SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

actually, the revive does NOT convert these ppl…

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Why are we even focusing on the what Hippo is saying tbh.

Ok. ok. We need more info.
And we get more info if we lynch the confirmed Kitsune. Hippo.
/vote Hippolytus

idk can people just vote up the confirmed immunity-piercing NK

For chaos sakes and since scource is not technicnically priest: Yes

How do you get any info from my lynch lol you know my class. This is why I voted you your sus af.

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Eevee could be Mimic then but I don’t know and not worrying about it at this particular moment.

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I’m against it. Source wouldn’t come up as Corrupted and lynching Corruptor first gives Source perfect situation to create new one, meaning that we have to search not for 1, but for 2 new Corrupted.

Also, you said yourself they could be framed.

@Methnor - I have same coutner argument as for me being a source. I wouldn’t be occupation immune.

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Still confirmed NK.


Source revived me tho they can’t frame ppl same night :thinking:

Lul, I nearly thought you said something smart for once.

But no, that’s corruptor who is framing.

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Who do you guys think is converted? PKR seems by far the most likely as a transporter roleblocker could stunt the evils p hard.

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So what your saying is Corruptor framed instead of killing. Almost as if you know Corruptor is not responsible for the second kill last night.

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Braixen suiciceded.

Jammy was killed by Strangle the Herald.

Your point?

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But hippo, there could be other classes that kills ppl .-.

What is your point, really.

Well I guess we will get Hippo because this time I probably won’t be able to get a marshal law guess so yeah.

/vote hippo

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Priority IMO should still be Hippo > Source > Corruptor and converted person interchangably > Rogue
This gives Unknown time to find more people and Source can’t do jack shit for a few days anyway.

Hope that I didn’t get converted when I protect someone.

We could go for someone else if you guys think that’d be best.
But me dying would be bad for alot of people, I personally feel.