SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)


So, was my plan good or bad? Also who am I guarding?

Claiming D1 is good for you, you just had a shitty claim.

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He’s the flipping factional hardcounter

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Hell to the no, it isn’t.
Are you insane in the membrane or something?

Once again. Obvious scum king is obvious

Ici, if Ashe dies we hang you. Deal? I’ll guard mole

Noone is confirmed, the only reason were voting you is through you being scummy changing your claim.


So long as I don’t find out I have the plauge, I’m happy.

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Wouldn’t have happened with out my play, BTW. PKR, YOU CANT blame ME for trying my hardest to win as town BTW. Blame the way this game works.

I blame everyone for the terrible meta of D2-3 mass claims.
This is not just one person’s fault
But the playerbase and moreover the person who first pushed it to happen quicker

PKR has a point about the meta.
but SFoL 12 was just a shitfest anyway.

“Your play is too unfair and unfun for scum.”
“Your play scummy evil king ree”
Pick one

That’s @ ici btw

I’m sorry that your strategy failed lol

The first one is 100% true.
The latter is also possible, they are not mutually exclusive Marl.

I have made a post on the FoL Discord about this

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My strategy failed?
I believe before we come down to saying it was just my strategy we need to look at this as a whole.
A big part of all this is the early BS massclaim meta.
It has destroyed what this game used to be


@Ashe @Moleland

Who shall I barrier? :thinking:

@Ashe Are you still going to jail Dama? Well considered you can’t change it now.


No, Marl’s did lol
He was trying to highlight convert targets for you and failed

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