[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

…I want to execute Insanity today and have Wazza vigged tonight, tbh.

oh right that existed
a game in which I was scumread not for inactivity but for noothunting first thing d1
kinda blended in my memory

I kind of would like for you to explain this to me. General vibe that I have with her is that she’s villagery but at the same time her agreeability is making me uneasy, especially with how she’s been very sheepish from time to time.

…I absolutely abhor this post.

This is overblown, I’m SR’ing you as so far I haven’t seen much villagery thought from you. You’re not my top SR, but if you keep at this way then you may end up becoming it.

…it’s a multiball.

Why even post this? Fair chance that Insanity’s BD/HoB and Sulit or Whysper may be the other faction, and there’s also the King that’s a LW.



Real talk, though, I’m getting Alice and Zone’s pfps mixed up

Solve by mechanics. A lot of time he just doesn’t bother to play the games he signs up for.

Wheee ISO time!!!

start- 7:40p
pause- 11:30p
resume- 11:45p
finish- probably a lot later 12:50a
gosh did I really just spend 5 hours of my life on this?


A lot of mech talk, not much reading, just kinda coasting so far

heh, responds to above. I don’t think the response clears them from the suspicion in any way.

yet again, talking about “what town should do”. This sort of talk is really easy for scum and a bit of a red flag for me.

ugh even more of it. They aren’t solving, they’re talking about “good play”. Like that stuff’s important if people are driving the gamestate into a wall, but they aren’t even trying to read the people who are doing this.

Scumlean - a lot of mech/“good play” talk, literally no reading going on.


Making reads in their poener, me likey

These look like actual thoughts

rereading this makes a lot more sense in context

I like this thought, also I def never explained this. I did a 3v3 when I had 2 people below null. So that little sentence issue (which you have cleared up for me now) made a good 3rd

No more quotey, but I think the rest of this iso looks alright.

Townlean - lotta good stuff near the beginning, nothing to change it later. They don’t have the same issues as with homestuck.


ehhh, I’m not gonna quote posts unless it’s a shorter iso

Townread - I can see their thought process on just about everything, and they feel the same as joat^2

~~Chloe~~ -> sulit

So I’m just gonna sheep vulgard’s read here about what chloe’s looking for:

Scumread - Not making townreads the way they do as town. (also me = :sheep:)


whoop already did this one:

Since then,

This feels like a super townie reaction. I don’t think scum does “you do you” this easily.

Townlean - stuff from previous iso, plus a good reaction.


Not super relevant but they seem to think I’m nice?

anyways not much solving yet except to paste a oh-so-light scumlean on leafia and intensify.

halfway through iso and they haven’t done much except call some stuff nai.

This post feels better, they were forced to make reads and they did. I like that they didn’t feel like they had to justify it; I think wolf usually explains it more.

The rest of their iso looks like them being asked for reads, and making low-information reads. I hope they read more in the future but fine for now.

Nulltown - Not super driven to solve but when forced it feels like their reads are genuine.


Surge is seth
seth plays like seth
'nuff said

Null - I don’t even want to bother, I have no idea how to read him, seems in both town and scumrange. Will probably look for agenda later after some flips.


Lotta interaction, look like they’re making reads silently, pretty null so far

I love this post though, super villagery

like this one too, now they’re in solving mode™

…aand a bunch more posts that I can see the thoughts/reasoning behind

Townread - lotsa juicy solving, I can read their process pretty easily.


This post does nothing, except shut down reading. not a good start.

not sure what this does either. This feels more like a defense than a read, and they didn’t read her before. Could be TMI or buddy.

hate this.
a) just says he disagrees with reads, not actually reading the iso.
b) tacks a townlean on after showing nothing to get there.

This one’s okay, could be fake or not idk

Okay, super reluctant to make non-nulls.

Also I’m really not seeing that the reasons line up well with the verdicts.

this exists

Like, this doesn’t make any sense in context. This feels to me like a BD perspective slip

This is a terrible way to vote top wagon imo. (tho I don’t know what the vc was then). Either way, they’re still there, and haven’t actually indicated that they’ve read the slot at all, much less read them scum.

Like, they vote insanity “for pressure” ie to get reactions/reads, and then do this…

Their vote is still there and it’s top wagon, and they still haven’t said anything about insanity’s alignment.

Scumread - A ton of fakesolving, but absolutely no formation of reads anywhere.


