[SFoL] SFoL 58: Virtuous II — Return of the Fallen — FINALE -- Day 5 (4/16): Imperial Triumph — The Hand of Byzantium, The Fool, and The Strigoi Win!

I suppose amicable relations are a worthwhile investment.
We are to hold a feast this night in honor of our triumph, before the last step of the purification is at hand.
Won’t you join us?

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Drugs are wack

We can’t have the people know that we’re secretly also a drug ring


I would be honored to join you at such a feast, though I fear that I may do you offense by my inability to partake of mortal food. Yet I hope that we may nevertheless find common ground as we look towards the future we both hope to preserve.



The events that have transpired here have drained my spirit. So many former allies dead, utterly failing my past mission.
I fear I am not long for this world.


But is it truly failure, if the cause you served was one of tyranny and oppression?

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As a younger version of myself once said, “To swear yourself to a cause is to bear the consequences of that cause.”


I sick of your emotional squabbles, just kill this vessel so that I may taste my home again.

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I joined the Unseen willingly. Not out of noble birth, but because I believed their cause bettered the world.


It is only right that I die with them.

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In my centuries of life I’ve made far too many mistakes to count.

We all make decisions we later regret. What matters is not that we made a mistake, but what we do once we realized that. Even the most heinous crimes can eventually be forgiven.

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i am now ready @Arete @Vulgard @Geyde @Ami

Do it, cowards.


Geyde stares off into the distance, seemingly lost in thought.
What is immortality like?



/vote execute

Look around you. See how the citizens of our kingdom strain under the weight the Unseen have tied around their necks. See how our own royal family spits in the faces of the common people, viewing their lives as no more than that of animals. See how they seek to kill anyone who dares to speak up against them.

It hasn’t always been like that. It doesn’t have to be like that.

We can build a new kingdom together, one that does not rely on oppressing the very spirits of its residents to maintain structures that no one wants. I have a dream for the future, a future that you could have been a part of. I mourn the deaths of my friends, yes, but even so I recognize that this was the only way to establish a better world.

The Hand of Byzantium shall rise from the ashes of this broken world to create a better one.


I need not pretend anymore. I need not pretend to be on the side of corruption, like my father wished me to be. I have seen the light. I will not turn away from it.
I promise to be a better King than my father has ever been. He was unworthy of the title. We will make the title of King mean something once more.

We will bring justice and peace. We are the Hand that will lead this land to a better future. Today is when the grand rebirth begins.
Only one formality remains. To slay the evildoer these fiends could not contain. And to prevent any more of their kin from threatening my subjects ever again.

/vote to execute EVO

May you suffer in the void, and may your victims haunt you for eternity.
Geyde, you were granted an opportunity for redemption, as I have. Do not squander it.

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…I suppose I could live for just a while longer.


Lonely, for few are the people willing to join me in undeath.