn’t a thing she can do (I think) and even if she does, it’s not like she’s going to out it if she’s converted.

But that still makes little sense, because I believe BD always converts night 1. So I don’t think I want to go down that rabbit hole.

I feel like if Chloe is a wolf, exactly 0 of these people are her partners. But after coming out of this ISO, I feel like she’s a villager…

@katze Oof?

I agree, there is one wolf in there and I believe it’s Italy. I don’t think a wolf!Chloe has this take, unless both Nappy and Italy are Unseen. In which case, the take is pure agenda.

Conclusion: I believe Chloe’s ISO generally makes her a villager, but I have a huge problem with her post that Arete is a convert when her action makes it unlikely. It’s like she came up with the action retroactively, which is never a villager thing to do.

As long as she can clear that up in a way that makes sense, she’s a villager. If not, she’s a wolf who played a really good game until now.

I’m honestly leaning villager despite her mechanical inconsistency. Her ISO has several moments where I feel like “there’s no way a wolf was able to fake this.” Also, I’m not sure who her partners would even be. She has shaded or pushed most of the people alive at this point.

She could be with Italy and… Wazza?? It’s the only team that works to some extent, and even then, converting one of Italy/Wazza is extremely weird to me. Maybe Richard would fit in there, but one of Italy/Napoleon is always a wolf because of the thunderdome. There’s no place for Richard. Wazza seems to be a more likely teammate, because Chloe has generally been protective of him.

Maybe she’s a convert. I haven’t considered that possibility. I think it’s more likely than starting wolf. Chloe was generally read as V FMPoV, so she wasn’t a bad target at all. Chloe was also quick to pardon Wazza in the GT today.

If Chloe is a wolf, my take is: N1 convert who is exactly with Wazza and Italy. I’d say Richard, if not for the fact Italy is thunderdomed and I wolfread them.

BUT: I still read her village aside from the mechanical thing. So as long as she can clear that up, I’m not going to play the rest of the day with the assumption she’s a wolf.

I will be genuinely impressed if Chloe is a wolf here, because some of her posts have radiated pure villager energy.

Villagers? Where are you? EVO, please share your findings when you’re done with your ISO. I want to know if your conclusions match at all.

Arete, Amelia, Vulgard, Darth, EVO – Villagers
Ami – Neutral
Napoleon/Italy – One wolf there always. Thunderdome.
Frost – NK
Chloe – Lean V but super wolfy mechanical thing.
Wazza, Richard – Could contain 1+ wolves.

I think I have it narrowed down to five. Four if Chloe can explain herself.

/vote Frost If I am not doing that already. He is always the lynch today.

If Chloe can explain herself, I jail a wolf tonight 3 out of 4 times. I really don’t think anybody is miscleared. If you think someone is, please argue with me. Towncoring a wolf here would be devastating.

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Theoretically, they could both be Unseen who claimed the same target, which is why I’m somewhat hesitant to kill either of them tonight. I could misfire, and that’s bad.

Pretty sure I’m jailing in the other group. Not saying who, so the wolves can’t prepare. Hopefully I’m going to jail wolf KP.

I know this contradicts what I said earlier, but it just came to me. They don’t have to be thunderdomed. I mistakenly believed they had to be.

They are never wolves together (because two wolves would never near-thunderdome themselves like this for no reason), but they could both be villagers. V/V is possible (although really unlikely, considering how Italy has been playing. I think they have plenty of wolf equity disregarding their claim), V/W is also possible, W/W is basically impossible.

@katze @N.1 VC?

I’m going to lurk until the village comes back online. I know you guys are sleeping.

Remember when you said you don’t want wolves piles votes on me?

And Arete bled by NK while I can redirect, I tell you it’s impossible for me to be NK

You don’t want Baronet to kill Visionary for you.

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Your problem is kpn, why do you want reduce town kpn as well!

Let’s take a different angle here. Suppose you’re not the NK, Frost. Then who is? Case someone you think is the NK. Killing the NK today instantly reduces KP. If you’re on board with that, help me determine who the neutral killer is, if it’s not you.