I like this a bit.

eh this one feels wayyy too energetic idk

little more and they’re making reads and asking about others’ reads. Okay here

Claiming RT is kinda funny ngl. I think it’s a good RT.

I’d have to reread this to see if this is justified, but I like the analysis attached here. Could be agenda but doesn’t really feel like it.

…and then 50 posts of explaining the f*** out of it because lolseth.

Wait why do people think PKR has to be W/W with insanity??? I haven’t seen anythinkg to support that…

Townlean - lotta stuff here is individually townie, looking pretty good to me so far.


I’ll start by saying I don’t know how to read this, but here goes.

They’re making reads, and they can back them up. idk what but something feels a little off tho

This is either really towny, or really performative, not sure which.

I’m pretty sure this post come from town; idk if wolf is quite that brazen about telling people what to do.

Also pretty sure wolf doesn’t tell people to move votes so they can read easier

Nulltown - A lot of stuff that could go either way, couple of things point a bit more to town.


super memey in the beginning, nai or slightly scum.

first read null read… ehhhhhhHHHHHhhhhh

this could easily be agenda

I like this one better

I don’t feel like scum thinks of this

almost to the end and I realized I haven’t seen them do much solving at all.

Actually nvm they did try to focus on solving seth and leafia. But that’s p much always doomed to fail so could still be town anyways.

Nulltown - early could go either way, GTH scum, but later it picks up a bit. Fails to solve, but probably b/c they tried on seth/leaf rather than not trying.


zone null on leafia? gasps

I feel like I can see their thoughts here, which I wasn’t expecting.

reading more, they seem actually super solvey. I like that.
Only thing I’m hung up on is that I was expecting zone’s tunnel to be more of…an issue. So idk if this is lotta appearances?

ig homestuck they really leant into it, and here not so much so probably v here?

Townlean - not tunnelling nearly as hard as SK in homestuck, actually solving stuff.


Opener is literally sheeping an old scumread. not a good start.

Like this is beyond reading, this feels like straight-up agenda.

This is fakeable at best.

um, no it isn’t.

I’m starting to understand why they’re top wagon.

I mean they kinda didn’t? but they got rid of a lot of the basis so now it’s “I’ve got my eye on you”

I’m not sure what it means that they are making (or at least regurgitating) reads when they’re on the chopping block.

like scum says this to set up a reversal later, but in insanity’s position this feels genuine.

Scumlean - a lot of scummy stuff, but idk if their response to having that many votes is a wolf.


Starts out meming on people. Same start as Joat^2.

nothing noteworthy yet

This one made me laugh : D

It feels like they’re sitting on the sidelines throwing rocks again. idk this time it seems a bit more genuine/less agenda

Okay they’re actually working now. Unless they really cleaned up their act as wolf this looks really good.

This feels like a towny “aha I found something and now you must die” reaction. it is OMGUS sorta, but I’m not sure scum!mole does that.

Townlean - They look a lot better than in Joat^2. Thoughts seem real enough.


Is this player just openwolfing at this point?

idk why but this post pings me as fake.

I’m halfway through and none of this feels like actual reading. Just some questioning other ppl and calling stuff scummy.

Scumread - Not reading, calling stuff scummy. No likey.


early reads, looks like they’re trying to be readable.

Halfway through, they’re literally solving the whole time.

super insistant on following up. I think that’s good, they actually want to hear what I have to say. Lvl 0 scum probably sr’s me for not responding quickly, and Lvl 1 scum probably looks for an easier target.

Also I’m not seeing agenda afaict.

My understanding is that alice has a reputation as a good player, so I feel like my Lvl 1 “solving vs fakesolving” reads basis might not be adaquate. Thus, I’m not locking this in. But I like them so far.

Townlean - A TON of good solving, but I feel like they’re good enough to fool my usual reading method. Also I’ve never played with them before so I don’t have any experience to inform that either.


Leafia omguses
I’m not seeing anything that looks like agenda, at least not yet.
fine for now.

Nulltown - Leafia seems like in their towngames i’ve played.


So apparenty they’re new. Welcome!

Buncha newbie stuff, ackronyms and the like NAI but maybe towny bc scum would ask partners.

Makes sense they’d vote the LHF

I’m not sure I believe that a someone new to the game does meta-reading before the game… Like there’s an explanation for this but we’re not allowed to talk about it. Either way you being new is NAI.

There’s nothing really wrong here. Some pushes, n’stuff. I don’t agree with all of them, and if you’re wrong too many times I might need to take another look for if you’re doing it on purpose, but for now you’re fine.

