[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

/vote Leafia
parking my vote here for now

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Ah… I must’ve not seen this before. Thank you for answering.
Hm… so you believe that Intensify is a scum then?

That’s not my point. Everyone has their own way of viewing things and that’s the way things should be. But they never even explained how they found me wolfy and if they did, I must’ve missed it the short time I was a bit distracted by RL.[quote=“Zone_Q11, post:661, topic:83266”]
Regarding “it is too early”: Where I come from (NovelUpdates Forum), people do jack **** during D1 because nobody died. Does this mean that nobody was supposed to read anyone during D1?
The answer is “no”, it is never too early to read people.

You shouldn’t be going hard on your initial reads in case they’re wrong. Putting someone in your scumlock category less than an hour into D1 is stupid.[quote=“Zone_Q11, post:661, topic:83266”]

If it was BS, then how come other people are making a fuss about it? There are “only” six (6) scum in this game, yet I see more than six people be against you.

If I knew this, I’d be less confused. I think they’re letting themselves be swayed and not using good judgement.

Then how come you choose to push for Derps’ death, but not Leafia’s death?

Ah yes, because SDA claimed they were bled, also I’m finding a reason to find people I can trust currently. It’s not my fault they are the players I trust that were mentioned in the post.

Already stated this, can you actually read my posts instead of doing what Wiisp did in Joat^2.

My examples were literally for you to look at the ISO for, and surely you haven’t not-noticed it.

If I knew what was sensing me off about them I would’ve said. Clearly I’m unsure what’s weird about them it’s just rubbing me the wrong way nonetheless.


/vote Whysper

cause why the hell not

I laughed so hard at this post.

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Hold on, SDA claimed a bleed?

Why exactly? SDA is not read through meta either.

Wait what?

i’d have to agree here
can u like quote that post

Ok yeh I’m rereading this entire thread, I’ve definitely missed a lot of things

While I don’t agree with the second part, I don’t think you’d be like this as scum.

Stop dodging the question.

The point is that you’re TR’ing two players mostly because of how they claimed to be bleeding. How does this make them a villager?

Literally Wazza saying SDA claimed a bleed, I don’t recall it tho.

No, he’s mocking because I pointed out that his TR’s were players who claimed to be bled while he gave SDA, the only non-bled player, as a counterexample.

Point is, his reads feel fairly fake as a villager would be able to get more villa pings in almost 700 posts rather than using bleed claims as a basis.

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You can’t sense sarcasm can you?

What are you on about? That’s just part of my read towards them and the read I stated in the post.

You’re acting like I’m not missing out things despite the fact I literally put 7/25 other players in my ‘readslist’

This is the internet, sarcasm is almost unable to be detected sometimes.

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A little worked up for moment, but nah once I did ISO quick there’s none of that.

And yet the reasons why they’re there are fairly vague.