Nulltown - Seem to be off to a good start. Doing a lot of things I would expect a new player to do as either alignment. Maybe a little bit of >rand V stuff.


Opens up by just accusing. Like, okay…

halfway through and I’m still not seeing anything

Okay now we’re getting to the reads. These seem okay, but fakable.

A lot of voting 0posters trying to poke them awake

bit of a mindmeld here, dunno if wolf says this.

more of above

Overall I think I like their evaluation so far. They didn’t tunnel like in homestuck so there’s that. Most of what they’ve said seems fakable but idk

Nulltown - A lot of solving, seems like it could be fakable though


1/3 of the way through and closest thing to a read is “I like tone” and “X probs scum”

Also naked votes reeeee

okay slightly less naked

ugh so derps is like, giving such short posts. It could be genuine but there’s literally no way to tell.

Nullscum - Not a ton of useful stuff from here. Some opinions/reads given but there’s no way to tell how genuine.


joking opener. I’ma say >rand W but not by much

This feels self-aware

iso seems 50% reply, 30% iioa, maybe 20% analysis. - ie. not an actual read on him. Also no conclusion. Like why are you isoing if you’re not trying to read them?

Okay so apparently there were reads hidden in there. There’s still a lot of iioa tho.

Okay I hadn’t seen any of this before, but this statemtent I don’t like.

Scumlean - buncha iioa and other not-solving. Apparently has reads from that? idk this kinda confuses me.


Vibe Check.
VC is a soft of this :^)

Town VC - this may or may not be a soft…


First of all, ffs close your <small> tags!!
second, I like that they’re trying to solve. Ik in DGADT they were all, “I don’t believe in D1 reads”. Idk if the change is because they’re town or because theyre just getting better, but I like it.

Everything but what I quoted seems pretty coast-ey, so idk. They mention later that they can’t read anyone. Frustration is plausible.

Null - There’s a couple posts where they look like they’re trying to solve, but the rest … they’re not doing much.


italy’s like, zero solving and just pushing leafia.

Until this. Just this one though.

Nullscum - Not much of anything here really. Pushing leafia becuase they can.


first off, it’s nearly 1 and idk if I can still read this right.

lotta telling people what to do, wants thread clear.

First reads.

A lot of posts about mech/“good play”

and not much else.

This looks alright, could go either way. Not super impressed but seems real enough

Nulltown - just kinda existing, sorta helping, seems real enough to me.

Ordered readslist:
*tiers are sorted

Chloe -> sulit

/vote Frostwolf103


Why so? What’s your read on Insanity?

ive read through about 2 words on this

holy shit what are you doing

you get my like my good sir


alright g’night, I need to go to bed now.

But first some stats from MS word:

79,216 characters
12,974 words
2,323 lines
79 pages

Okay gnight I’ll read up and answer questions tomorrow



Did you make a full readslist before?
Could you make one now?

I wanna talk about this quickly anyway, I noticed the vote but didn’t really think it was important to reply to. (Before I sleep) I’ll give you the decency to ping you back. @N.1

I just want to know what you mean by me mainly talking about mech talk? I think I mentioned it like once or twice from memory even then I’m pretty sure I’ve said that I’m against it mainly before, in general my reads might be weaker then most players I don’t deny that I find it hard to read players but I’m trying to get better at it, I’ve been going through players ISOS and trying to justify it.

thing is that I don’t know if this comes from a scummy angel or a rushed angel it’s not really a in-depth reason to vote me (but I’m one to talk here :eyes:) I just think this paints the wrong picture about me like I’ve just been lazy reading players and talking about mech

I was confused because I thought the reads were above the hidden sections. I like them, though, nice job ash thanks for your commitment

He claims to know my meta, but at the same time he refuses to list examples and we’ve yet to play any games together in a long while.

Like, I don’t think a villager would ever just make a meta-read on someone they never seen play like how Insanity did to me.

Anyway it’s freaking 6am I need to get some sleep I’ll try to pick up in like 8 hours or so because it will be quite near EOD

Ahh I see. I suppose that could explain it.

It’s literally why I’m pretty sure his read is fake. I haven’t played with him for over a year and he’s yet to link a recent match that I asked him to prove that I don’t do that. Villagers absolutely never falsely claim meta knowledge on a player like this and it’s blatantly Insanity trying to substantiate his push rather than trying to solve.

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